Looking For Guardian Title Help

Rahnee The She Wolf

Rahnee The She Wolf

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Titusville FL

Voogies Angels


Looking for help on Factions missions on normal mode to get masters and guardian title for factions any help is appreciated right now I have four out of 13 so please let me know thanks.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006

New Zealand


You say factions missions on NM but the guardian title. The guardian title is HM. Feel free to PM in game and we can discuss things from there.
IGN: Yet To Be Named


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2006

Dumfries, Virginia, USA

Happy guild moor



I already have legendary guardian and other titles, i also play a ranger, adn wouldnt mind give you a hand, i got all heroes, all fully runed up, and green weapons, i wont charge you any thing, but if would like to give me a tip, np, im not a runner, so i would be helping on the mission, my ingaame name is :Lance the ladys man, im usally on after 4 PM eastern Standard time, in the US.