Perma Form Cryer
Its Rampage
What are the recommended ranks of Luxon/Kurzick and Sunspear for it?
Hmm. I have only have Kurzick Rank 2, and I have SS rank like 5 or 6. With the Recent change to CoP, ranks isn't too important because most of the damage comes from the degen anyway. When I use it to farm tombs, I use Wandering Eye and Clumsiness which is linked to Illusion.
umm I have R2 kurzick and works fine... you can even have a R5 for cry of pain and it still is good..
Legendary Jamie
Skills increase effectiveness with each rank in that skills attribute/title.
Theres a clue and welcome to Guild Wars.
Theres a clue and welcome to Guild Wars.
Helix Dreadlock
kurzick 4 and SS 7.
it's just fine.
it's just fine.
Super Igor
Lux/Kurz doesnt rly matter, the higher the better though.
SS should be maxed out.
SS should be maxed out.