Many guilds only exist in a dormant state. Now and than players log in for a while and play. Somehow they don't want to leave, even if the guild leader and officers are hardly online anymore. And quite often they know players who would join, but cannot join because there are no officers online. My suggestion:
Allow common players to take over the guild when leader and officers are more than 1 month offline. Maybe with the restriction that 2 or 3 players should be on and vote for 1 to become officer, and 2 or 3 officers to vote for 1 to become leader. And only to replace those who where offline for longer than 1 month.
Reviving guilds
Pandora's box
There is already a system in place where if the leader is afk(I believe it is 30 days might be 60) then an officer is promoted. If all officers and leader is afk..then why would there be members left. Just leave and join a new guild and have your friends join there.
I found this out by having 2 alt accounts in a guild and not logging them either for awhile because there was no reason and when I relogged in I found the leader and officer spot to have been changed.
I found this out by having 2 alt accounts in a guild and not logging them either for awhile because there was no reason and when I relogged in I found the leader and officer spot to have been changed.
Pandora's box
Reasons to stay and revive the old guild are for me that I helped building the guild (even was officer for a while), and that I find it sad to see the guild just vanish into the oblivion. Also old players who left know the name of the guild and might drop by one day and stay if they notice new activity.
So if there is already a system to replace the Guild leader by an officer, than why not expand that system to allow common players to replace an officer on the same grounds?
So if there is already a system to replace the Guild leader by an officer, than why not expand that system to allow common players to replace an officer on the same grounds?
i kind of like the suggestion but make so if all of the officer and leader arent on for a couple of months then raise up the most active player. i know some guild who dont demote no matter how long an officer is gone but i dont like the idea of promoting someone if there are active officers around but anyone inactive long enough should get a demotion no matter what
Tender Wolf
This idea does make sense. Normally I'd say this would be too easy to abuse, as a jerk member could easily take the guild over. My fiance's guild in WOW got "stolen" by a member who took all other members from his guild and formed a new one. But if it's only if the officers and leader are offline for a month, that makes more sense.
I don't know, if the guild has died you should join another guild.
Me being a guild leader of 5 dead guilds (was promoted whoopee and spent much money on the guild halls to attract people) know that there's a point where the guild should be abandoned. I even told people online in the dead guild to leave and find another as the guild leader, so if the guild is dead, leave it.
Me being a guild leader of 5 dead guilds (was promoted whoopee and spent much money on the guild halls to attract people) know that there's a point where the guild should be abandoned. I even told people online in the dead guild to leave and find another as the guild leader, so if the guild is dead, leave it.
HuntMaster Avatar
Many guild leaders pay for everything. Guild creation, cape changes, guild hall, guild hall additions. If you spend that much, you don't want someone to be able to snatch the guild from you. The month limit which switches officer to leader is why I won't recruit. If I want/need to be gone for awhile. I don't want my guild falling into the hands of another.
This is why, when I want to play in a guild, I transfer leadership to my other account and leave my guild and join another. I stay with them until I either get kicked for being gone for over a month or I leave due to drama. I also make this very clear to the guild leader before I join.
I join my buddies guild often to help him out, I also join new guilds to help get them off the ground. Then I take my leave. Made many, many friends this way. - And no, I am not a guild hopper. Besides helping people out, I'v been in 3 guilds total in 40 months. Two I left because the guilds allowed bad behavior and too much drama and one kicked me for not loggin on for 3 months.
Many guild leaders pay for everything. Guild creation, cape changes, guild hall, guild hall additions. If you spend that much, you don't want someone to be able to snatch the guild from you. The month limit which switches officer to leader is why I won't recruit. If I want/need to be gone for awhile. I don't want my guild falling into the hands of another.
This is why, when I want to play in a guild, I transfer leadership to my other account and leave my guild and join another. I stay with them until I either get kicked for being gone for over a month or I leave due to drama. I also make this very clear to the guild leader before I join.
I join my buddies guild often to help him out, I also join new guilds to help get them off the ground. Then I take my leave. Made many, many friends this way. - And no, I am not a guild hopper. Besides helping people out, I'v been in 3 guilds total in 40 months. Two I left because the guilds allowed bad behavior and too much drama and one kicked me for not loggin on for 3 months.
Pandora's box
So many of us have different stories and experiences. As a matter of fact I was the one who bough half the guilds shops, and the leaders are offline for almost a year now... I now regret that I asked to be a common player for a while. Because this 'while' is taking a bit too long lol. See? A quite different story. Leaders and officers who no longer care should be replaced!