Today I finally got my Gateway P7805u laptop in the mail. I eagerly popped CoD 4 in to try things out. Yet, after installation, it gave me an error message saying it could not start the game. I then tried Crysis, which yielded the same results. The error message this time said that the problem was that I have "standard graphics". Yet, the laptop is supposed to have a 9800 GTS in it. I then did some more investigating and found that my computer doesn't even recognize that it has a graphics card. I'll try contacting costumer support, but I was just wondering if anyone here had some troubleshooting suggestions.
Edit: Just found that under the device manager, the 9800 GTS is listed as working properly. Yet, whenever I try to play a game it doesn't work Also, I just installed the most up to date drivers but still haven't had any luck.
Graphics Recognition Issues
it sounds like you either have a faulty graphics card or a faulty laptop to be honest. have you checked the full official specs of the laptop, to check that it actually has a 9800GTS card inside?
It could be that they did not install the correct video driver. The term "Starndard Graphics" normally refers to Microsoft's generic video driver. I would advise installing the correct driver then try again. If, when installing the driver from nvidia it does not require you to uninstall the current driver, then Gateway did not install it.
Also, make sure that the on-board/integrated graphics is disabled in the BIOS.