Looking for American GvG Guild



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2009




My name is sweet

Looking for american gvg guild that doesnt try and act hardcore when they are rank 2k+, gw is not that srs...

Titles (they dont matter, but w.e, ppl still want them)
R3 Hero
R1 Glad
R1 Zaishen
R3 LUXON YAY!!!!!!!

Guild history, look... to the left, to the left... but then again, I've joined a bunch of guilds, so those would be most recent. Just pm in game for more guilds. Basically guilds ranging from top 300 - top 500

References: Pm in game @ Il Sweet N Sour Il for my list of references. i got a ton of people i can refer you to, but they will tell you that im bad

Plays: Mainly Frontline (can call, but refuse to call strats), most Midline (no pblock mesmer or ranger please)

Edit: Don't really care about rank, just want some games. GVG GUILDS ONLY PLEASE