Unblocking Proxy?
I'm trying to access the internet to play guildwars but it seems to be blocked by a proxy (figures). ANnyways I tried using myspaceproxy.com which worked back in high school and use to work at my work as well but not anymore. Any Ideas? Come on anti-hacker dudes help me out here Not sure if it would help but the proxy is Blue Coat
Bob Slydell
If you aren't at home I can't help you but if you are i'm not sure why a proxy would block you.
I'm not at home, I'm at the airport. I'm using my company's computer to access GW but it seems to be protected by a proxy. Anyone? D:
lol why should you be playing GW at the airport? don't you have a flight to catch?
We had a guy before who was on standby playing GW at the airport.
@OP - It's not GW that's the problem. It most likely is the airport internet service that is limiting the access.
@OP - It's not GW that's the problem. It most likely is the airport internet service that is limiting the access.