(GwG) reserves the right to issue warnings, suspend or terminate the registration of users who refuse to comply with these rules. GwG may modify these rules from time to time and such modifications will be effective and binding as soon as they are posted unless another date is specified.
Be sure you have read, acknowledged and understood the:
Forum Rules
1. Rules on Bumping
2. Bumping to Close a Thread
3. Multiple Threads
4. Non-Bid Violations
5. Thread Listings
6. Thread Titles
7. Maintaining and Closing Threads
8. Alternate Accounts
9. Illegal trades
10. Other Violations
11. Service Threads
12. Price Check Threads
13. Complaints
1. Rules on BumpingAny post by you in your own thread is considered a bump. Upon making your new thread, you must wait 24 hours or more before posting again in that thread. Once you have submitted a new post, you must wait another 24 hours before posting again. Do Not Bump and Delete. Moderators can see deleted posts clear as day. When posting a bump, you may add any text you wish, within reason. You are free to edit bumps just like your original post. If you discover you have accidentally bumped early:
Edit the top post immediately to delete all content and write, ***CLOSED, EARLY BUMP*** (see Guideline 7 on Maintaining and Closing Threads).
If we can see you immediately closed the thread, you can avoid a ban.
You must wait 24 hours before you post a new thread.
2. Bumping to Close a ThreadDo not bump your thread to the front to say "closed/sold/item won by ___/etc.", this will result in a ban. See Guideline 7 on Maintaining and Closing Threads.
3. Multiple ThreadsYou may have only one open thread per Ventari's section at any given time:
Price Check, Sell, Buy, Services Offered, Seeking Services, and Giveaways. Rather than open a new thread, you can always click

Immediately edit the top post of both threads to delete all content and write, ***CLOSED, MULTIPLE THREADS IN 24 HOURS***.
If we can see you immediately marked the thread closed, you can avoid a ban.
You must still wait at least 24 hours from your accidental thread before creating a new one.
4. Non-Bid Violations Post a bid or do not post. Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email. Any post that does not contain a clear and legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post. The posting of a bid to make your conversation within a thread “legitimate” will not be tolerated and may result in a ban. There is no reason to post more than once in a thread unless you have been out-bid.
If you need to retract or decide to change your bid edit your existing post. Insulting, excessive, damaging, or otherwise inappropriate retraction comments will be removed and result in a Non-Bid.
Note: If you want to raise your bid because you have been outbid by another user's post you must make a new post. In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban!
5. Thread Listings
Which Forum to Post In:Price Check - Post here to request other users' help on pricing if you can not find the information in the Price Guides. Sell - This section is for selling items. Buy - This section is for buying items. Services Offered - This section is for offering paid services. These may include: farming, running, ID'ing items, etc. Seeking Services - This section is for obtaining paid services. These may include: farming, running, etc Giveaways - This section is for offering free items or services, not for asking or begging. Trader's Outpost - This section is for people to discuss trading and the economy. General bumping/posting restrictions do not apply here. If you discover you have accidentally created your thread in the wrong section:
Edit it immediately to delete all content and write, ***CLOSED, WRONG SECTION***.
If we can see you immediately closed the thread, you can avoid a ban.
Do not post a new thread in the same section for at least 24 hours.
6. Thread Titles You are allowed only one "divider" symbol between items/categories and none at the beginning of your title. The only symbols allowed at the end of the title is a single "!" or "." Keep it simple and to the point. You are not allowed to use adjectives in your thread title like:
- "Godly", "Wicked", "Awesome", "The Best" While you do have the ability to edit thread titles, do not abuse this privilege.
7. Maintaining and Closing Threads
Closing Threads:
Use the Closed prefix to indicate a thread is closed (all sections of Ventari's).Do not edit the rest of the thread title to indicate the thread is closed. Leave it as is. If you fail to do this, your thread may be viewed as open and result in a ban if you open another thread in the same section. Writing: "please close my other threads" in the new thread does not clear you of responsibility! - You will still be banned if the old thread has not been edited as shown above! Remember: Do not bump your thread to the front to say "closed", this will result in a ban. Thread Maintenance:You are allowed to delete old bumps from your thread. When you delete old bumps, type "thread cleaning" as the reason. Your last bump must always remain visible Make sure to keep your top post updated. As you sell items and receive offers, update your top post, thread title and thread designation so potential buyers can see the relevant information.
