Tyria & Elona HM Missions - will pay for it

Velana De La Lune

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2009

Hey there, I am looking for someone to complete my guardian title and I would need the following HM missions including bonus and master rewards. I won’t be afk most of the time.

Please note that I will only take offers for complete tours (so either all Tyria or all Elona missions for one person).

I already checked out the normal prices of this kind of service so I will put a price that I have in mind.

I will be online around 7pm-10:30pm every day and 9:30am to 11:30am during the week. All times are GMT +1h.

Please leave your offers and I will get back to you ingame. Thx

Tyria HM Missions

3. Ruins of Surmia
6. The Frost Gate
7. Gates of Kryta
8. D'Alessio Seaboard
9. Divinity Coast
10. The Wilds
11. Bloodstone Fen
12. Aurora Glade
13. Riverside Province
14. Sanctum Cay
15. Dunes of Despair
16. Thirsty River
17. Elona Reach
19. The Dragon's Lair
20. Ice Caves of Sorrow
21. Iron Mines of Moladune
24. Abaddon's Mouth
25. Hell's Precipice

Elona HM Missions

2. Jokanur Diggings
5. Venta Cemetery
6. Kodonur Crossroads
7a. Rilohn Refuge
7b. Pogahn Passage
10b. Dasha Vestibule
11. Grand Court of Sebelkeh
12a. Jennur's Horde
12b. Nundu Bay
13. Gate of Desolation
15. Gate of Pain
16. Gate of Madness
17. Abaddon's Gate