Wintersday in July!
Miss H O T
this is just retarded, sorry to say anet, but come up with something sunny instead.
can easily think of beachballing or w/e, adding aviator shades to the headgear or something like that.
/not signed
can easily think of beachballing or w/e, adding aviator shades to the headgear or something like that.
/not signed
Regina Buenaobra
see you at snowball arena
It begins on my birthday. Sweet.
The northern hemisphere isn't the only one, you know...
The northern hemisphere isn't the only one, you know...
shadows of hob
That sucks. Snowballing was and will be my favorite minigame forever. Real shame I will be on vacation for a few weeks including that weekend. Guess I will have to wait till it is really wintersday again.
Hf all!
Hf all!
Hehe thats the weekend of the next Aion beta.
Sorry guys, enjoy the snow without me. I'll be galavanting around with wings.
Sorry guys, enjoy the snow without me. I'll be galavanting around with wings.
I love people going "OMG is retarded" when the posters are the ones who are clearly a little slow since they don't get the fairly popular and well known reference to Christmas in July.
How can you not understand a) there is life below the equator b) the simple marketing tool of "Mid-year Christmas" that has been employed for decades.
Oh god, two aion betas in a row you guys throw an event! What about the next beta, yet another one?

Aussie Boy
if pb drops again i'll farm another one just to piss off everyone that hated me getting one last year

But it's irrelevant anyway cause it don't drop this event anyway.
Xmas in July has been around in Aussie land for a long time so good that we get some love.
pumpkin pie
hope i am around! good job Arena Net for showering your fans/players with festivals!
Amnel Ithtirsol
GG, another GW weekend event at the same time as an Aion beta event.

lol, enjoy the free drinks and sugary stuffs... I'll be getting my wings. :P
lol, enjoy the free drinks and sugary stuffs... I'll be getting my wings. :P
Love those kinds of weekends, they should have those things every weekend.
While I don't hate anybody who got a mpb drop last wintersday, I do loathe the drop rate. Over 900 runs through that damn quest, and nothing. Now that made me angry.
The question really is, when can I AFK the Rings again?
Everything else is just filler.
Everything else is just filler.
Khazad Guard
It's really quite sad how ignorant many people are with the "anet running out of ideas?" or "anet is retarded" comments. If you don't know the Earth is round, and those in the southern hemisphere are currently in Winter (and have "Christmas" during their Summer) due to the axis of the Earth. They also had the event last year too. Instead of complaining go learn about the seasons.
don richardos At's or not?:P
I wonder if the nerf for shadow form was slated for July. Then they moved it to august becuase of the mass outcry it would have caused right before an event?
The question really is, when can I AFK the Rings again?
Everything else is just filler. |
BTW Upier drop the harry potter books and pick up the Song of Fire and Ice series.
The The Sword of Truth series from Terry Goodkind.
mastar of warrior
Yay ...the one Weekend i wont be home >.<
Willow O Whisper
O_o global warming is to blame for this? ^^
Ah can't wait ^^ Candy canes, eggnogs,sweets HERE I COME!
Ah can't wait ^^ Candy canes, eggnogs,sweets HERE I COME!
Oh, nice, more sweets.
Miss H O T
It's really quite sad how ignorant many people are with the "anet running out of ideas?" or "anet is retarded" comments. If you don't know the Earth is round, and those in the southern hemisphere are currently in Winter (and have "Christmas" during their Summer) due to the axis of the Earth. They also had the event last year too. Instead of complaining go learn about the seasons.
Actually this is the first time i experience this summer christmas event myself, been on holiday for all others apparently, and yes i know the earth is round (although it looks more like an oval shape to me, prolly just my crooked vision of the earth, or too much pot) and yes i know christmas is associated with snow and everything, but it's not like the whole northern hemisphere is covered in it on christmas day, quite the opposite actually, white christmasses are almost extinct. Also, it's an online game which is the same for guys from oz as for guys from holland (like myself), so it's just as white on their screen as it is on mine (although i must admit shades can differ because of brightness settings).
Now, i know my earlier remark referred to summer times with the shades and everything, fine, let em come up with something different, but another christmas is just unoriginal in my opinion.
i praise a-net into the sky more than most, but for this they just go a little less high than usual, keep it up meboys!
It's really quite sad how ignorant many people are with the "anet running out of ideas?" or "anet is retarded" comments. If you don't know the Earth is round, and those in the southern hemisphere are currently in Winter (and have "Christmas" during their Summer) due to the axis of the Earth. They also had the event last year too. Instead of complaining go learn about the seasons.
thank goodness the event is next week after my exams
aha nice i remembered about this the otherday yet this thread came as a surprise. Im liking how theres something to always be interested in. Arnt we all glad this doesn't include the snowman quest?
You can count on at least a few dipshits going WHERE RIFT WARDEN?! next weekend. Perfect time to /point /laugh.
Regina Buenaobra
We normally have our events during the weekends. We schedule our events independently of whatever Aion is doing in-game.
merely a coincedance....

You can count on at least a few dipshits going WHERE RIFT WARDEN?! next weekend. Perfect time to /point /laugh.
Added to that plan we can use a texmod of the area would be awesome.
Black Metal
En panis
Will collectors be there? If so, I need to get grawl necklace farming pronto!
Toxic OnyX
Ryla Ravenclaw
Aussie Boy
Using ever tonic and for the lulz hope i dont get banned for the name being close

M @ T
Just pump your airconditioning, add some "cotton flakes" around your window and it could feel like wintersday..
What the hell am I talking about? It's 40 Celcius outside, even the damn cotton will melt..
*mumbles inconceivably*
What the hell am I talking about? It's 40 Celcius outside, even the damn cotton will melt..
*mumbles inconceivably*
Perfect timing, about 200-300 points short on both Drunkard and Sweet Tooth. Farming it is!
Poor raptors.