Drugs is not mkay [MkaY]



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2008

I'm euro.

Last of Pride [GWFC]


Drugs is not mkay [MkaY] is recruiting ~10 more players.

PvP :
This is a pvp guild that aims to run no gimmicks.The main idea behind this is skill > skills.Although this principle is pretty hard to defend in the current meta we prefer to losing with a fun build then winning with a boring as *peep* meta gimmick.

The Idea is to play GvG,Ha and AB (lol).

Builds :
Currently the idea is to dig up oldschool builds in general with a preference for the Pre-Nightfall builds of the korean powerhouse (WM,Evil,...).

Req :
* R3
* G1
* ~Gmt timezone. We play at 7-9 pm gmt +1
* 500 k faction
* TB + Vent

Reqs in bold are a must.Although I do not care about titles at all (since most people farm them with unskillfull gimmicks and make no progress while getting them whatsoever I do think having either R3 or G1 is a + since this way I'm shure you know kiting,Dshotting right skills,...

I divinity Reigns I
Dark Morphon
Golden Myth

If you have any questions feel free to whisp me in game.