And a hero shall lead them
Unreal Havoc
Does anyone else find the Sunspear General rank requirement from "And a hero shall lead them" to progress through Nightfall annoying? Especially after having to grind to progress through the starter island anyway.
You can bypass it by aligning with a Sunspear General or non Elonian with "And a hero shall lead them" active anyway, making it pointless to be there in the first place.
Obvious proposal is for the requirement to be removed. Sunspear rank is not nessecary making it a pointless grind.
You can bypass it by aligning with a Sunspear General or non Elonian with "And a hero shall lead them" active anyway, making it pointless to be there in the first place.
Obvious proposal is for the requirement to be removed. Sunspear rank is not nessecary making it a pointless grind.
We've been finding it annoying since Nightfall release. At least they deleted the requirement for Foreign characters to get the rank.
Unreal Havoc
I had only ever played foriegn characters until I made my Paragon. The senseless grinding put me off making any more Elonian characters.
Grinding should be a choice, not enforced in my opinion.
I don't get why Arenanet dropped the requirement on foriegn characters but not native ones.
Grinding should be a choice, not enforced in my opinion.
I don't get why Arenanet dropped the requirement on foriegn characters but not native ones.
I pre-ordered Nightfall.
The first guy I wanted to take though the chapter was my ritualist. After getting to the Hero-quest and seeing that I need to be a General to advance, I stopped playing Nightfall and only returned after the req was removed.
So you can guess how I feel about the requirements regarding being certain rank to advance. (The same way that I feel about needing to be a certain rank to craft armour of course!)
The first guy I wanted to take though the chapter was my ritualist. After getting to the Hero-quest and seeing that I need to be a General to advance, I stopped playing Nightfall and only returned after the req was removed.
So you can guess how I feel about the requirements regarding being certain rank to advance. (The same way that I feel about needing to be a certain rank to craft armour of course!)
I've never found it overly much of a grind.
Pick up all the bounties. Go out of your way a little as you complete quests to kill nearby foes. Complete the side quests. It all adds up, and doesn't require much in the way of grinding out kills
Pick up all the bounties. Go out of your way a little as you complete quests to kill nearby foes. Complete the side quests. It all adds up, and doesn't require much in the way of grinding out kills
I agree.
I hear people saying that you'll usually be there when you go through the game as normal, but if you look on the other side, people have completed the game and just want to push all the way through the game instead of quest and pop the same monsters in the same area a few times. It might not take much time, but it's annoying and pointless anyway.
I hear people saying that you'll usually be there when you go through the game as normal, but if you look on the other side, people have completed the game and just want to push all the way through the game instead of quest and pop the same monsters in the same area a few times. It might not take much time, but it's annoying and pointless anyway.
Unreal Havoc
I've never found it overly much of a grind.
Pick up all the bounties. Go out of your way a little as you complete quests to kill nearby foes. Complete the side quests. It all adds up, and doesn't require much in the way of grinding out kills |
Side quests and bounties should be optional, not a requirement to continue a story.
Eye of the North and Prophecies did Side Quests right, they gave you a reason to want to do them by rewarding you with skills etc for completing them.
Having to do them to fulfill a title requirement later in a game is bad design. You're not doing them because you want to, you're doing them because you have to.
Not to mention this is only for native characters, not foreign.
Factions is also guilty of this with it's faction requirement to follow on the story. At least that one applies to all though.
Mad Lord of Milk
I've never really had a problem with getting the requirements for "And a Hero Shall Lead Them", but then again I actually picked up the bounties. Doesn't take too much to get to Sunspear General.
just vq an area or two.

Unreal Havoc
I've never really had a problem with getting the requirements for "And a Hero Shall Lead Them", but then again I actually picked up the bounties. Doesn't take too much to get to Sunspear General.
Depending on what way you take to get to Sunspear Sanctuary this may not be possible. You can easily get to this point by around level 17. You have to be level 20 to vanquish.
People are missing the point. It's not about what you can or cannot do to bypass it, or meet the requirements, you don't even need to grind to bypass the requirement, it's about whether you should have to or not just to continue the main campaign, especially when foreign characters don't even have a requirement in the first place.
Obvious proposal is for the requirement to be removed. Sunspear rank is not nessecary making it a pointless grind.
The requirements of this quest ("And a hero shall lead them") is:
- You must be a hero.
- You must possess leadership skills.
You have none of these qualities.
My recommendation for you is:
- Try harder.
Unreal Havoc
That's not very heroic of you.
The requirements of this quest ("And a hero shall lead them") is: - You must be a hero. - You must possess leadership skills. You have none of these qualities. My recommendation for you is: - Try harder. |
Forgetting the fact that I've already grinded my ass off just to get there already by already having to meet requirements on the starter island. Or the fact that I already did it anyway.
It's not about trying hard or not, read the posts clearly it's very easily bypassable, it s about playing Guild Wars not playing Grind Wars. Grinding should be optional for a reward, not a requirement to complete a campaign, especially when the requirement is removed for non native characters.
It's very easy to get via normal gameplay of an Elonan character.
lol i've played with a new dervish and had no proble with tha rank thing, just collect the bount and do some quest and you dont even need to worry about that
Archress Shayleigh
it's very annoying because some people come to play the game not to grind but to have fun
btw hawt pic
btw hawt pic
The three times I made an Elonian character, I already had level 20 before Consulate Docks and the required Sunspear rank before getting to that quests, just by making the Istan quests and picking the bounties while doing them.
Just don't skip the Istan quests and you'll be fine.
Just don't skip the Istan quests and you'll be fine.
