Tonic & Summoning Stone Discussion
Tender Wolf
Tonics are a somewhat new addition to the game and are pretty popular, especially everlasting ones. Summoning stones may not be as popular but they can be beneficial in battle.
This thread is to discuss your favorite/least favorite tonics (like what's the msot fun/stupid, etc.) as well as the best summoning stones (like what was the best thing you got from a mysterious summoning stone, either by skills or looks), etc.
Basically share your thoughts on any tonic and summoning stone in the game.
First off, I'll say that I really enjoy the tonics. Among my favorite things to turn into are the baby black moa, rainbow phoenix, saltspray dragon, and ooze. I find it irritating when I turn into something I've had 50 tonics of (Grentch, snowman, and candy corn). I don't care much for the golem or yeti either because I see so many of them.
Summoning stones, I don't see the point in summoning a Grentch or snowman; they use snowball skills and die after about 5 minutes, 10 if you're lucky. I enjoy the ooze because its skills are pretty helpful, plus it looks cool. Same with the smoke phantom. I don't like the sin summoning stones because as soon as you attack they charge in, try to tank, and die instantly. Too bad the sins are awesome (raptor and rabbit). Gaki is pretty beneficial, but it looks funny (pot bellied goat in a thong rofl). Siege turtle = epic since it can obviously siege things. Kveldulf looks cool and it takes damage since it's a tank, so I enjoy it too.
That's all I can think of at the moment. Anyone else?
This thread is to discuss your favorite/least favorite tonics (like what's the msot fun/stupid, etc.) as well as the best summoning stones (like what was the best thing you got from a mysterious summoning stone, either by skills or looks), etc.
Basically share your thoughts on any tonic and summoning stone in the game.
First off, I'll say that I really enjoy the tonics. Among my favorite things to turn into are the baby black moa, rainbow phoenix, saltspray dragon, and ooze. I find it irritating when I turn into something I've had 50 tonics of (Grentch, snowman, and candy corn). I don't care much for the golem or yeti either because I see so many of them.
Summoning stones, I don't see the point in summoning a Grentch or snowman; they use snowball skills and die after about 5 minutes, 10 if you're lucky. I enjoy the ooze because its skills are pretty helpful, plus it looks cool. Same with the smoke phantom. I don't like the sin summoning stones because as soon as you attack they charge in, try to tank, and die instantly. Too bad the sins are awesome (raptor and rabbit). Gaki is pretty beneficial, but it looks funny (pot bellied goat in a thong rofl). Siege turtle = epic since it can obviously siege things. Kveldulf looks cool and it takes damage since it's a tank, so I enjoy it too.
That's all I can think of at the moment. Anyone else?
pumpkin pie
all stolen 
i would like to be able to summon fire imp even at level 20.

i would like to be able to summon fire imp even at level 20.
I like both the Mysterious Tonic and the Mysterious Summoning Stone, because it's always a surprise what you turn into, or what ally you will get.
However, I'm a bit annoyed with the Saltspray Dragon that spawns from the Stones. They tend to block my view with their huge wings, and their wooshing sound gets interrupted over and over (therefore the sounds is restarting again, woosh, woosh, woosh....) because he doesn't travel at the same speed as you do. Thankfully, it gets killed quickly enough.
However, I'm a bit annoyed with the Saltspray Dragon that spawns from the Stones. They tend to block my view with their huge wings, and their wooshing sound gets interrupted over and over (therefore the sounds is restarting again, woosh, woosh, woosh....) because he doesn't travel at the same speed as you do. Thankfully, it gets killed quickly enough.
Ghost Omel
Hmm you know i never though of it really.
Me being a star wars fan though i really like the Golem Tunics and summoning stones.. but i barely use them honestly.. especialy the stones....But they just lie on my storage.. il use them when i get home from works then =)
Me being a star wars fan though i really like the Golem Tunics and summoning stones.. but i barely use them honestly.. especialy the stones....But they just lie on my storage.. il use them when i get home from works then =)
Overall, I think both are a nice addition. Tonics are a fun and slightly silly way to sit around as a drunken, dancing ooze, which I fully support. Summoning stones are a nice little boost without being ridiculous, although I have found myself having trouble finding a situation in which they are worth using, one significant enough to be worth the cost of the stone, yet in which a single NPC will actually help enough.
I would like to see tonics get a bit more use, perhaps in a form that can go in explorable areas. It would be really nice to have a way to change combat animations and sometimes get a new look, something not quite as wild as the tonic forms, but still nifty.
For example, if you could get Disguises from different humanoid enemies, then take on the form of a Kurzick, an Outcast, a Kournan, a Jade brotherhood, etc. Make it a green item you can toggle on and off, one that isn't consumed when used, and it could be a fun change in the midst of adventuring.
