skill icon/description in threads
Tender Wolf
I was browsing these threads and found the underrated skill thread. I was reminded that a while ago there was some way you could type in the name of the skill in the thread and there would be an icon you could hover over where it gave the skill description. Is that still available on these forums, and if so how is it done? Sorry, was trying a few combos and it didn't work. lol Thanks!
Kerwyn Nasilan
[skill] -> [flare]
But it is broken atm...
But it is broken atm...
It used to be there
It isn't any more because it breaks other parts of the forum, so is mentioned in other threads on the subject
It isn't any more because it breaks other parts of the forum, so is mentioned in other threads on the subject
Marty Silverblade
bbCode is currently disabled. Thread is Stickied in Campfire.
Tender Wolf
Ah, okay. That explains why it didn't work. I would have searched for it but of course that's down. And I'm never in the Campfire section. lol Thanks guys.