Since the well allready holds allot of the cutscenes for EotN, could the other cutscenes from other campains please be added to the monument.
The current cutscenes rather helped me pick up on the EotN story after RL took over for a couple of weeks, it could well help me on other campains aswell ...
And sometimes you wanna watch a good movie, but there is nothing on TV, watching 'a movie' in which you actually play(ed) a part would have my interest.
Also not all people like the long cutscenes, other people realy do like them; So perhaps finishing a mission with limited/to no cutscenes (for the non likers) could unlock a 'page' or episode to be watched in the hall of monuments (for those that do like them) ...
This 'takes care' of PvE ideas from sticky list:
- Unlocking cutscenes/movies for later viewing
- Skipping end-mission cutscenes
Hall of monument display options
Altho i do not have 15k armor, my armor stuck with me since i reached the lvl requirements to wear max normal armor, made pieces black and it is the Armor that belongs to my Character by now; In my view this armor is worth more then 15k

Why cant i just display it in my Hall of monuments? It does not have to count towards anything (if having all the monuments activated by the correct items gives something special) .. but having nothing displayed or not being able to display the armor set that i want to wear makes me kind off sad, when im in my hall..
Same goes for personal weapons i prefer to use, the weapons that belong in the stands might be better and/or collecting them should count for something; the weapons in my hands though, are the weapons of my character, and i would like to display them...
Related ideas for the Hall of monuments..From Sticky list
Make hall of monuments account-based
Improve the rearrange function to micromanage the contents of your hall
Hall of monuments entrance in your guild hall