Originally Posted by Torpoon
Ah, I was making that post in reference to a 'multiplayer' game called Guild Wars. I'm pretty sure if I ran in naked or with no weapon in almost any pug, they'd restart and kick me from their group. So yes, balance is needed for multiplayer.
You missed my point and focused soley on the fact that FF12 is a single player game. So here's a multiplayer challenge for you. On diablo2 LOD, player's can opt to take the magic item challenge. This is when you only use blue items. No uniques, no runics, no rares and no crafted items. You start the game in hell and try to beat it all the way through. This is not easy. But players do it all the time.
There is also a no charm challenge. We have other challenges in other mulitplayer games, like no final tier challenges in rts games, or the pistol challenge in fps games, where you defeat your foes with only a pistol or the cqc/knife challenge in mgs4. You can do the no flying unit challenge in wc3 where you must defeat your foe with just ground troops. You also have the 1 hero challenge in wc3 where everyone only uses 1 hero which is very hard as you can either attack or defend but not both.
When people want to achieve something special and challenge themselves, they can do so without requiring the game provider to fix everything so they have no choice. This is why I say that MMO player's are the most spoiled bunch of all. They seem to have forgotten what gaming is all about.
When you pay a monthly fee, then yes you have a right to complain if something is actually wrong. But with free to play games, you really don't have much to complain about, especially when the game has changed so much on purpose.
Originally Posted by dusanyu
"God mode is not Just one build it is any number of overpowered Skills (90% of the "PvE version" of standard skills and PvE only Skills
If thats true then nerfing a few things here and there won't do any good at all because
we will simply find a new godmode and a new one after that. In order to truely balance
pve skill you first have to balance pve, which means monster skills, mob sizes, item drop
rate and gold frequency income.
Originally Posted by [DE]
Casual gamers tend to not care, nor notice when the builds they use get touched. You wouldn't believe how many people still ran the exact same cookie cutter Warrior's Endurance build after it was meganerfed for the next couple weeks.
I'm inbetween casual and hardcore myself and I notice. When they change skills I enjoy its
annoying because I enjoy them. I use different builds for different things but I generally have
and overall build I use most of the time.
As for warriors endurance. Yes the reduction to gained energy was bothersome at first
but with the extended overall duration of the skill and the fact it isn't a stance made the
skill better. Now I can run WE forever and never run out of energy when coupled with
counter attack. The fact that WE isn't a stance (like it is in pvp) means I can run
stances with it, like flail. So they actually buffed WE.
Originally Posted by byteme!
Don't be surprised. People spend countless hours in front of their monitor re-reading and proofing read posts/threads just so they can brainstorm/gather enough info to form a seemingly legitimate sugar coated argument on why they think the game should be the way they see it. You see it all the time. Quote wars back and forth. A lot of individuals don't really have any solid arguments of their own. They think it up as they go or as they are reading. Certain things never get mentioned until 1 person QQ's about it on a fan forum. I can name instances where certain things were problematic for months and not a single soul ever mentioned it or even knew it was a problem. In other words it wasn't a problem at all. Took 1 dumbass to start a thread and suddenly like a flock of Geese we hear from the vocal minority who were otherwise quiet and content. People are like sheep. Quick to jump on the bandwagon. I expect to be quoted, misinterpreted, spelling Nazi'ed, told I'm wrong, told I must be joking and perhaps chastised because that's just how we GEEKS do things.
GW's is/was/always will be strictly for entertainment and a past time. Some of you treat it like a second job. You know who you are and it sucks to be you...
I agree with you, the majority of the people who find the game broken or dead are those who spend far to much time on it. They act like guildwar mad scientists and break down builds and
then rebuild them to see exactly what makes them work and how best to exploit every skill. I
do not have that kind of time or that kind of dedication to this game or any game.
Basically what I am finding out from this topic is that people are unwilling to do things on their
own when they can exploit something and they have a problem with people making more money
than them. They also want people to either dedicate the same amount of time they do to the game
or quit. Which is not right in the least.
This is why I think anet should add in a godmode for every profession and make PvE a crazy
overly powered aspect of the game and then balance pvp. Set buy prices at the merchant for
every item skin, mod and inscription so prices stay the same since the market is never going
to be fixed anyways. Increase drop rates and reduce Hero drops, remove henchie drop steals
completely. Make heroes overpowered in normal mode but make them nearly useless in hard
mode. Grant benefits to guild and alliance members and make mission benefits depend on
the number of real players in the group.
If they did all of that, it would fix things a little. People would still complain but atleast everyone
could make the money they want and play how they want. Let people choose for themselves.
Then announce they are no longer going to touch PvE but will continue to monitor PvP and
work towards a complete balance of that aspect of the game. (which will never happen)
[QUOTE=Bryant Again;4734032]Snip for space.[/I]QUOTE]
I don't agree with the first part. A game can be very challenging in the beginning but as time
goes on and player's play the game more and more they know how to bypass the difficult parts.
That doesn't mean the game isn't challenging, it just means the players are experienced and
have evolved passed the basic's. That doesn't call for a complete overhaul of the game, thats
not fair to the players who have not reached the same level of skill.
When it comes the intergrity of guildwars I fail to see how nerfing skills fixes anything. The game
has already changed beyond its original concept and nothing will return it to the days of prophecies (pre-sorrows furnace). For example, you can't nerf PvE only skills because they were
included in the game to BE overpowered, this is the whole reason for having them in the first place. Many people were sick of the same old same and the idea of getting a set of skills that
would allow them to walk through the game they had been playing for years as gods had great
appeal. People had to work to get those skills as powerful as they could be before the book exploits. So nerfing all that hard work is the wrong thing to do.
So the integrity of the game is not gone, but it has changed. We now have heroes and titles
and a feature of the game that promotes the ultimate grind. the HoM. The game will never be
what it used to be and we need to accept that and find a new way to see it. PvE should not
be held to the same balancing standards of PvP. PvP is for serious play with other people. PvE
is for the relaxing fun and lol's.
And again, you can't balance skills without balancing the environment in which they are used.
Which requires a total overhaul of pve. Something that will never happen.
To the second part, if the majority doesn't care and are perfectly happy with the state of the game
as is, then why should anet change the game to accomodate the smaller group of hardcore
gamers who spend massive amounts of time on the game? Why should those perfectly happy
with how things are now be subject to the consequences of the nitpickers actions?
If the nitpickers have been playing the game for 4 years and are unhappy with how it is now, shouldn't they find something a bit newer with a more aligned focus and gameplay to what they
like instead of kicking the dead horse over and over again while they wait for the next horse (gw2)
to die?
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
If the players are not good, they should not be rewarded. If they can prove their skill then they deserve the credit. Simple as that. Why should they be rewarded for being subpar?
But see this isn't right or fair. You can not compare skill level when one group spends thousands and thousands of hours on the game and the other group only spend hundreds. You can't punish people for not playing as much or learning as fast as you. If people did not get rewarded they would not play.
That is the wrong attitude and is one reason why people are anti social. Playing games online isn't about fun, as it should be. Instead its about proving your superior over everyone else. If this is the case then none of you are any good at the game because you require anet to fix the problem because you have failed to find a way to overcome it.