What about a PvE Rank?
The Bremby
At the begininning i want to apologize, becouse my english is not so good.
I'm expecially a PvP player, i love HA, but i love to play in PvE too, and i really hate to waste my time.
I think the most problem in PvE, when we have to join a party, or form a group, expecially when we are going to clean elitè areas like uw, doa and so on; i think the most problem is that we can't see if the other players are experienced or not.
So, why doesn't arenanet create a pve "experienced" rank?
I mean they could do in this way:
1) They can create a "valuable mode". When we're in "valuable mode" we can earn or loose "pve experienced" points! And we can play in "valuable mode" only in dugeons or elite area, and only in Hard Mode, and only when the party is formed by a minimum of 6 human palyers.
2)Like when we stay in a PvP area, or when we choose to play in HM: it spawn the relative icon. In the same way, when a party of 6-8 human players (playing in HM) enter in an elite area or a dugeon: it can spawn a "valuable mode" icon.
3) ANet should create a "pve experienced rank" with some positive ranks, and negative ranks. Positive ranks will give a green buff (darker with highest rank), negative ranks will give a red buff (darker for lowest).
4)If the party complete the dugeon or the elite area (so when the endig chest spawn) all party members gain +3 points. If one party member die during the game for the first time: he loose -1 point. If the party fail, all players loose -1 point. Each player can gain at last 3 points, and loose at last 3 points.
a: the first problem is that sometimes a player could die, but he's playing without errors anyway (like a tank when he's playing with noob monks). Or otherwise all team fail becouse of 1 (like in uwsc). So they could create a new comand like /report called /value. With this command the team's players
can give a positive or negative value about a player. When the half players of the team give a positive value, that player gain +1 point; in the case of negative value: that player loose -1 point.
b: an other problem are the speed cleans. I mean that a player can complete in the same day a lot of speed cleans, so a player can gain a lot of points doing only the same thing, but he could be a perfect noob playing others elite areas. So i think a player can gain points in the same area only 1 time per day, or 3 time per weeks. This will help the players that want (and can) play all areas.
Ty everybody, really sorry again for my bad english. Have Fun and Good Game!!
I'm expecially a PvP player, i love HA, but i love to play in PvE too, and i really hate to waste my time.
I think the most problem in PvE, when we have to join a party, or form a group, expecially when we are going to clean elitè areas like uw, doa and so on; i think the most problem is that we can't see if the other players are experienced or not.
So, why doesn't arenanet create a pve "experienced" rank?
I mean they could do in this way:
1) They can create a "valuable mode". When we're in "valuable mode" we can earn or loose "pve experienced" points! And we can play in "valuable mode" only in dugeons or elite area, and only in Hard Mode, and only when the party is formed by a minimum of 6 human palyers.
2)Like when we stay in a PvP area, or when we choose to play in HM: it spawn the relative icon. In the same way, when a party of 6-8 human players (playing in HM) enter in an elite area or a dugeon: it can spawn a "valuable mode" icon.
3) ANet should create a "pve experienced rank" with some positive ranks, and negative ranks. Positive ranks will give a green buff (darker with highest rank), negative ranks will give a red buff (darker for lowest).
4)If the party complete the dugeon or the elite area (so when the endig chest spawn) all party members gain +3 points. If one party member die during the game for the first time: he loose -1 point. If the party fail, all players loose -1 point. Each player can gain at last 3 points, and loose at last 3 points.
a: the first problem is that sometimes a player could die, but he's playing without errors anyway (like a tank when he's playing with noob monks). Or otherwise all team fail becouse of 1 (like in uwsc). So they could create a new comand like /report called /value. With this command the team's players
can give a positive or negative value about a player. When the half players of the team give a positive value, that player gain +1 point; in the case of negative value: that player loose -1 point.
b: an other problem are the speed cleans. I mean that a player can complete in the same day a lot of speed cleans, so a player can gain a lot of points doing only the same thing, but he could be a perfect noob playing others elite areas. So i think a player can gain points in the same area only 1 time per day, or 3 time per weeks. This will help the players that want (and can) play all areas.
Ty everybody, really sorry again for my bad english. Have Fun and Good Game!!
Eragon Zarroc
kind of a big deal title track
Calista Blackblood
because you can mindlessly plow through any and every area of pve without having any concept of how to play guild wars. any talentless scrub can get gwamm. there is no true skill involved whatsoever in pve.
for structured pvp, you cannot.
besides, pvers were given an emote, go spam wtb zkeys in great temple and show off that bronze spear, champ.
for structured pvp, you cannot.
besides, pvers were given an emote, go spam wtb zkeys in great temple and show off that bronze spear, champ.
The Bremby
This is why a PvP'er of your taste cannot play PvE properly without referring everything to ranks/emotes. And yes we have the zaishen emote for ''PvE''.
Brawn Over Brains
I do not like this idea, because the fact that this 'rank' can drop or highten according to player only PvE.
I do like this idea because it would encourage people to play other classes in PvE like monk or mesmer, I don't see alot of them in PvE these days.
I do like this idea because it would encourage people to play other classes in PvE like monk or mesmer, I don't see alot of them in PvE these days.
You just want Rank discrimination in PvE....?
Do this, bring heroes, then they're as experienced as the player.
Or check builds, the right build most of the time means they at least have some sense of what they're doing, and for UW/FoW/DoA this should be obvious.
