Don't let people sync!
Dear, ArenaNet. Please develop a REAL random system (like a virtual dice) for every random place in the game, like Random Arenas, Dragon Arena, and so on.
So, when someone click in Start button, players are NOT added to a linear wait list, but added to a real random pool (random calculations, random seconds to start, etc), making synchronization impossible.
This not only will help to have genuine random teams, plus enjoying the original idea of that places, but also it will help to promote not random places like Team Arenas. So all (IMO, cowards and exploiters) syncers people will go serious and play versus organized teams, as it's supposed to be.
So, when someone click in Start button, players are NOT added to a linear wait list, but added to a real random pool (random calculations, random seconds to start, etc), making synchronization impossible.
This not only will help to have genuine random teams, plus enjoying the original idea of that places, but also it will help to promote not random places like Team Arenas. So all (IMO, cowards and exploiters) syncers people will go serious and play versus organized teams, as it's supposed to be.
Reverend Dr
Remove glad points.
Syncing problems, leaching problems, and leaving problems all magically solved.
Syncing problems, leaching problems, and leaving problems all magically solved.
Mad Lord of Milk
Why are people whining about syncing? If you stay in American Districts, you're unaffected by syncing because of the enormous population.
And don't pretend like you're complaining to preserve the "purity" of the game, because this game is as impure as it gets.
Don't call syncers cowards and exploiters, because what they're doing is what every PvE player does to get their precious titles. Might as well even the playing field.
Stop this QQ thread immediately
And don't pretend like you're complaining to preserve the "purity" of the game, because this game is as impure as it gets.
Don't call syncers cowards and exploiters, because what they're doing is what every PvE player does to get their precious titles. Might as well even the playing field.
Stop this QQ thread immediately
Solution: Make the Gladiator title exclusive to Team Arenas.
Solution: make people in Dragon Arena and Jade Quarry/Fort Aspenwood form teams before entering.
Oh and delete RA from teh game.
Oh and delete RA from teh game.
Antares Ascending
I think that if a group of players are smart enough to sync then good for them. Get in a guild and sync to. Team play and all that
I think that if a group of players are smart enough to sync then good for them. Get in a guild and sync to. Team play and all that

I think that if a group of players are smart enough to sync then good for them. Get in a guild and sync to. Team play and all that ![]() |
Why are people whining about syncing? If you stay in American Districts, you're unaffected by syncing because of the enormous population.
And don't pretend like you're complaining to preserve the "purity" of the game, because this game is as impure as it gets. Don't call syncers cowards and exploiters, because what they're doing is what every PvE player does to get their precious titles. Might as well even the playing field. Stop this QQ thread immediately |

Now, seriously; I personally think syncing is pure exploiting and a unfair way to play this game; and that's the reason of my thread, a constructive suggestion. I cannot understand why you could disagree with a so logic thinking. I could even sync myself if I want, but that way to play will be too easy and boring for me, because I play for fun.
Obviously, even when I play for fun, I cannot allow to play versus people using "tricks" easily fixable by the developers team of ArenaNet. This is not about skill balance.
Regulus X
Crying about syncing = skilless impotent scrubs that can't stand Competition
Remove Glad Points = Removing the point and highlight of RA
Random = imbalanced anyhow, so what's the point of even Qqing over losing to SYNCers if you're gonna LOSE to random balanced groups regardless anyway? Just cowboy up and lose with your mending/healbreeze builds and waste your time like every other non-resigning joke player and/or failure in RA does. For future reference, children have WAAAY more time to waste than us adults, so they don't care to resign and actually feast on the rest of the anguished players that don't posess this same pool of time simply out of childish malice.
Remove Glad Points = Removing the point and highlight of RA
Random = imbalanced anyhow, so what's the point of even Qqing over losing to SYNCers if you're gonna LOSE to random balanced groups regardless anyway? Just cowboy up and lose with your mending/healbreeze builds and waste your time like every other non-resigning joke player and/or failure in RA does. For future reference, children have WAAAY more time to waste than us adults, so they don't care to resign and actually feast on the rest of the anguished players that don't posess this same pool of time simply out of childish malice.
They already said countless times they want to fix this but it requires a lot of programming and server work sooooo.
Operative 14
Umm.. Why? :/
Syncing = skilless impotent scrubs that can't stand Competition.
[...] Random = Random |
Random party formation means you don't control the party you want to go.
If you do control the party, you are not forming a random party (yeah, pretty obvious, but still there is VERY dense people out there).
If you really wanted ompetition, you would go to TA, instead going to RA, sync, and leave when you are sent to TA.
So, if you sync, is because you "can't stand Competition" in TA.
That is, people that sync, do so to find random parties with formed parties, to have the advantage of skill synergy and planification formed parties have over random parties.
So, don't come here saying that people that refuse sync do so because they can't play, because people that can play will go to Team Arenas and play, and those that can't will resort to sync to try gain some advantage over players than do not sync.
Anyone against removing sync is just afraid of losing their 'cheap gladiator points'. There is absolutely NO other reason.
Once they fix it, and they will, learn to play and deal with it.
