Originally Posted by jackers1234
my worry is, that with this pressure from the GW community, ANet will cave and produce some lame WoW copy where the emphasis is on the grind, rather then the game, as opposed to sticking to their original GW concept, which, for me, is the best MMO around by miles.
I will admit, I have high expectations for GW2. I love(d) GW1. It was a beautiful series of game, very fun, kept me occupied for years. I was sheltered by its casual atmosphere. I would always come back to GW1 instead of WoW or any of those Korean grinding games because GW1 was storyline-centric, fast-paced (for the most part), had little-to-no grind (well, Prophecies-era, at least), free...: it didn't feel like a chore to me. I could ditch it for a couple of months, pick it back up, and be on my way again.
So of course, I'm apprehensive on how they will make GW2, especially when it sounds so much (from the little information that we have) like they're ditching [some of] their original premises and making it more like the generic MMO/WoW competitor. I try to imagine it as free-roaming as Prophecies, but with all the [not optional] grind they started adding in since Factions and accumulating into EoTN, I'm wondering, "Oh God, what will they do for GW2?" (on top of them already making it drastically different anyway with like, high level caps and whatnot).
I really do hope they make GW2 as great as--no, even better than--GW1. I have high expectations for them on that issue, because I DID fall in love with GW, and not generic MMO #72, and it kind of saddens me that they do this. I guess I'll just have to wait for more information, if I'm still around if it ever comes out. I hope that GW2 doesn't turn into another generic MMO, but half of me is rather pessimistic.