Here's my early GWWC regional American bracket. This is assuming, of course, that all guilds are eligable.
I'd like to see some of your's, whether they be american for a different region.
Early GWWC bracket
awesome sauce
No, not all guilds are eligible, I think we can safely say. The draw will be released tomorrow, if you can wait that long
awesome sauce
Oh, wow. I guess I should have waited lol
Ranger Li
IMHO i dont think TE Will win, not to be stuck up or anything but I haven't seen them show enough skill to deam them that spot, though I have not fought them myself, it seems that other guilds would hold that decent spot and a lot of your rankings seem a bit biased..EP Vs IQ, BoA vs TE etc etc..I like all guilds but honestly, it cannot be predicted because all guilds have yet to unveil their 'special' builds.
awesome sauce
Ok, here's my updated bracket based on the new semi-official rankings 77
That's right, TE wins the regionals. Make your own bracket if you don't like it (and please post it here) 77
That's right, TE wins the regionals. Make your own bracket if you don't like it (and please post it here)
awesome sauce
So... i'd say that so far... i've pretty much called it dead on.