Fudge Guild Recruiting again!! =)
We're a bunch of friendly, silly, and incredibly dorky (wait, I mean cool ) people who got together in 2002 to play Team Fortress Classic. (A first person shooter, for any of you MMO players or young'uns!) When UT2004 came out, we had people get interested in playing it, and switched over. Our team grew much larger, and we became much more like the team you see today.
Our players come from all over North America, but most of us are Eastern and Central time zones. Our ages range from 13 at youngest to... um... however old that old fart Double[FDG]PoP is. We've got a good range of ages, but we're very consistent on our maturity. Particularly... we're not. (No, we're actually very mature for our ages, but quite goofy all the same.)
The names you see us use may make no sense to you. Sickle? Sundae? Chokillate? It's our theme for UT2004 and TFC competition. Everyone competes under chocolatey pseudonyms. [FDG]Sundae, [FDG]Sickle, ChoKILLate[FDG], so on and so forth.
Right now we are actively playing Guild Wars and Quake Live. There are many other games we play, but the above two are were we spend most our time.
When we are playing Guild Wars most time is spent pve'ing. We are aligned with some active pvp'ers and have a few members that enjoy it, but we are not actively competing. With enough interest we would consider competing again. We will ocassionally do Alliance Battles and Jade Quarry. We get together and enjoy doing dungeons, UW, FoW, and vanquishing. Fudge and fellow alliances are all Luxon guilds, but we have a small Kurzick guild set aside to dump Kurzick faction if needed.
If you have any questions, there are some threads in the Newcomer forum that may help, or feel free to ask here.
Here is a list of recruiters that can be contacted in game.
Casty Castress Holy Whirlwind Sundaelus Eternalis Master Hamm Baked Cake Seraph The Killer
Thanks for your interest and hope to see you in game!!