If RA DA and AB were meant to have organized teams, there'd be a party box.
I can see if two friends want to sync for general fun, whatever, but having teams do it for Glad and Gamer points is just ridiculous because they can't win the regular way.
I can see if two friends want to sync for general fun, whatever, but having teams do it for Glad and Gamer points is just ridiculous because they can't win the regular way.
Crying about syncing = skilless impotent scrubs that can't stand Competition
...It defeats the whole purpose of random arenas.
"guise we sux 2 much ballsack 2 get one win in TA wut shud we do

"Don't worry guys! Everyone load up a bar from and meet up in RA traditional chinese district 1!"
I'm sure it can be fixed, but the only thing more worthless than a gladiator title is random arenas itself, and anet knows this.
I usually sync in RA, because the hours at which I play, TA is completely dead.
x sithis x
Crying about syncing = skilless impotent scrubs that can't stand Competition
Random = imbalanced anyhow, so what's the point of even Qqing over losing to SYNCers if you're gonna LOSE to random balanced groups regardless anyway? Just cowboy up and lose with your mending/healbreeze builds and waste your time like every other non-resigning joke player and/or failure in RA does. For future reference, children have WAAAY more time to waste than us adults, so they don't care to resign and actually feast on the rest of the anguished players that don't posess this same pool of time simply out of childish malice.
How curious is the english language! I think that sentence sound better this way:
Same thing would probably happen if they went to GVG.
Excuse me? you mean you sync with a team of less than 4 people, no? because if you are 4 people, you have no excuse to go TA (and play versus RA winners)
Doing that will kill RA, so your solution should be: Delete RA! (and I don't want that, because I am (normally) a solo player; and because HB is a metacraprunning place, the only thing I play this days is RA, mostly)
Same thing would probably happen if they went to GVG.
I usually sync in RA, because the hours at which I play, TA is completely dead.
Doing that will kill RA, so your solution should be: Delete RA! (and I don't want that, because I am (normally) a solo player; and because HB is a metacraprunning place, the only thing I play this days is RA, mostly)
/dance *
did i sync? =D
..i'm such a coward =/
lol xD
leave the game as it is.. People will always find ways to trick the system xD
did i sync? =D
..i'm such a coward =/
lol xD
leave the game as it is.. People will always find ways to trick the system xD
if you dont want people to farm glad points, petition to have the max lowered. Never could understand why so many titles are maxed so damned high. Its like they want people to exploit the system so they only have to spend 1000 hours to max it instead of 1500.
obsidian ectoplasm
first of all stop with the QQ syncing is not allowed. it has been addressed to anet and they said they dont give a shit
When I sync, I sync because TA is empty at the times I play, sometimes I wait 10 minutes for 1 game.
yeah it is pretty gay when you get a decent team and you get owned by a sync.
so grow some balls plz stop QQ'ing and sync yourself.
If anet worked on this along time ago it would may of had a chance.
but if anet fixed syncing today TA would still be dead 'cept for z quest days that is loaded by terrible pve'rs.
TA used to be good, without dumbass boring metas but now all hope is lost
first of all stop with the QQ syncing is not allowed. it has been addressed to anet and they said they dont give a shit
When I sync, I sync because TA is empty at the times I play, sometimes I wait 10 minutes for 1 game.
yeah it is pretty gay when you get a decent team and you get owned by a sync.
so grow some balls plz stop QQ'ing and sync yourself.
If anet worked on this along time ago it would may of had a chance.
but if anet fixed syncing today TA would still be dead 'cept for z quest days that is loaded by terrible pve'rs.
TA used to be good, without dumbass boring metas but now all hope is lost
Instead of knowing I got like "two minutes" waiting time it could take me hours to get in if it was totally randomized.
Instead of knowing I got like "two minutes" waiting time it could take me hours to get in if it was totally randomized.
Reverend Dr
so grow some balls plz stop QQ'ing and sync yourself.
You are not mourning the death of TA, you are causing the death of it. Moving from TA to RA is what makes it dead.
kane zarthrox
IMHO Quit whining about it and deal with it. Nothing we can do is there? No. Sure you can express yourself about it... but its a worn out topic and there really is no point.
Easy way to fix this would be to remove the asian districts from RA. Then noone can sync.
rehash the queue everytime the timer is reset (with another prime number) and you have got a simple but effective random team generator. of course a hash table isn't the best solution (may become huge) but definately a step in the right direction.
This time I don't even need to write a thing, read the bold text if you are lazy for read all:
When I sync, I sync because TA is empty at the times I play, sometimes I wait 10 minutes for 1 game.
so grow some balls plz stop QQ'ing and sync yourself. RIP TA |
HuntMaster Avatar
Remove glad points.
Syncing problems, leaching problems, and leaving problems all magically solved. |
I agree that anet should fix the problem, but that is no solution.
Ghost Dog
I'm laughing so hard at the syncers in this thread defending their actions, just admit that you're terrible to the point you don't stand a chance in even RA.
HuntMaster Avatar
I'm laughing so hard at the syncers in this thread defending their actions, just admit that you're terrible to the point you don't stand a chance in even RA.

