Hey guys. Basically self-explanitory title.
Anyone have any issues with these? On my Mesmer almost about 70% of the time, I get no energy for using them.
Basically, I'll cast Energy Drain, which is supposed to be giving me back 24 Energy, actually gives me nothing at all. Is it a bug or something?
I mean, this doesn't happen everytime I use it, but on occassion. Times I use it, it will work. But sometimes, it don't work at all. I've had the same problems with Energy Tap.
I'll go to cast the spell to get that extra jolt of energy, and I get nothing. But the spell is on cooldown cause I used it, but I didn't get any effect from it.
Trying to figure out if anyone else has had this issue. Been having this issue for a few months now and everytime a new fix comes out, I hope it gets fixed, but it doesn't. Still have it to this day.
Any insight would be appreciated
Energy Drain/Tap bugged?
It goes off of the energy pool of the thing you're casting it on. If they have no energy you get no energy.
Yep, what Michael said. If you read the description, it'll say that for each point of energy they lose, you gain 2/3 each depending on your skill and/or gametype. If they don't lose energy, you don't gain energy.
To improve the odds of actually getting energy back, especially during the latter stages of a battle, try using it on high-energy foes such as Eles or necros. Don't waste it on a Warrior!