My game wont download past 80%
I just bought the game and it wont download past 80%. I have a quad core computer with 6 gigs of ram and a 600 gb harddrive. Please, someone who has had tthis problem please repley.
Helix Dreadlock
too much memory used up, too slow internet?
Bob Slydell
First of all, in order to get help you have to provide a little bit more information, actual detailed specs of your computer would help, but given it has a Quad Core and 6 Gigs of ram i highly doubt, no i DO doubt that your computer is the problem lol. Secondly, downloading the EXE from the site? Downloading the game from the CD? Need to know. If you are downloading it from the site in your browser and its stopping at 80, thats weird, if you are INSTALLING the game on your computer and it's stopping at 80 and it is being installed from the CD (which isnt really advised as the EXE is on the gw site) then the CD could be messed up. Really don't know what to tell you... Also could you actully mean you have downloaded it and are stuck at 80% at a loading screen? If it's stuck at 80% at a loading screen there is something wrong with your computer in the memory or graphics region not letting it build the maps up on your computer.
It's coming off the cd. It is just sitting at 80% and wont go no further. I tryed to reload it and it does the same thing.
Bob Slydell
Ok try downloading the EXE from the site, I don't recommend the CD as its usually painfully outdated anyway.