13 Jul 2009 at 11:22 - 5
I can help you if you want. Price is up to you, anything down to zero, but no negative numbers please. If you ask me I'll:
1. Take a fair bit of time. I still have to do Forge I think before I can do Duncan, and my computer appears to be schizing out, so ... anything from two days to five days or possibly even longer before I can help you. I'll be online for fairly short times these few days as well (typically between 6-10 hours from the time you made the first post).
2. Expect you to help. I do all my dungeons the front way, so I bring damage and overwhelm the Summit etc. I don't know how Sacritis Ignis does it, but 90 minutes for all four bosses + Duncan looks pretty impossible without some kind of running method (probably involving perma).
3. Expect you to do all the other four bosses on your own. Since they can be done in NM, you should be able to make it.
If you don't mind, let me know on my IGN when I'm online.
EDIT: Nevermind. My computer broke down, I'll be largely inactive for at least two weeks.