About MH:
We are a Kurzick guild, with a fully equipped Guild Hall.
Our guild is a proud member in an international Alliance led by Factions of Life [grrr], based on friendship and an emphasis on teamplay in PvE - but most of all having fun! [MH] was founded towards the beginning of Guild Wars (approx 1 month after Prophecies release) by a small group of then university students who realised that Online Gaming was a more enjoyable way to keep in touch with each other over distance than by other means.
Why we're recruiting:
As GW has gotten older, a lot of the older veterans of [MH] no longer play. After a recent recruitment drive though, we are now up to 21 members, and are looking for even more people to play with us. We're moving on into PvP formats such as GvG and PvP, but sometimes struggle to get a full team of 8 for this purpose. However, our main root is in PvE, and it's always nice to have more people to play any game format with!
Playing times:
The active members (myself included) for the most part have full time jobs, so we can only really play in evenings and at weekends. We're also largely resident in Europe, so we're currently playing to a European timescale.
We are part of a very active and very friendly alliance. The alliance is close enough that it's like being in one giant guild.
Modes of Play:
Our alliance generally play many modes of PvE - HM, NM, and end game areas. Our alliance members are always happy to team up for various activities, and we also have a fair share of title chasers (myself included). Even with the small size of [MH], there is always someone in the alliance who is active and happy to help out. PvP play in the alliance is usually AB, FA or JQ - though some alliance members have been known to venture into HA or TA.
[MH] have recently started to play GvG and HA. To check the requirements for playing GvG/HA with us, please check out our recrutiment post in the PvP Guild Recruitment forum.
The only requirement/rule we have is that you act civilly to our alliance members. The alliance members vary quite widely in age, and we do have some younger players amongst our numbers.
[MH] will not frown upon a new recruit feeling that he/she is a better fit in one of the other Allied Guilds. We're casual, relaxed, and we don't see the need to try and rail-road a player into staying somewhere they're not happy, or doing things they don't want to do. There is no requirement to be active every day - [MH] realise that real life comes before GW, and periods of inactivity will not be punished with a kick from the Guild.
We'll accept players of any level, age, creed or nationality. Our alliance comprises of a large portion of Dutch speaking players, and for the most part are European. Although English speaking players are preferable, you should be able to get by with only basic English language skills - though this does in part depend on what your first language actually is! The alliance play times generally reflect European timezones.
Please bear in mind that [MH] is getting into PvP more and more, so alot of our online time is currently devoted to this - though we have enough members who play PvE still that this shouldn't cause any grouping issues. Our most active members play casually, but do try to log on at least once a day. I believe this makes us a perfect fit for any other casual player.
Want to join, or have any questions?
Further information about [MH] and our alliance can be found on the wiki.
If your question isn't answered there, please feel free to PM me here, or contact me ingame. My main IGN is Lyger Lethologica. Please get in touch if you want to join, or enquire about one of the other guilds in the alliance.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Metal Headz [MH] Recruiting - a Casual Guild for Casual Players!