Err=058. First time ever! Anyone else?
Was doing Arachni's haunt and got my face owned by a d/c and then repeated unable to reconnects. Restarted GW, go err=058.. anyone else getting this too? Haven't been able to login for the past 20 minutes or so.
Guild Wars was unable to connect to any login servers.
This is very likely caused by an internet routing issue.
If this problem persists, please visit the Guild Wars support website. (Code=058)
EDIT: I have Verizon FIOS. Anyone else with the problem have the same ISP? Just curious. Also mention where you live :P.
Guild Wars was unable to connect to any login servers.
This is very likely caused by an internet routing issue.
If this problem persists, please visit the Guild Wars support website. (Code=058)
EDIT: I have Verizon FIOS. Anyone else with the problem have the same ISP? Just curious. Also mention where you live :P.
Hmmm... thats weird... I just dced as well and I can not reconnect back.

yep, me too, like a 10 min i get a DC and error 058
same for me. from MD here.
Glad to see other people are suffering too. Now I feel better about myself.
I am from Maryland as well, R Langdon.
I am from Maryland as well, R Langdon.
Ditto. From Slavers

Same here, was rit smiting skelks for their delicious claws and was struck down from the murky depths of the internet by lagthulu.
Edit: Resident of Texas here using SBC or AT&T or whatever they call themselves now
Edit: Resident of Texas here using SBC or AT&T or whatever they call themselves now
I just got this to while farming for Nick.
I'm on east coast US, connecticut.
edit: Just tried again, after trying a few times before I posted and I was able to log on.
I'm on east coast US, connecticut.
edit: Just tried again, after trying a few times before I posted and I was able to log on.
I got this too!
Edit: fixed now for me

Edit: fixed now for me
Kerwyn Nasilan
NP here,
Central USA
Central USA
Same thing happened to me, but I'm back on already. I'm on the Mason Dickson line.
No problem here.
Southern United States
Southern United States
Florida. Same here.
it happened to me before.
Whenever i tryed to connect to guild hall, loading bar stayed in 0% and then dced, after that i couldnt connect back to gw for 10 mins.
I guested friends and whenever they tryed to go to my guildhall the same happened xD
Whenever i tryed to connect to guild hall, loading bar stayed in 0% and then dced, after that i couldnt connect back to gw for 10 mins.
I guested friends and whenever they tryed to go to my guildhall the same happened xD
got it a couple hours ago... i was doing CoF. USA Central
Never had an 058 ever, had 1 or 2 007's (coolest error code ever), but not in a long time.
Me too... luckily I forced the reconnect after suffering my way through Forgewight's Dungeon in HM with mass lag, at which point I dropped my connection and reinitiallized it just after the whole GW server issue... come the end of my 9th run... I got nothing worth stating and my brother who has never done any dungeon in HM and only one in NM got a perfect q9 Voltaic Spear... wasn't too happy for myself, happy for him though. (I already have one, but had to buy it)
Back on topic, when these lag spikes happen, try to wait them out and when it becomes absolutely unbearable, reconnect to your internet connection, it forces you out of your instance but allows for a clean reconnect moments after (you have about a 10 minute window).
Back on topic, when these lag spikes happen, try to wait them out and when it becomes absolutely unbearable, reconnect to your internet connection, it forces you out of your instance but allows for a clean reconnect moments after (you have about a 10 minute window).
Back on topic, when these lag spikes happen, try to wait them out and when it becomes absolutely unbearable, reconnect to your internet connection, it forces you out of your instance but allows for a clean reconnect moments after (you have about a 10 minute window).
What the hell happened last night? Did Anet miss their bandwidth bill and put the servers on Linsey's home DSL connection or something?
Thamior Shamus
Have FiOS on the east coast and having no problems. However, very early this morning (around 1am) there was so bad server lags. I am taking this as a good sign

I get it every so often and I just have to reset my modem and router and it usually works. It sucks though when you are in teh middle of something but such is life.
Last night, I was sitting in presearing Fort Ranik, when several people, maybe 1/2, just vanished. They all reconnected in about 10 to 15 minutes. Something about a router problem?
It wasn't anybody's home internet connection, it was the GW servers and thus resetting the modem is not required... you just need to force a reconnect.
Mortal Amongst Mere Gods
I wasn't having any (noticeable problems) cause I was only on for 5 minutes or so yesterday, but while I was on, a guildie said he was having trouble and d/c'ed every time he tried to go to the Guild Hall.
im gettting not repsonding now which is werid says i have to send the error to ncsoft or whatever then does a repairing date thing
Info about it on obscure wiki talk page:
An issue arose with the servers that caused a disconnect for a couple of thousand players. This happened about 8:15 PM Pacific time (+7 GMT). From all reports, players were able to reconnect immediately or within a few minutes. The cause is being analyzed, but we believe everyone should be good to go now, as there has been no repeat of the disconnects. If anyone is having issues with disconnecting or with being unable to reconnect, please contact support at your earliest convenience. Thanks. -- Gaile 04:31, 21 July 2009 (UTC) |
im still getting a error then it goes to repairing data archine thing lol it sucks