Vengeful Guardians (FURY) is looking for an alliance.
We are a new guild but we are a reincarnation of a guild that has been around since the start of 2006. We are now actively recruiting to build a vibrant and fun guild.
The focus of the guild is PvP and some PvE.
We have now embarked on getting back into GvG and are looking for a Luxon PvP based alliance.
Our membership has a wide age range but we always look for family supportive atmosphere. Some of our members have played together for many years and we believe we have a unique spirit in the guild. We have our own forums and Ventrilo server to help maintain this camaraderie
If you want to talk more PM me here or contact me ingame.
IGN Gillian Treehugger /Gillian Zen Monk
FURY Looking for Luxon alliance
Gillian Treehugger