Reverend Dr
Will never happen. Too many people have worked too hard to get their Gladiator titles up. Removing it now would enrage too many people. Those who complain now are not even close to those who would complain and rage quit if glad points were removed.
While it would mean certain people could no longer get glad points, it would not remove the possibility of getting glad points.
Too little too late imo.
If all the syncer's were so horrible, then I don't think anyone would be complaining. The point is, those "terrible" syncer's are winning. Henche the OP's reason for posting.
![]() |
Is something similar (even worst) to making a randomway in HA; You will have little chances to win.
If you are bored of this game, or leaved it already, that doesn't means everybody feel/think the same.
Regulus X
I find it thrilling to fight against syncers (esp. when my team is balanced in random) because I savor good, competitive fights against tough contenders; that's what gaming's all about [fun], isn't it?. Alot of the players that Qq about syncers are just bad and/or unskilled at the game, so they come to these forums to cry about how they're having a hard time winning with mending, heal breeze, orison, firestorm and all the other skills from the "inferior" category.
Here are some tips to winning in RA vs syncers. Frontliners bring high damage, interrupts, knockdowns (especially more than one + stonefists), deep wound, increased attack/movement speed, etc.. and for casters bring damage, snares, slowdown of attack/movement, knockdown, blind, anti-melee stances such as the tactics line, distortion, etc..
If you adhere to the above tips, your chances of winning soar way high. Remember though, it's timing and execution is KEY, not just mindless spamming!
So please.. no moar Qqing..?
Here are some tips to winning in RA vs syncers. Frontliners bring high damage, interrupts, knockdowns (especially more than one + stonefists), deep wound, increased attack/movement speed, etc.. and for casters bring damage, snares, slowdown of attack/movement, knockdown, blind, anti-melee stances such as the tactics line, distortion, etc..
If you adhere to the above tips, your chances of winning soar way high. Remember though, it's timing and execution is KEY, not just mindless spamming!
So please.. no moar Qqing..?
obsidian ectoplasm
I am syncing go sync yourself because lets be honest this problem will never be fixed so there is no point trying to stop it
I am not saying I think sync is a good thing syncing in RANDOM arenas is obviously stupid
but stopping sync will not make TA active
and when I say I sync because TA is dead, not just because of syncing but all of GW is dead at the time I play
I am not saying I think sync is a good thing syncing in RANDOM arenas is obviously stupid
but stopping sync will not make TA active
and when I say I sync because TA is dead, not just because of syncing but all of GW is dead at the time I play
I like to sync in RA so I dont get rubbish players on my group.
I only do it very rarely if anyone else asks, sometimes I get a good random group with an easy 10-15 wins, then once we end up in TA, I ask if they want to sync RA.
The funny thing is that the crybabies already ruined RA by getting dishonour and /report added into the game. Of course when someone keeps on getting random fail group after random fail group, they feel like quitting and syncing. Unless of course you are that annoying mending wammo or firestorm monk, and the person who then runs off QQing about quitters and syncers.
Then the bad player resorts to insulting better players by calling them wiki noobs or something bad for syncing. Maybe if you didnt suck so much yourself, then you would actually win? Maybe the reason why you lose a game is you, didnt you ever think about that? I myself am not bothered if I win or lose, but if you are then all you have to do is improve your skillbar, learn to play and maybe play a monk.
I only do it very rarely if anyone else asks, sometimes I get a good random group with an easy 10-15 wins, then once we end up in TA, I ask if they want to sync RA.
The funny thing is that the crybabies already ruined RA by getting dishonour and /report added into the game. Of course when someone keeps on getting random fail group after random fail group, they feel like quitting and syncing. Unless of course you are that annoying mending wammo or firestorm monk, and the person who then runs off QQing about quitters and syncers.
Then the bad player resorts to insulting better players by calling them wiki noobs or something bad for syncing. Maybe if you didnt suck so much yourself, then you would actually win? Maybe the reason why you lose a game is you, didnt you ever think about that? I myself am not bothered if I win or lose, but if you are then all you have to do is improve your skillbar, learn to play and maybe play a monk.
Regulus X
I like to sync in RA so I dont get rubbish players on my group.
I only do it very rarely if anyone else asks, sometimes I get a good random group with an easy 10-15 wins, then once we end up in TA, I ask if they want to sync RA. The funny thing is that the crybabies already ruined RA by getting dishonour and /report added into the game. Of course when someone keeps on getting random fail group after random fail group, they feel like quitting and syncing. Unless of course you are that annoying mending wammo or firestorm monk, and the person who then runs off QQing about quitters and syncers. Then the bad player resorts to insulting better players by calling them wiki noobs or something bad for syncing. Maybe if you didnt suck so much yourself, then you would actually win? Maybe the reason why you lose a game is you, didnt you ever think about that? I myself am not bothered if I win or lose, but if you are then all you have to do is improve your skillbar, learn to play and maybe play a monk. |
Stop QQ'in.
Guild Wars 2009.
Guild Wars 2009.