We're currently a rank 600-800 guild. We run variations on balanced, with occasional byob.
Looking for an infuse for nightly gvg. A decent amount of GvG experience is necessary, or at very least the willingness and ability to improve quickly. Obviously vent and a mic is required, and you also need to use them. Initiative and maturity will ensure you don't get benched.
We may also accept a random midline or two to flesh out our numbers. Anyone wanting to apply for these positions must be flexible and adaptable in running various builds, as we frequently change our midline.
We play any time we have members between about 8pm - 1am EST.
Anyone willing to guest is also welcome to send their ign and position our way and we'll pick you up for a byob if we're missing our core. You need to be vocal for this, and have a good amount of gvg experience.
For more info, or if you want to give us a try send a pm to any of:
Bashy Chick
Slap Has Heals
Destinee Xxx
My Other Monk Is A Boon [pRot]