He will make a new tyrian character (I'm thinking N/Me as that should be the fastest way out of pre) and I will use my prema-pre war to help him get his 2 proff quests done and out of pre as quickly as possible.
Soon as he's out, You (the runner) and I will be in a team, waiting to pick him up and run stright to droks. No stops, no towns needed, just the fastest route possible. I will be going with you, and killing myself at the start of every run to watch you. I will be filming every moment from start to finish with fraps.
Soon as we get to droks, you leave, and I power level him to level 20. He will /age and screenshot once he's level 20.
Then I think I'll make a time lapse and post it on youtube, a few guildee's are interested to see how it turns out.
As far as pay, I'm thinking 15-20k to you, up front while we are waiting in ascalon for my friend to get there.
If you want any cons to speed things up, we can negotiate that as well.
Please PM me in-game, and I'd like to see you make the run b4 my friend makes his character. ign "Pyra Fade"
We need to schedule a time we're all online at the same time. I'm usually on in the evening during weekdays, and weekends anywhere from no time to all weekend lol. Pacific Time.
Thanks, I hope to hear from a professional soon