1. Please add exchange options for Silver and Gold Coins.
Ak, for a small sum of normal gold you can get back coppercoins for Silver and Silver Coins for gold, reversed from when you buy them. Giving more freedom asto how you spend your coins and limit the space they take up in the inventory.
2. I would love to see normal crates of firework (used in towns and outposts) to be sold as a Coin reward. To give more ppl the chance to light them perhaps shorten the time to a 1 or 2 min. (only one fireworks display can be active in a town or outpost at a time)
1 crate say 2 silver coins
5 crates for 1 gold
3. Could you please remake the animation for the Fireworks rocket, even if you light up a whole bundle it rather makes you wanna weep :'( compared to a fireworks display. Perpaps make it 3-5 rockets in animation and call it a Rocket bundle for 30 copper.
4 would love to see the price for sparkles go down, loved the way how they stack; different coulors would be nice, even i have to paint them myself, giving an other use to paint. perhaps make it 3-5 sparkles for 30copper
5. While im at it, it would be nice to have a firework firepot animation too
(evt. in different colours also

6. Dending on popularty make sure these animation can get turned off on lower settings so ppl of slower computers or connections dont freeze out plz