8. Alternate Accounts
You are not allowed to use multiple accounts to gain any kind of advantage:
Shill Bidding: Bidding/bumping in your own thread using an alternate account. Using another account to post anywhere in GWG while banned. Multiple Accounts Posting: The normal rule of one thread per forum section applies across all your accounts. Not per account Any violation will result in all alternate accounts being closed permanently and a lengthy ban (1-4 weeks) to the primary account (the one with the most posts) Users who share a computer or internet connection are easily misinterpreted as being a single user with alternate accounts. If you share a computer or internet connection with another GWG user, please inform a member of the Ventari's staff. Remember to add both your GWG user names. If you do not ensure we have this information, you risk having your threads closed and your accounts sanctioned. Under no circumstances may people who share a computer or internet connection post in each others threads. You also may not have threads open in the same section at the same time. You will have to take turns. You are never allowed to post on behalf of a user whose GWG account is currently banned.
9. Illegal trades
The following may not be traded or sold:Items, money, keys, etc. from games other than GuildWars Third party software that interacts with the game. Ingame items transported to parts of the game where they don’t belong through glitches or other violations of the EULA. Physical real world items or money. Character builds, written game information, or any other derivative works. GW accounts, CD keys and login details. "lottery" tickets or other similar "chances to win". You are only allowed to sell items you have on your account(s). If you are selling an item on behalf of another user, you must have the item on your account.
10. Other ViolationsRecruiting - Do not attempt to recruit guild members. There is a section for this: Guild Connections. Links - Do not post links to other sites in your thread, except for direct URL or IMG links to a picture of the items you are selling, links to item descriptions on the official or unofficial wiki. Purely decorative pictures are not allowed. Neither are "fake signature" pictures or pictures containing IGNs that aren't your own. Redirecting - Do not redirect potential buyers to other sites in order to conclude transactions. Heavy Images - If we deem a picture is too heavy, we will remove the IMG tag and replace it with URL, or close the thread. Do not post in threads belonging to: Family members, roommates, or employees even if your sole intent is to purchase the item. Contact them through PM or whisper if you wish to make an offer on their listings. Fake sales - Do not list an item for sale if you do not have it on your account or if it does not exist. We retain the right to close threads and request visual confirmation of the item ingame and take further action if required. Fake bids - We have seen a number of insincere bids on High End items. For this reason, we retain the right to contact bidders ingame to confirm that they have the funds to back their bid. We reserve the right to delete bids or inform the involved parties of the results of these inquiries. Do not post in old threads: If a thread has not been edited or bumped by the user who posted it for a couple weeks or more, it is safe to assume he has abandoned it! Posting in such a thread will likely serve no purpose except pushing another user's new and active thread off page one. If you think there's is still a chance the user could be interested in selling/buying the items listed, feel free to contact him through PM or ingame whisper. Posting in such threads often might get you banned. Do not link to other user's threads in Ventari's: You may not link to threads belonging to other users, however you are allowed to post a link to any other threads you may have in Ventari's.
11. Service Threads Feedback - You may only post service feedback in a thread if:You have obtained the service AND You already left a post in the thread requesting service (you may not leave feedback if you did not previously post requesting the service) Edit the post where you requested the service and add your feedback there, leaving your original request intact. DO NOT write a new post, it will be considered a NON BID. Prohibited Services - Do not make a thread offering or requesting these services:Champ Point farming. Do not request free services. Anything that involves a breach of the GW EULA (account sharing, ladder manipulation, etc.).
12. Price Check ThreadsThis section is for price checking only!
You are not allowed to take or make offers for items under any circumstance.
Failure to abide by this rule will result in a ban.
13. ComplaintsIf you feel treated unfairly, please contact the moderator in question. If you want to complain about a moderator's conduct, please contact a sell administrator: cosyfiep We reserve the right to delete/close/alter threads and posts for other reasons than those listed here. If you find your thread was deleted without reason, PM a moderator for the reasons why.