Club Sticky Gaming is a multigame community, that plays World of Warcraft, DoTA, Guild Wars and now Counter Strike Source. Club Sticky was started to enhance the experience of the normal hum-drum car clubs. The Club Sticky Gaming community was started up just recently. The thought behind our decision to pursue a gaming section of Club Sticky was simple. . . to create a Club like no other! To put together two groups of people that under normal circumstances would most likely not hang out with one another. and who knows we might turn some car lovers into gamers and some gamers into car lovers!
We have a 100 slot vent server, which is paid for by our sponsors, Monster energy drink and Subaru. We specialize in HM PvE, Titles, Dungeons and looking to get more involved wid PvP. We are looking for like minded guilds to fill our alliance. Feel free to contact me in game Gods Patriarch
Club Sticky Gaming[cSg] LF Kurz Guilds