Looking for female rit with the Opulent Raiment (preferably with pale/medium skin so I can see any tattoos) plus pretty much any skirt that sits a bit below the belly button. Monument is priority, but I would love to see others as well - Elite Luxon, Elite Exotic, Vabbian, Asuran, Norn, etc.
To show me in-game, please PM me - Drelias Melaku - though I won't be able to be on Guild Wars very often until the beginning of August. Thank you in advance. =)
@Mods: I read the rules of this forum and didn't see anything about being unable to have more than one open thread at a time. I hope I am not mistaken. ^^;
EDIT: A very kind person has shown me all of these in game.
Female Rit - Deldrimor/Opulent Raiment + ...?
Drelias Melaku