I do find this quest very annoying, but I think it's cater towards players who just bought Nightfall as their first Guild Wars game. If this were to pass, I would also like to wipe-out pre-searing because that's also another annoying thing to go through. At least in Factions the learning curve is intense. But sorry:
definitally signed. i just deleted my ranger, and restarted in prophecies, simply to avoid having to grind out points to progress past AHSLT. (i'd gotten to sanctuary with something like 3500 points to grind)
grind pisses me right off.
grind pisses me right off.
Oh please, it's hardly grind and it's downright easy to get to that rank. I had absolutely no problems hitting that requirement - and I didn't even do all of the Istani quests and went to the mainland at level 16. When you're doing quests (which you should be because they help level you up quicker), or even just running from place to place, always take every bounty that's available. And tada, easy.
When I had to do that quest, it took me all of 15 minutes outside of Yohlon killing insects to finish getting to r7.
When I had to do that quest, it took me all of 15 minutes outside of Yohlon killing insects to finish getting to r7.
Guild Wars players and their complaints about grind...
If it makes you feel better, getting to that required rank is indeed part of the main campaign. It's up to you to decide how to get there. If that is by getting bounties and doing some sidequests, boohoo.
So no, I don't find the Sunspear General rank requirement from "And a hero shall lead them" to progress through Nightfall annoying, mainly because I made sure to get all bounties, and was cartographing on my way to it.
If it makes you feel better, getting to that required rank is indeed part of the main campaign. It's up to you to decide how to get there. If that is by getting bounties and doing some sidequests, boohoo.
So no, I don't find the Sunspear General rank requirement from "And a hero shall lead them" to progress through Nightfall annoying, mainly because I made sure to get all bounties, and was cartographing on my way to it.
Yes its annoying, but if you've made an attempt at doing quests and not getting run everywhere you should be fairly close to it anyway so minimal grind. They're not going to change it now.
Hyper Cutter
Taking bounties and doing all the Kournan quests available pre-Venta Cemetary gets you to almost exactly 2500 points, iirc...
Ebony Shadowheart
I have *mentally counts* 6 or so Elonian characters, I've never had to go out of my way to grind a title to progress through the game on any of them. I'm not sure why people complain that this is grind? I picked up the bounties as I played through, and I enjoyed doing the side quests for the loot and easily achieved the required ranks (and then some) to progress onward all from normal game play.
/not signed
/not signed
Unreal Havoc
Lol, who said it was anything about how easy/hard it was to do?
Like I said before it's very easily surpassed.
The point here isn't about how easy it is or isn't but about whether you should be forced to do something which, in my belief, should be "optional" to do the main campaign.
And yes, if you "have" to do side quests and bounties to actually get to that point, it's not optional.
Maybe some peope don't want to do every little sidequest everytime they play through a main campaign. Maybe they just want to blitz through the main campaign and done, then perhaps come back and do some sidequests later. Do you not think a player should be allowed the right of choice?
And there's still the matter of fact that it is only Elonian characters who have to fulfill this requirement.
It might be easy to fulfill, it might be a minor thing, but it is still a pointless exercise.
I find it amusing peope want to waste time in their lives making sure they have the right amount of title points just to progress in a campaign when they shouldn't need to.
Like I said before it's very easily surpassed.
The point here isn't about how easy it is or isn't but about whether you should be forced to do something which, in my belief, should be "optional" to do the main campaign.
And yes, if you "have" to do side quests and bounties to actually get to that point, it's not optional.
Maybe some peope don't want to do every little sidequest everytime they play through a main campaign. Maybe they just want to blitz through the main campaign and done, then perhaps come back and do some sidequests later. Do you not think a player should be allowed the right of choice?
And there's still the matter of fact that it is only Elonian characters who have to fulfill this requirement.
It might be easy to fulfill, it might be a minor thing, but it is still a pointless exercise.
I find it amusing peope want to waste time in their lives making sure they have the right amount of title points just to progress in a campaign when they shouldn't need to.
Darkstar The Legend
There is a grind to reach general?
just by doing every side quest available and always picking up the bounties i have always been well past the sunspear general rank by the time of that quest.
just by doing every side quest available and always picking up the bounties i have always been well past the sunspear general rank by the time of that quest.
Unreal Havoc
There is a grind to reach general?
just by doing every side quest available and always picking up the bounties i have always been well past the sunspear general rank by the time of that quest. |
The point here isn't about how easy it is or isn't but about whether you should be forced to do something which, in my belief, should be "optional" to do the main campaign. And yes, if you "have" to do side quests and bounties to actually get to that point, it's not optional. |
Hyper Cutter
Major necromancy here, but a forum search yielded this topic and was on-topic for my concern.
I finally decided to level up my first Nightfall character of three, a dervish, and after completing every--single Istani quest and taking bounties, completing the missions and doing the bonus of each before rescuing Koss, I found I didn't have enough rep to progress forward!
How is that even reasonable? For me, grinding out kills and rep is the lowest form of game-play and about as entertaining as killing boars.
I sincerely hope that the 'grind' formula that was seemingly introduced with Nightfall and then used at every possible turn in EoTN is not replicated in GW2. I'm getting too old for this crap.
I finally decided to level up my first Nightfall character of three, a dervish, and after completing every--single Istani quest and taking bounties, completing the missions and doing the bonus of each before rescuing Koss, I found I didn't have enough rep to progress forward!
How is that even reasonable? For me, grinding out kills and rep is the lowest form of game-play and about as entertaining as killing boars.
I sincerely hope that the 'grind' formula that was seemingly introduced with Nightfall and then used at every possible turn in EoTN is not replicated in GW2. I'm getting too old for this crap.