I would like to see tonics get a bit more use, perhaps in a form that can go in explorable areas. It would be really nice to have a way to change combat animations and sometimes get a new look, something not quite as wild as the tonic forms, but still nifty.
For example, if you could get Disguises from different humanoid enemies, then take on the form of a Kurzick, an Outcast, a Kournan, a Jade brotherhood, etc. Make it a green item you can toggle on and off, one that isn't consumed when used, and it could be a fun change in the midst of adventuring.
both are pointless inventory fillers
source of lazy 'content' (recycled monster models)
source of lazy 'content' (recycled monster models)
Mercantile summoning stone is the best, hands down.

Merchant summoning stones are the best and perhaps the only one worth using in general PvE besides the Geki.
However, the mysterious summoning stone is fun just to use for kicks or if you're doing VSF as the perma and need a decoy to get all the centaurs off you.
However, the mysterious summoning stone is fun just to use for kicks or if you're doing VSF as the perma and need a decoy to get all the centaurs off you.
I don't think I've ever used of either one.
Zodiac Meteor
The September tonic (The flying head) is absolutely ugly, I hate that one so much.
Summoning stones are not worth the trouble, either they die extremely fast in HM or when you zone at level one in the dungeon after 15 minutes they are gone.
Why spend 1k on something that lasts 1 minute in battle?
Summoning stones are not worth the trouble, either they die extremely fast in HM or when you zone at level one in the dungeon after 15 minutes they are gone.
Why spend 1k on something that lasts 1 minute in battle?
The September tonic (The flying head) is absolutely ugly, I hate that one so much.
Mysterious Tonics/Stones are just a bit of fun. I would never buy the Stones though, lets face it, some of them are lucky to survive 1 fight... i remember when we were doing FoW HM... i summoned a Black Beast of Aaaarrrgggghhh! An insanely big Beetle... it died in the first fight.
For tonics, my fav so far is the Saltspray Dragon and the Asura. What I do like about these mysterious tonics is that they seem to be a great talking point in some more populated towns and outposts. Plus, everyone loves surprises.
For the summoning stones, I really like them. I've been working on Guardian titles so they're a nice addition in some missions where time is a factor for bonus portions. My fav so far has been a raptor. It's nice to have one on MY side for once.
My only annoyance is my summoned creature disappears if a cut scene is played in a mission and I'm left with the summoning sickness.
For the summoning stones, I really like them. I've been working on Guardian titles so they're a nice addition in some missions where time is a factor for bonus portions. My fav so far has been a raptor. It's nice to have one on MY side for once.
My only annoyance is my summoned creature disappears if a cut scene is played in a mission and I'm left with the summoning sickness.
Dont Nerf The Perma
Juggernaut and seige turtle are two of the best. One causes lots of AoE knock downs and the other gives energy regen
Merchant summoning stones are the best and perhaps the only one worth using in general PvE
However, most vanquishes/missions/elite zones/eotn dungeons/farming I've done, I've really had no need for a vendor (I salvage whites/blues into iron/dust/granite/scales).
Dont Nerf The Perma
weapons are usually worth more than the materials you salvage them from
Divine Ashes
I don't really care for tonics...I basically just use them for the party points :P.
I love summoning stones, on the other hand. They provide just a little bit more damage/serve as a better meat shield than a pet or a minion would. I've gotten like 7 0 mysterious summoners from Nicholas, but the best and most useful (in my eyes) I've gotten from them is the Black Beast of Argghhhhhhhh.
I love summoning stones, on the other hand. They provide just a little bit more damage/serve as a better meat shield than a pet or a minion would. I've gotten like 7 0 mysterious summoners from Nicholas, but the best and most useful (in my eyes) I've gotten from them is the Black Beast of Argghhhhhhhh.
You gotta put a lot of effort into getting the Juggernaut killed. I watched him tank the Enduring Golem on lvl 2 of Oolas's Lab for the entire time I was running the matrix back and forth in HM. Also got him at the end of Ravens Point HM. The entire party wiped and he was still taking names. He was fighting the Plague of Destruction and 4 other destroyers and lasted 9 seconds! Epic.
I love both the mysterious tonics and summoning stones.
Most of the times though i turn into a white moa, and i summon bees. That annoys me >.<
Most of the times though i turn into a white moa, and i summon bees. That annoys me >.<
Dont Nerf The Perma
yeah it feels like I get certain summons like moa all the time and others I've never gotten like black beast of arrrgrrgghh or preist of balthazar. is there a % chance for what form you get? perhaps we need to do some research
I find the merchant useful during my vanq's. Funny thing is it can actually fight...yesterday it took out a charr seer in HM and then right after i sold my useless junk to him.
