Intense amount of err7/err58
Boogey Mancer
i have had some major lag spike issues in the us i live in oregon but not very many disconnects
Is there anything we can do to solve the problem ourselves?
I know next to nothing about routing/peering :P
I know next to nothing about routing/peering :P
Website and game access has returned here. not sure if that's permanent.
We've done Shards of Orr the past couple of nights, and there are instances where THREE members of the party lose connection simultaneously.
The three respective members were from:
Texas (Houston)
Washington (state)
The member from Texas has been having the most difficulty with his connection to GW recently, yet his connection to our Ventrilo (based out of Detroit) has no fluctuation. With the game server located in Austin...he's the closest of our guild, and should be having the least amount of problems, but seems like he's having the most.
Additionally, we have instances where 6/8 members of the party will freeze up from lag, with the members scattered across the US and Canada, from East Coast to West Coast...
The three respective members were from:
Texas (Houston)
Washington (state)
The member from Texas has been having the most difficulty with his connection to GW recently, yet his connection to our Ventrilo (based out of Detroit) has no fluctuation. With the game server located in Austin...he's the closest of our guild, and should be having the least amount of problems, but seems like he's having the most.
Additionally, we have instances where 6/8 members of the party will freeze up from lag, with the members scattered across the US and Canada, from East Coast to West Coast...
started thursday or friday, my internet connection works, i havent installed any new hardware or software, everything is fine except when i try to play gw, its takes me a couple mins to load into any outpost after logging on (used to take seconds), and after that i lag out so bad that i cant even move in the outpost (tried loading on to diff characters in diff outposts,and its like regular lag x 1000, more populated outposts are much worse),this goes on for maybe 5 mins then i get dc with error 007 or 058, been playing for 4 years never had this happen, very frustrating to lose games because of so much lag and now its so bad, the game is just un-playable...
friday we lost 2 gvg and 4 ta matches because of this, you either get a huge lag spike, a dc, or dont even load in...
oh yea, im in seattle,WA.
friday we lost 2 gvg and 4 ta matches because of this, you either get a huge lag spike, a dc, or dont even load in...
oh yea, im in seattle,WA.
Uk here,
Back up and running.
Back up and running.
East coast of Canada here. Still pretty laggy and as of last night, I was still getting 007'ed occasionally (haven't played much today).
And also, if there's ever been a more futile activity than filing a support ticket with NCsoft, I'm not sure what it might be. According to them, lag spikes are always a result of local system latency (too many running processes or whatever) or a problem with your ISP. Yeah.
And also, if there's ever been a more futile activity than filing a support ticket with NCsoft, I'm not sure what it might be. According to them, lag spikes are always a result of local system latency (too many running processes or whatever) or a problem with your ISP. Yeah.
Regina Buenaobra
The team has looked into the reports from our European users and were able to correct the issues. The disconnect problems associated with this particular issue should have cleared up by now. They're keeping an eye on the situation tough.
They aren't reporting any additional issues on either the servers or the network, so if you're still having issues, please let our support team know.
They aren't reporting any additional issues on either the servers or the network, so if you're still having issues, please let our support team know.
Yes, im back online also

If you're experiencing issues connecting or of you're lagging out, could you let me know what region you're connecting from? We've had reports from Europe about this recently, and our team's taking a look at those, but it would be useful to know whether this is happening outside of Europe, too.
Im still having lot's of err7, it happens mostly when zoning. so login in with a character get's it too. I've had to try 10 times sometines just to get ingame and then lock and get err7 when zoning again.
It was less severe last week but today it just got even bigger and made GW unplayable.
I'm connecting from portugal.
It was less severe last week but today it just got even bigger and made GW unplayable.
I'm connecting from portugal.
Zanagi Kazuhiko
Just had the 007 Error...America
Regina Buenaobra
We're looking into this right now. If I can update with more info, I will provide it.