Do this, bring heroes, then they're as experienced as the player.
Or check builds, the right build most of the time means they at least have some sense of what they're doing, and for UW/FoW/DoA this should be obvious.
Rank discrimination already exists in PvE (sunspear, lightbringer, formerly norn).
No thank you. One of the reasons I don't play PvP is because of the rank discrimination that goes on there. (How the name of RED ENGINES is a newcomer to PvP supposed to gain rank when they can't even get into a party?)
Pinging skill bars / willingness to adjust skills should give you enough of a clue about a player's ability and how well they'll fit into a group.
Pinging skill bars / willingness to adjust skills should give you enough of a clue about a player's ability and how well they'll fit into a group.
fires element
because you can mindlessly plow through any and every area of pve without having any concept of how to play guild wars. any talentless scrub can get gwamm. there is no true skill involved whatsoever in pve.
for structured pvp, you cannot. besides, pvers were given an emote, go spam wtb zkeys in great temple and show off that bronze spear, champ. |
cause ppl never bought fame or champ points that took no true skill to acquire
If you wanna play with good pve'ers, only inv ppl who have high koabd titles and fow armour, no denying people with this are good at pve, or at least better than any random W/Mo with sunspear rank 6 showing.
If you wanna play with good pve'ers, only inv ppl who have high koabd titles and fow armour, no denying people with this are good at pve, or at least better than any random W/Mo with sunspear rank 6 showing.

Farmers pimped out in FoW/etc can be just as bad as the W/Mo with r6 sunspear. Just about every profitable area in the game involves some funky braindead build that has no use in a standard team. The rich get away with mistakes even more thanks to cons/DP removal/sugar buffs/etc.
Anyways, you can't prove skill through titles in pve. You can only show experience (KoaBD).
Betrayer of Wind
/not signed
Pugging is always a bad idea imo,hardly u'll get pugs into vent or pugs who actually know what they are doing.
You forgot alot of places can de done easily with 600/smite,and guildies would always /value +1 their other guildies.You're just gimping pve pugs.
If u wanna find experienced players,get a good guild~
Pugging is always a bad idea imo,hardly u'll get pugs into vent or pugs who actually know what they are doing.
You forgot alot of places can de done easily with 600/smite,and guildies would always /value +1 their other guildies.You're just gimping pve pugs.
If u wanna find experienced players,get a good guild~
I laughed.... really I did.... then I cried when I realized it wasn't a joke post. If you want to do 'high end' PvE with people who know what they are doing, find a guild/alliance that does it. PUGing never has and never will be successful as you never know what you will find. If it was added, there would be people 'running' other to acquire a rank needed for teams.
because you can mindlessly plow through any and every area of pve without having any concept of how to play guild wars. any talentless scrub can get gwamm. there is no true skill involved whatsoever in pve.
for structured pvp, you cannot. besides, pvers were given an emote, go spam wtb zkeys in great temple and show off that bronze spear, champ. |
Theres a thing called guilds in game... groups of people you play with so you don't have to pug for endless hours to finish stuff, or even know you have people who can do the stuff lol.
Marty Silverblade
If you don't like idiots play with guildies or H/H. Title discrimination is bad. /notsigned.
Btw, sorry for the massive black box. Guru isn't letting me fix it.
Btw, sorry for the massive black box. Guru isn't letting me fix it.
because you can mindlessly plow through any and every area of pve without having any concept of how to play guild wars. any talentless scrub can get gwamm. there is no true skill involved whatsoever in pve.
for structured pvp, you cannot. besides, pvers were given an emote, go spam wtb zkeys in great temple and show off that bronze spear, champ. |
Even the most talentless scrub can get GWAMM? How, buy using consets on the easier stuff and buying runs through the missions they find too difficult? I guess that's very true, in just the same way talentless scrubs can sych RA for Glad points, or grind HA with gimmick builds in the wee hours of the night for Rank.
No true skill? Translates to ha ha PvE'ers are all scrubs. Nice anti PvE troll.
Zkeys and "show off that bronze spear, champ" ... No need to be deliberately rude to someone who wasn't asking for a PvE emote. Learn to read?
To the OP's suggestion. We don't need this in GW, simply put PvP has shown how helpful rank discrimination is to the game, it isn't. If you are interested in high end PvE stuff (such as it is) use your friends list to keep track of good, experienced players that you'd like to game with, or join a guild with players of a skill level similar to your own.
The problem with PvE is people will find builds that work and demand them to be in their party. One skill out of place? Kick, find another sheep. PvE rank will mean nothing more than how many times you used the mainstream build.
Zrank is already pretty much the PvE rank.
You can earn the rank through predictions, zaishen NPC farming and simply buying the zkeys ... none of these require PvP on the player's part.
You can earn the rank through predictions, zaishen NPC farming and simply buying the zkeys ... none of these require PvP on the player's part.
Helix Dreadlock
because you can mindlessly plow through any and every area of pve without having any concept of how to play guild wars. any talentless scrub can get gwamm. there is no true skill involved whatsoever in pve.
for structured pvp, you cannot. besides, pvers were given an emote, go spam wtb zkeys in great temple and show off that bronze spear, champ. |
hall runs :P
syncs for RA, and TA where a guild/party gets uber builds needing 3 people-only and farm you some glad title XD