Oh and on topic siege turtle is one of the best that comes from the stones. Nice AoE and the thing is huge
Oh and on topic siege turtle is one of the best that comes from the stones. Nice AoE and the thing is huge
They still need and everlasting mysterious tonic..... That one is the best.
Riot Narita
Chitenous Summoning Stones are great (Devourer). They're the only ones I bother to craft.
They spread poison and bleeding... they have an IAS from Lightning Reflexes... they have forked arrow and volley (just add EBSoH, Splinter Weapon, Great Dwarf Weapon, etc and they're nasty). They have defense from Lightning Reflexes, a self heal, and they attack at range... making them good survivors.
They spread poison and bleeding... they have an IAS from Lightning Reflexes... they have forked arrow and volley (just add EBSoH, Splinter Weapon, Great Dwarf Weapon, etc and they're nasty). They have defense from Lightning Reflexes, a self heal, and they attack at range... making them good survivors.
I love mysterious tonics, my favorite forms I've turned into so far were the Saltspray Dragon, Eye of Janthir, Mini Black Moa and Asura.
It annoys me to no end when I turn into something like the Golem, Yeti, Awakened Head and Grentch. I usually zone out and back in and use another tonic if that's the case. :P
It annoys me to no end when I turn into something like the Golem, Yeti, Awakened Head and Grentch. I usually zone out and back in and use another tonic if that's the case. :P
Several summoning stones are useful.
Both the gaki and the turtle come to mind.
Vanquishing the 4 and 6 ppl areas is much less time consuming with them on (and the damn tyria is still too much time consuming).
In 8 ppl areas they lose much of its allure.
Both the gaki and the turtle come to mind.
Vanquishing the 4 and 6 ppl areas is much less time consuming with them on (and the damn tyria is still too much time consuming).
In 8 ppl areas they lose much of its allure.
Tender Wolf
I love mysterious tonics, my favorite forms I've turned into so far were the Saltspray Dragon, Eye of Janthir, Mini Black Moa and Asura.
It annoys me to no end when I turn into something like the Golem, Yeti, Awakened Head and Grentch. I usually zone out and back in and use another tonic if that's the case. :P |
Also, another question comes to mind for this topic - is there something you'd like to turn into/summon that you haven't yet? For me, it's probably a kveldulf or Eye of Janthir. Allies? I have yet to summon a bunny.
I don't mind merchant summoning stones, but since I have hardly any use for them I prefer to sell them. The only summoning stones I get come from Nicholas though - I won't buy them for fear I'd be wasting the money on one that commits suicide.
dr love
that damn merchant agros everything in sight. he's pretty much a kilroy stoneskin. good thing he doesn't have frenzy.
i love the mysterious tonics myself its fun to see what i become i usually get to be rabbit which i have both an everlasting tonic forr and several rabbit tonics and only use the summoning stones to get rid of them usually only during the first fight in hm hey they take a little damage when it seems the team is weakest
Stolen Souls
I don't really care too much for tonics...never did. I'd rather my character look like himself than an elf, candy corn man, or grentch. Some of them are a little too big and others have annoying sounds. When I get them I either give them away or use them up as quick as I can to free up my space. Since I don't like them it's hard to pick a favorite.
As for stones, they are a bit more useful. My faves would be the mysterious, since I never know what I'm gonna get from them. The merch summon stones should be fixed...they should just stand still. Nothing beats needing to merch, summoning one, having him stroll halfway accros the map, then aggro everything in the area and die.
As for stones, they are a bit more useful. My faves would be the mysterious, since I never know what I'm gonna get from them. The merch summon stones should be fixed...they should just stand still. Nothing beats needing to merch, summoning one, having him stroll halfway accros the map, then aggro everything in the area and die.
The Siege Turtle is amazing. It completely blocks my view though
. I love the rabbit summon too, rabid rabbit ftw! I find the summoning stones very helpful for HM missions or vanquishes. The mysterious tonics are good for my title

I love the stones,but they always die when i lure.
They shud put the "I will stay here" option when u click them.
They shud put the "I will stay here" option when u click them.
Divine Ashes
They definitely make it hard to pull, I guess thats why everyone says that they die so fast. I use them in early Tyria vanquishes, they help a lot in the party of 4 and 6 areas. I like the turtle, ooze, crystal golem, gaki, the first rabbit I got gave me a pretty good laugh.
Don't care much about the mysterious tonics, only good for party points really. Sold 200 of em this week in hopes I can get my party title for cheaper over the 4th.
Don't care much about the mysterious tonics, only good for party points really. Sold 200 of em this week in hopes I can get my party title for cheaper over the 4th.

