...Gladiator Title Emote...
I'm not sure if this has been suggested before I'm sure it has, but just in case. Why not have emotes for the Gladiator title track, I'm not the highest ranked gladiator but I'm just about to G3 and I think it'd be nice to have something to show for it that's all. HA has /rank...Just using Zkeys gets you /zrank.
Anyone else agree?
EDIT: And for the Champion title rank, if Glad gets one Champ would probably get one too.
Anyone else agree?
EDIT: And for the Champion title rank, if Glad gets one Champ would probably get one too.
- Sortof relates to being able to display previously earned emotes. /signed
* also sortof relates a bit to my Baltazar Title track for any PvP win; You spend alot of time somewhere to get gladiator to G3, i spend alot of time in RA, if rewards are not spend on /zrank, you have nothing to show for it...
- Sortof relates to being able to display previously earned emotes. /signed
* also sortof relates a bit to my Baltazar Title track for any PvP win; You spend alot of time somewhere to get gladiator to G3, i spend alot of time in RA, if rewards are not spend on /zrank, you have nothing to show for it...
The Champion title track would get an emote before the Gladiator title will ever be considered to have one. That said, the Champion title track will never have an emote.
/signed, but I would also add an emote for champion.
Rhamia Darigaz
come on Anet, OP deserves the ability to more easily show off how good he is for getting g2.
To OP's defense, Its a bit weird that the best titles that indicate your pvp skills, Gladiator and Champions, got no emote while every scrubs around can show a wolf because they farmed with a gimmick build in HA all day or pop multiple zaishen weapons because they traded their ectos they farmed all day for zkeys.
Add A Hero
what's next? an emote for kurzick/luxon? treasure hunter? where would it stop?
hi kan i haz emote 4 gettin 2 lvl 20 plz
urs sinsrsly n00b!!1
Having said that /notsigned I would not like to be ranked by anything else and I'm sure alot of people are sick of people spamming /zrank Rank1 constantly thinking it's some kind of amazing feat.
urs sinsrsly n00b!!1
Having said that /notsigned I would not like to be ranked by anything else and I'm sure alot of people are sick of people spamming /zrank Rank1 constantly thinking it's some kind of amazing feat.
Tender Wolf
Sure, and while we're add it, let's add an emote to every grind based title in the game! Woot! More flashies!
what's next? an emote for kurzick/luxon? treasure hunter? where would it stop?
just emotes not unlike anet making tonics and everyone and their brother now turns into a yeti or spider in an outpost. you can also turn off emotes in local chat. it actually hurts no one and gives the kids something to play with while setting in town.
what's next? an emote for kurzick/luxon? treasure hunter? where would it stop?
(aslong as they can be disabled for slowconnection / slower computers and for ppl that dont like them, or when you just dont feel like seeing them at that particular moment)
It takes 5 wins in a row to get 1 point in RA or TA and then 100 points to get to g1 while r1 hero is only takes 10 points.
Helix Dreadlock
i dont pvp, but it'd give me sumtin to work for
i dont pvp, but it'd give me sumtin to work for
Evil Eye
How about remove all emotes besides the tiger and be done?
Wish Swiftdeath
but purely because of selfish epeen reasons.
but purely because of selfish epeen reasons.
/NOTSIGNED if u put gladiator emote ra will be full of lame sync team and there will be moar pve nubzors lol
To OP's defense, Its a bit weird that the best titles that indicate your pvp skills, Gladiator and Champions, got no emote while every scrubs around can show a wolf because they farmed with a gimmick build in HA all day or pop multiple zaishen weapons because they traded their ectos they farmed all day for zkeys.
Yes, there is TA but I don't really consider that skilled anymore, It has really gone down with all these overpowered builds in it.
On topic: Not signed because this would start off a chain of CAN I HAVE AN EMOTE FOR _______.
....Wow I just thought it'd be nice to not have to go into TA/RA and the first thing I see is "/rank I R HAS DEER BOW TO ME!!!".....Or if you get beaten "/zrank on u corpse cause I R so cool I can has Xunlei Tournament House".....
And, HA is not that hard to do...You go to PvX wiki...You close your eyes point to the screen pick the first build under "Great" for your class put it on and stand in HA saying "I can't make my own build so I'm using the one everyone else does....lfg"
And to Rhamia, you ignorant RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO I was trying to sound as not "full of myself" as possible and yet somehow I knew someone would instantly act as if I had said "I R SUPER 1337 CAUSE I R GOT G2 I PWN TEH NUBZ0R$!!111!!1231!!! GIVE ME EMOTE NOWZ".......
