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barbie pryncess
[Wait] has changed direction with the way our alliance is at the current moment from faction grinding to more title hunting and hm missions and dungeons. We are currently looking for other like minded guilds to add to our alliance.We have a website and an alliance wide teamspek for all members. We host different wkly and monthly alliance events. What we are looking for in guilds is active friendly members that are willing to be helpful and respectful. Our alliance chat we try to keep the cursing to a minimum though we understand that it happens from time to time. We like to have a lot of fun and are looking for a few good groups to add to the alliance. We would like guilds to have a minimum of 300-500k faction, and we are Kurz ofc. If you have any questions feel free to hit me up ingame. Barbie Pryncess is my main toon. also feel free to give our site a look www.LP-Wait.com