Originally Posted by Nanood
Might belong in the potentially dumbest scam ever attempted catagory.
QFT. This has got to be the stupidest scam attempt ever. I mean, how obvious is this!? trading your own secondary account for a while, just to get one of those idiots ask you: "How much did I just trade you?" seems like a fun thing to do all of a sudden when going afk. "Stupid Scammer fishing" :P
Ah well. It's their time they're wasting.
Scammer "S": "How much did I just trade you?"
Me: "Who the hell are you?"
S: "I just traded you, but I think I might have overpaid you :O "
Me: "Oh boy! You think 50g for a brown dye was too much!?!? Oh gods! The horror!" *lols*
or: "Dude, I just traded my storage account, not you. Pityfull scam attempt. consider yourself reported."
or: "Great story bro!"
or: "Oh, okay, just give me back my Armbrace and I'll pay you back your 50k"
Anyone know some better clever responses?