And as for Z rank....it's pretty much a rank for how many Z keys you can afford....Or how lucky you are with the Xunlei Tournament House, for most people it has nothing to do with pvp.
And, HA is not that hard to do...You go to PvX wiki...You close your eyes point to the screen pick the first build under "Great" for your class put it on and stand in HA saying "I can't make my own build so I'm using the one everyone else does....lfg"
And to Rhamia, you ignorant RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO I was trying to sound as not "full of myself" as possible and yet somehow I knew someone would instantly act as if I had said "I R SUPER 1337 CAUSE I R GOT G2 I PWN TEH NUBZ0R$!!111!!1231!!! GIVE ME EMOTE NOWZ".......
And as for Z rank....it's pretty much a rank for how many Z keys you can afford....Or how lucky you are with the Xunlei Tournament House, for most people it has nothing to do with pvp.
pumpkin pie
/not signed
lol gladiator = sync
lol gladiator = sync
I really don't see a reason for this. I mean, r4+ glad means more than a deer / wolf, with about the same amount of time invested. An emote would change that.
Konig Des Todes
Why? Because we have two annoying emote titles. I don't want more. However, IF more emotes were added it would HAVE to be in the cases of the following:
Rank 12 Kurzick
Rank 12 Luxon
Kind of a Big Deal
Only those three would get a title emote, if any.
Why? Because we have two annoying emote titles. I don't want more. However, IF more emotes were added it would HAVE to be in the cases of the following:
Rank 12 Kurzick
Rank 12 Luxon
Kind of a Big Deal
Only those three would get a title emote, if any.
Tentative /sign for Gladiator, reason: Sync.
/unsigned for Camp, reason: Bspike farming.
You guys need to stop getting so obsessed with emotes. Soon there will be a thread for each rank of each for every title. This is getting ridiculous.
/unsigned for Camp, reason: Bspike farming.
You guys need to stop getting so obsessed with emotes. Soon there will be a thread for each rank of each for every title. This is getting ridiculous.
Stranger The Ranger
Being a Glad Farmer myself, /signed 4 the lulz
Too many syncers in RA make this title a joke. Better idea would be move the Gladiator title to TA and keep it out of RA.
Too many syncers in RA make this title a joke. Better idea would be move the Gladiator title to TA and keep it out of RA.
True, syncing is just ridiculous atm...I wonder if there's a way anet would be able to make it not possible to sync, just make it more "random" then it was before.
I demand anet puts in an emote for SS/LB because I just got my rank 10 sunspear and my r8 lightbringer. Give me it right. This. Instant.
Sarevok Thordin
/signed, oh so heavily signed.
PvP titles need more recognition to set them truely apart from the PvE titles (which boost skills anyway in cases)
PvP titles need more recognition to set them truely apart from the PvE titles (which boost skills anyway in cases)
Regulus X
/signed - The Hero title's a bit easier to achieve but takes longer to assemble a team. Gladiator's harder to achieve but is as easy as 1-2-3-*click enter*, no assembly required. GvG is tougher for the poor and unskilled, but rich players can easily buy their way into the top guilds and can even smurf for champion points (kind of like syncing in RA or even herowaying HA).
In conclusion, all PvP tiers should have their emotes (except Hero Battles... because /roll 100 is 100% FAIL tbh..).
In conclusion, all PvP tiers should have their emotes (except Hero Battles... because /roll 100 is 100% FAIL tbh..).
Each PvP title doesn't need an emote.
Actually, all PvP titles should have their own 'title of titles', the PvE ones another one, and that 'title of maxed titles' for PvE and PvP get the emote.
Actually, all PvP titles should have their own 'title of titles', the PvE ones another one, and that 'title of maxed titles' for PvE and PvP get the emote.
Mad Lord of Milk
Gladiator doesn't need an emote, but neither do Hero or Zrank, Zrank especially. Just kill all emotes to stop the noise.
You want an emote to show you have the patience to kill Healing Hands Wammos and Fire Storm Rangers again and again and again and again and...You get the idea. And don't say they don't crop up in TA, they do.
it kinda makes me laugh at all the bitter betsies in here that are against emotes for ranks. if anything, it adds another cool reason to get these titles. some of these people are probably against titles in the first place as well lol.
I think...
This idea sucks.
This idea sucks.