Will Deldrimor Armor Remnants price ever come down?
For the last time i am not complaining about prices man i have 6 of them and can get more if i want to i am not complaining dont come here saying i am complaining read the other posts.
Thanks to all who didn't argue here all come here like I'm complaining like some cheapie who wants them for 5k each read the other posts.
Thanks to all who didn't argue here all come here like I'm complaining like some cheapie who wants them for 5k each read the other posts.
Shayne Hawke
Maybe you should be asking why ANet hasn't nerfed Shadow Form yet and ponder for a moment why that might be affecting their prices.
honestly I don't know why you're complaining, 18k isn't unreasonable considering you'd have to do ALL of slavers (all 5 dungeon bosses) and you'd get 1 deldrimor armor remnant, even in hard mode. The reason you're even BUYING them, is because YOU don't want to do all of slavers. all other remnants are accessable easily.
The only reason it was ever cheap for deldrimor armor remnants was because there was an exploit to allow you to do just duncan's as long as ANYONE in your party had the quest, so people would go 7/8 and get someone with a quest to run them over, get in, and leave. this allowed deldrimor armor remnants to be gotten extremely easily, as easily as say, doing glint's challenge. Unless they decide that exploits r gud they won't be going up anytime soon.
also; at shayne, shadow form is, if anything, reducing the cost of deldrimor armor remnants because you can run duncan's dungeon in less than 5 minutes thanks to shadow form.
The only reason it was ever cheap for deldrimor armor remnants was because there was an exploit to allow you to do just duncan's as long as ANYONE in your party had the quest, so people would go 7/8 and get someone with a quest to run them over, get in, and leave. this allowed deldrimor armor remnants to be gotten extremely easily, as easily as say, doing glint's challenge. Unless they decide that exploits r gud they won't be going up anytime soon.
also; at shayne, shadow form is, if anything, reducing the cost of deldrimor armor remnants because you can run duncan's dungeon in less than 5 minutes thanks to shadow form.
I am only asking if you guys think they will go down or up not looking for arguments or trying to get them cheap I have 6 and I can buy any more.
Lol if not I would have done it but it is impossible to find group doingHierophant they are all doing Thommis for VS all day everyday 2 districts
Lol if not I would have done it but it is impossible to find group doingHierophant they are all doing Thommis for VS all day everyday 2 districts
Helix Dreadlock
Farming Voltaic Spears affect Thommis, not duncan. So no, it won't affect the drop rate of Armors
I meant they not that hehe I know that I have been playing 1 and a half years my title here has nothing to do I'm not new hehe
So maybe you should find a guild that does slavers and not come on here and complain how no one finishes the dungeon.
The price is fine the way it is... I just sold one for 20k and I think thats worth 2 hours of HM slavers.
The price is fine the way it is... I just sold one for 20k and I think thats worth 2 hours of HM slavers.
dr love
just get the other armor remnant if its too much. they take long to get and are used up fast, so the price is high compared to others.
Captain Bulldozer
Slavers can be done with H/H easily enough. And there are the leet SF runners that do the whole 5-part dungeon quite quickly. If you want remnants that badly, go get some.
As for the VS farm affecting the price of remnants, I don't think it has. Rather, I would say the Ursan nerf has affected the price, same as it did with Primeval armor pieces. You take away the ability to easily take a PUG through elite areas, and the prices of the items from said areas will go up.
As for the VS farm affecting the price of remnants, I don't think it has. Rather, I would say the Ursan nerf has affected the price, same as it did with Primeval armor pieces. You take away the ability to easily take a PUG through elite areas, and the prices of the items from said areas will go up.
also; at shayne, shadow form is, if anything, reducing the cost of deldrimor armor remnants because you can run duncan's dungeon in less than 5 minutes thanks to shadow form.
Once farming Thommis became popular, it became almost impossible to find a random group to complete Salvers.
Less people finishing Slavers meant less armor in the market, driving the price up.
Actually, this has had the opposite effect. Prior to the so called "VSF" coming out, deldrimor armor reminants cost 8 - 10k.
Once farming Thommis became popular, it became almost impossible to find a random group to complete Salvers. Less people finishing Slavers meant less armor in the market, driving the price up. |
Actually there are so few guys trying to sell armor remnants ( in my 2 days of aggressive search for them, like afk ing with "WTB .. FOR 30K" i could only find one guy in Kamadan selling for 18k , then ibought one from ShadowsRequiem and i met the concerned guy who started the thread in Gunnars when i was crafting for Melonni ) and the ones who are looking for them would only pay 8k, because Cloth of the Brotherhood is a great option.. looks like these things seem to have an interesting future on the market ahead .
For the last time i am not complaining about prices man i have 6 of them and can get more if i want to i am not complaining dont come here saying i am complaining read the other posts
You only see will they ever go down and immediately argue with me thinking I'm a cheapie noobie like you call them trying to get them for 5k or so I repeat I can get as many as I want I can buy all in existence in game
Hyper Cutter
For the last time i am not complaining about prices man i have 6 of them and can get more if i want to i am not complaining dont come here saying i am complaining read the other posts
To answer your question, no, I don't think the price will ever come down much. Once GW2 is released, there may be a brief downward bump as people dump their old GW1 crap, but after that there will be even fewer people doing Duncan and prices will go back up.
Of course, there's always the possibility that some GW update will change that.
Dingdong, read the thread. People aren't killing Duncan anymore, only Thommis because SF makes him easy prey.
Killing SF would mean less people farming Thommis for Voltaic Spears, and hopefully more people doing the Duncan farm, thus increasing the amount of armors.
Killing SF would mean less people farming Thommis for Voltaic Spears, and hopefully more people doing the Duncan farm, thus increasing the amount of armors.
yeah sf and vs made thommis more popular. i'mjust glad i was able to get 2 while they were cheap. XD
But you can do the entire thing relatively fast now, so if you REALLY want it, it isn't that hard to obtain the armor remnant w/o buying them. Also, sf and vs made thommis more popular, but not necessarily easier to obtain, that depends on the perma and the spawn.
I think the price is ok (somewheres between 15k to 18/20k) and as not many are doing duncan (and those of us who dont have the 'right' character are barred from pugs) there arent that many out there---I DO hope people will continue to do it as I still need a bunch for my characters and maybe I am a noob, but my h/h groups dont seem to be able to do much besides thommis...(and I could care less about some ugly spear or doing it in HM)
so coming down, doubt it, going up...a possibility.
so coming down, doubt it, going up...a possibility.
The problem isn't the price. The problem is there is a very low supply of these. I'd be more then willing to spend 30k on one of these. The problem is, no matter how much time I spend spamming in Kamadon or Umbral's, NOBODY has these things. Most people don't farm Slavers to completion. Most people only beat Slavers a few times, and use the armor remnanats for their own characters.
Ghost Omel
You are indeed correct.. i had hard time finding them as well.. Wound up bying them at 6k each or so... But i did manage to get some from that quest magigady thing... Realized an get them all so i went with brotherhood and such...
So yeah just farm up the mission in transfer chamber.. the one with the glints child youl get them eventually
The reason for that i suspect is the fixed glitch on destroyers that made them unfarmablem liek they used to be before.
So yeah just farm up the mission in transfer chamber.. the one with the glints child youl get them eventually
The reason for that i suspect is the fixed glitch on destroyers that made them unfarmablem liek they used to be before.