8v8 Roller beetle map for HA
Shadowspawn X
I think HA could use a little shaking up. Let replace forgotten shrines with a 8v8 roller beetle map. First team to get a guy accross the finish line gets to advance.
Relic running in halls is pretty close to this, except you want to be the last one to cross.
Oh and toomz.
Oh and toomz.
no ty, rollerbeetle is alrdy broken on its own
Shayne Hawke
The hell does RBR have to do with HA? Terrible idea.
Well, not for a HA map, but the idea sure sounds nice... tam rollerbeetlle.
EAch position gets points (0 if you don't reach the goal, 50 if you reach it first, and so on), the team with more points wins. Nice idea for a festival. One rollerbeetle could be the solo version on Canthan new year, and the team version in the day of the dragon.
But never as a map for HA.
EAch position gets points (0 if you don't reach the goal, 50 if you reach it first, and so on), the team with more points wins. Nice idea for a festival. One rollerbeetle could be the solo version on Canthan new year, and the team version in the day of the dragon.
But never as a map for HA.
Helix Dreadlock
NOT for Ha though
NOT for Ha though
Zzes Tyan
this made me lol.
1st team to form a line wins
1st team to form a line wins
Reverend Dr
Honestly it couldn't be worse than the existing series of Deathmatches which encourage bad farm builds, followed by maps with bad win mechanics, ending in halls where holding is just no longer possible because of equally worse win mechanics.
s t e e
Lol, are the crates there too in able to get super roller beetle

A hybrid of relic + roller? Let the Ghostly Heroes of both teams race each other like beetles do to a finishing line while player teams compete to slow down the opponenet's Heroe and/or hasten theirs by bringing their Hero 'relics' which can teleport him to the nearest check point (multiple checkpoints) ahead.