Dont Nerf The Perma
Tender Wolf
Hyper Cutter
I wish there were Everlasting Summoning Stones. I love the Mysterious Stones but I'm so paranoid about wasting them...
I love the mysterious tonics simply because I never know what I will turn into. My favorite so far has been the Black Beast. (One of my guildies turned into Kuunavang, though. Not fair! I want to turn into Kuunavang!;-D) Not buying, though, because I'm not working on party animal. During vanqs, like to use the mysterious summoning stones to add a bit of extra tanking especially early in the vanq. Favorite summons so far has been the crystal guardian. Least favorite/useful was a swarm of bees.
I love the mysterious stones and tonics. I use them ALL the time. It's always a surprise what you get. There's many awesome monsters, like the Siege Turtle, Oni, Juggernaut, Black Beast, Crystal guardian. Total leetsauce.
Sword Hammer Axe
When it comes to Tonics I don't care. I didn't use hours to make a look for my character just to hide it with the form of some monster.
However I do enjoy summoning stones, although you need to know when to use them especially on HM. Summons tend to rush in towards enemies, making a lure difficult to pull. But at places where a lure is unneccessary they can be the best allies. Places where I think a summoning stone is great:
Defend missions/quests like:
- Eternal Grove
- Thunderhead Keep
- Gyala Hatchery
- Dzagonur Bastion and such.
If you're fighting a tough mob they can add some points to the survival rate.
While fighting certain bosses like:
- Abbadon
- Shiro/Lich
- Shiro
- Varesh
- Eldritch Ettin, Rragar and Hidesplitter, Thommis, Murakai, Khabuus, Plague of Destruction and such.
Of course some summoning stones are better than others. My favorites are:
- Ooze and Crystal Guardian: Wards for party protection + ok damage skills.
- Swarm of Bees: Not very good spawn but omg it's funny XD
- Saltspray Dragon: Cool and fine damage.
- Black Beast of Arrgh: Monty Python reference + pretty decent melee damage with monster skills like Finger's of Chaos and Enraged.
- Oni: Can put a lot of pressure on a single target.
- White Rabbit: Pressure and cute and Monty Python reference.
Least Favorite:
- Grentch and Snowman: Weak damage. Kinda like a flare spammer lol.
- Juggernaught: Has 1 good skill and is kinda bad at using it.
- Fire Imp: Few skills and little benefit.
However I do enjoy summoning stones, although you need to know when to use them especially on HM. Summons tend to rush in towards enemies, making a lure difficult to pull. But at places where a lure is unneccessary they can be the best allies. Places where I think a summoning stone is great:
Defend missions/quests like:
- Eternal Grove
- Thunderhead Keep
- Gyala Hatchery
- Dzagonur Bastion and such.
If you're fighting a tough mob they can add some points to the survival rate.
While fighting certain bosses like:
- Abbadon
- Shiro/Lich
- Shiro
- Varesh
- Eldritch Ettin, Rragar and Hidesplitter, Thommis, Murakai, Khabuus, Plague of Destruction and such.
Of course some summoning stones are better than others. My favorites are:
- Ooze and Crystal Guardian: Wards for party protection + ok damage skills.
- Swarm of Bees: Not very good spawn but omg it's funny XD
- Saltspray Dragon: Cool and fine damage.
- Black Beast of Arrgh: Monty Python reference + pretty decent melee damage with monster skills like Finger's of Chaos and Enraged.
- Oni: Can put a lot of pressure on a single target.
- White Rabbit: Pressure and cute and Monty Python reference.
Least Favorite:
- Grentch and Snowman: Weak damage. Kinda like a flare spammer lol.
- Juggernaught: Has 1 good skill and is kinda bad at using it.
- Fire Imp: Few skills and little benefit.
Tonics turned GW into a carnival. Tons of monsters standing around is only cute if it is not the norm.
I wonder how new players see this, they enter Kamadan, experience trade spam and strange abominations that are transformed players...^^
Summoning Stones are just one more helper to dumb down the game more than it already is. They are cute of course, but in my opinion they are just one more consumable. Not the worst one, but still not a good idea at all.
IMO: Consumables+Tonics+Summoning Stones -> ideally suited for a bonfire, to celebrate the end of them and the half-assed ideas behind them.
I wonder how new players see this, they enter Kamadan, experience trade spam and strange abominations that are transformed players...^^
Summoning Stones are just one more helper to dumb down the game more than it already is. They are cute of course, but in my opinion they are just one more consumable. Not the worst one, but still not a good idea at all.
IMO: Consumables+Tonics+Summoning Stones -> ideally suited for a bonfire, to celebrate the end of them and the half-assed ideas behind them.