So a guildie and I were going through Sorrow's Furnace doing Orozar's quest today, since he needed it and I was hoping for some green drops. We get right to the end (like Orozar's brother is literally around the corner) and Orozar gets stuck on a miner's chest. Neither of us have a key or lockpick, and the /stuck command apparanly only works if your char is stuck.
They need to implement something to make npc's get unstuck. It's so irritating to be so close to the end but because of a stupid fail spawn we have to start all over because the quest won't update without Orozar walking the few extra feet to his dumb brother.
This is NOT a suggestion to make the game easier, as it has nothing to do with the difficulty of the game. This has something that's needed fixed for quite some time. Due to the search being disabled I couldn't look for another thread that had this in it, but...yeah I know it's been suggested before. Please fix this. Surely it wouldn't be that hard.
/stuck command for NPC's
Tender Wolf
Antares Ascending
Agreed. That is so frustrating!!! Comfort
Agreed. That is so frustrating!!! Comfort
/stuck doesn't do what you are wanting it to do. It is similar, and maybe something can be implemented, but /stuck is more an issue of lag. Usually if you are running and lag the game will stop you moving when you hit an obstacle. However, since you are lagging, your display will show you still moving, even though you aren't. Using /stuck simply puts you in the correct position for where the SERVER says you are.
I know there are places that NPCs get stuck frequently (Vizunah) and something could be added to 'shift' them. Not really expecting Anet will fix this as it has been around for a REALLY long time, and complained about a lot.
I know there are places that NPCs get stuck frequently (Vizunah) and something could be added to 'shift' them. Not really expecting Anet will fix this as it has been around for a REALLY long time, and complained about a lot.
Bob Slydell
It should be made avalable, but they ought not to use it as a cover up to bugs, they NEED to fix vizunah square, 3 times in a row that I went there Mhenlo on the other team got stuck and the only option was to re do the mission.
Tender Wolf
It should be made avalable, but they ought not to use it as a cover up to bugs, they NEED to fix vizunah square, 3 times in a row that I went there Mhenlo on the other team got stuck and the only option was to re do the mission.

Bob Slydell
You have no idea... lol, the 3rd time i just walked away from the comp... Recently tho i got through the mission with the help of my alliance so its all good now.
If you are nearby them, using /stuck should teleport them to you location. At least one every 2 minutes.
They should at least make the chests non-body-blocking. Those dang these are the reason for NPC's getting stuck like 90% of the time.