Guild Leaders!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2009

I'm TsuScorpio from Tsunami Gaming. I've come to offer guilds a place to call home. We offer free professionally hosted Webspace, Forums(embedded on ours or your own), TeamSpeak/Ventrillo Channels, and mIRC channels. We are always offering this to guilds who need resources but can't get them! These resources are completely ad free and hosted by a Professional hosting company. Visit for more information or post here if you have any questions!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2009

I am definately not a spam bot and I am definately not lying, these resources are 100% free!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2009

No Guild


I can vouch for this community, TsuScorpio and the rest of the staff are very cool people, I enjoyed the community in such short time so much I'm going to be hanging around there a lot more, so if you need a voice channel, freewebsite/forums this is the place to get it

Gothlick aka Matt


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2009

Sandwich Massachusetts

Forgotten Gladiators [fG]


Hi, me and my friend currently lead unknown phenomenon but need a site, vent, etc. we are bronze trimmed and plan to participate in this months MaT. any help you can provide to me and my fellow leader would be greatly appreciated.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2009

I would be glad to set you up. Do you have an X-Fire/MSN? If not you can visit (have to register first) then PM me and i'll get you set up.

DJ DarkFang

DJ DarkFang

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2009

Kindred in Nocturne


I am the guild leader of a guild that is alliance leader of a small alliance and we can definately use services like yours. I am also a Blade Radio DJ and would be happy to plug you on my show if I like the services. Please send me a message on here with all the info I ned to set up with you. Thank you.

Dj Darkfang


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2009

Sandwich Massachusetts

Forgotten Gladiators [fG]


gunna have to retract that post, left the guild.