Earlier this evening while I was playing, I hit a combination of keys that caused my screen to constantly shrink/maximize back and forth. Now whenever I play and try to maximize the game to fit the screen, it gets big and goes dark, then shrinks back to where it was. Basically, I can't fit the game to the screen anymore, which is messing up my game play. I've tried restarting gw and my computer, but nothing has worked. I've never had this problem before and my computer always has ran gw fine.
Thanks in advance,
Can't Maximize to Fit Screen
Commander Ryker
Try changing the settings for your display on your computer and then changing it for GW.
Helix Dreadlock
could it be a funky monitor/graphics card?
Brett Kuntz
Hit Alt-Enter when you're running the game and see what happens. If you end up not being able to exit the game, Alt-F4 is the windows hotkey to close the forground window.
Bob Slydell
If it gets "big" im assuming you have a big screen and it got set to run a smaller resoultion and that you can't "fit" it in the screen tells me youve been wasting screen space by running a small resoultion on a big screen.
What size is your screen by any chance? Since im about to go to bed i'll just post some good res' to use and hope i hit your screen size.
These are good resolutions for these different size monitors
15" LCD/CRTs - 1024x768
17" CRT - 1152x864
17" Non Wide LCD - 1280x1024
17/19" Wide LCD - 1440x900
20" Non Wide LCD - 1400x1050
20/21" Wide LCD- 1680x1050
i don't know any higher than that at the moment
What size is your screen by any chance? Since im about to go to bed i'll just post some good res' to use and hope i hit your screen size.
These are good resolutions for these different size monitors
15" LCD/CRTs - 1024x768
17" CRT - 1152x864
17" Non Wide LCD - 1280x1024
17/19" Wide LCD - 1440x900
20" Non Wide LCD - 1400x1050
20/21" Wide LCD- 1680x1050
i don't know any higher than that at the moment
Finally got it to work, thanks guys.
It would be nice if you told us how.....