Id like to see summoned Allies AI changed...
I used a mysterious sumoning stone earlier and got a seige turtle...
Which is fine APART from the damn thing walking so close and sitting on me while im trying to heal the team!
I dont know about other players but i actually like to see my char during gameplay, Its kinda offputting having a full screen sized turtle sitting on your face :S
Thanks, Markus
Summoning Stones...
this is the same reason why MOX isn't allowed in pvp areas - the skin for the character is just too big.
the AI isn't the issue here, it's the size of the actual thing.
the AI isn't the issue here, it's the size of the actual thing.
I agree with Markus, the other day in Gate of Madness I summoned a Seige Turtle and it ran right to the front lines with me (I was an assassin) and instantly got destroyed by Shiro.
I think there are two main problems with summons:
*They don't have a very smart AI
**They do not appear in the allies list.
I think the best solution is to put them in an allies list so they can be healed easier and then their AI doesn't matter as long as your monks are good.
And considering the difficulty of PvE, I'm pretty sure even Mehnlo could keep them alive.
I think there are two main problems with summons:
*They don't have a very smart AI
**They do not appear in the allies list.
I think the best solution is to put them in an allies list so they can be healed easier and then their AI doesn't matter as long as your monks are good.
And considering the difficulty of PvE, I'm pretty sure even Mehnlo could keep them alive.
I agree with Markus, the other day in Gate of Madness I summoned a Seige Turtle and it ran right to the front lines with me (I was an assassin) and instantly got destroyed by Shiro.
I think there are two main problems with summons: *They don't have a very smart AI **They do not appear in the allies list. I think the best solution is to put them in an allies list so they can be healed easier and then their AI doesn't matter as long as your monks are good. And considering the difficulty of PvE, I'm pretty sure even Mehnlo could keep them alive. |
2) Summoning Stones are plentiful. The summons don't need to be put on the allies list. They are just an extra boost that add a little variety to the instance. If your turtle blows up, ask a teammate to summon the next thing.
3) There are wise places to use a summon, and foolish ones. (See the Shiro fight above as an example).
Bob Slydell
Their AI is fine, all in all they think they are a small dot moving on a grid near their teammates, but are unaware of the size of their polygon.
TheodenKing, I used it before we pulled him to the doorway, so he was in the back. I wasn't really paying any attention to it, until I noticed it was right next to me being attacked by Shiro.