ANet At PAX 2009
You just got tomahawked
First off, I am wondering if ArenaNet will be attending PAX 2009? If ArenaNet/NCsoft will be there I would like to point out that last year Anet staff was absolutely denying any possibility that GW2 news would come out. This year not a peep has come out of them. So, if they have a booth I think they *MIGHT* release information and if they don't attend then this post is dumb and the thread should be locked.
yes it was confirmed in many other threads they will be there
no, nothing about GW2
no, nothing about GW2
You just got tomahawked
Did they say there will be nothing about GW2? I remember last year seeing it all over all the fan sites them saying there will be nothing about GW2, this year I have not seen anything.
yes, nothing on GW2
check the other GW2 threads for all Martin and Reginas posts
check the other GW2 threads for all Martin and Reginas posts
Ratson Itamar
So no new information about GW2 in the foreseeable future... Am I the only who lost interest? I left hardcore GW months ago and I login once a week max (for only a minute or two). GW2 just seems less important as the days pass.
About the skill updates jokes; I rather see relatively random skill updates than none. Look at it this way, PvE players don't care (because they're oblivious) about balance and PvP players are so bored that almost any kind of change is welcomed. So I actually endorse the Skill Dart Balance idea. It can also get some laughs and even a wider interest in that specific update.
Even if new info were released, the game won't be out for what seems for at least 6 months. Which sounds soon but it's very unlikely that it will be out after half a year from now, more likely to be 18 months and up. So I rather put GW2 aside until Anet decide to show us something. Until then I won't nag or hope for any piece of info from them.
I'm more likely to buy and play Diablo 3 then I'm to GW2, which is a shame because I'm a big fan of GW. You gotta give Blizzard credit for their PR capabilities, I got hooked before I even played their game. (btw, I only briefly played Diablo 2 at my friend's house what makes it even more impressing)
About the skill updates jokes; I rather see relatively random skill updates than none. Look at it this way, PvE players don't care (because they're oblivious) about balance and PvP players are so bored that almost any kind of change is welcomed. So I actually endorse the Skill Dart Balance idea. It can also get some laughs and even a wider interest in that specific update.
Even if new info were released, the game won't be out for what seems for at least 6 months. Which sounds soon but it's very unlikely that it will be out after half a year from now, more likely to be 18 months and up. So I rather put GW2 aside until Anet decide to show us something. Until then I won't nag or hope for any piece of info from them.
I'm more likely to buy and play Diablo 3 then I'm to GW2, which is a shame because I'm a big fan of GW. You gotta give Blizzard credit for their PR capabilities, I got hooked before I even played their game. (btw, I only briefly played Diablo 2 at my friend's house what makes it even more impressing)
yes, nothing on GW2
check the other GW2 threads for all Martin and Reginas posts |
Regina and martin never confirmed there wouldn't be anything gw2 related, they said anet would have a presence at pax.
im not saying there will be, but your answer seems to be rather definite. and if im wrong you can always provide a source with the 'no' answer.
Slower, read BETWEEN the lines
I can see what they are hinting at, but they still didn't confirm it. You saying either yes or no is incorrect, a more accurate answer would have been "they are going to pax and haven't confirmed whether or not they will show anything gw2 related". I don't think they will either but they didnt say that, and until they do you cant say with certainty what will happen.
AionAionAionAionAionAionAionAionAionAionAionAionAi onAionAionAion
That's all you're going to hear about for awhile.
That's all you're going to hear about for awhile.
thats the thing Slower and they've said this themselves before, take it as a no until there is an official statement from Martin or Regina or one of us posts an official press release (which you guys know I will as soon as I get one, but Martin and Regina will usually post them here straight away too)
own age myname
Well, it sounds like Aion will overrun GW2.
According to this post by Regina:
That's just what the post interprets to me. So, I'm guessing no GW2 info. I do hope I'm wrong though.
According to this post by Regina:
Aion is launching later that month (September), so if you keep that in mind, you might have an idea of how big Aion's booth presence will be. |
Well, given ANet's stated strategy of 'big splash preceded by utter silence', I think it's safe to assume that the big splash isn't scheduled for PAX.
What I'm more interested in is the mention of GW2 news before the end of this year - this was given in several recent interviews with Regina and Mike O'Brien. I wonder if it means that the big splash will happen through press release around holiday season, or if they changed the plan and are going to start leaking the information in smaller packages - something that may be less efficient marketing but would be, in my opinion, a whole lot more fun for everyone involved.
What I'm more interested in is the mention of GW2 news before the end of this year - this was given in several recent interviews with Regina and Mike O'Brien. I wonder if it means that the big splash will happen through press release around holiday season, or if they changed the plan and are going to start leaking the information in smaller packages - something that may be less efficient marketing but would be, in my opinion, a whole lot more fun for everyone involved.
Fril Estelin
Originally Posted by Fril
But this time is not now.
I blame Tebula Rasha , LOL at spending money for space travel and then sue NCsoft for whatever reason to get money back.That really make some serious setback for NC.
Well, it sounds like Aion will overrun GW2.
According to this post by Regina: That's just what the post interprets to me. So, I'm guessing no GW2 info. I do hope I'm wrong though. |
Conversely, if there was possibly going to be some GW2 info at PAX, but it was still being planned and the future was hazy, then it makes sense not to say it.
We know Aion is going to be the shining jewel of NCSoft's booth, and that fact likely means no visual GW2 content, but we might have a developer discussion, HoM info might get released, more content art, etc. NCSoft is going to want to use all its resources to draw players to its booth. Ignoring GW and CoH players rather than enticing them to get closer to Aion's shininess is a bad decision.
If they don't have gw2 for PAX, they might probably announce something else cool. Like another expansion or something.
To go to PAX, they have to be there for some business reason and to hype something.
To go to PAX, they have to be there for some business reason and to hype something.
I blame Tebula Rasha , LOL at spending money for space travel and then sue NCsoft for whatever reason to get money back.That really make some serious setback for NC.
Originally Posted by
above is paraphrased from source
While I highly doubt there will be news of GW2. I still hold up hope. They never outright said there wouldn't and I doubt there will be much but maybe hidden somewhere there will be some art or something, anything.
Would be great if they released some info on GW2. Fact of the matter is: Its not in NCSofts best interest right now, with the Aion release looming. Building hype around Aion and nothing else makes business sense.
Taking the above in consideration, I don't expect any GW2 info in the next 6 months (whether or not they said so or not), and I even less expect a GW2 beta or release within the next 18months. Sad but true.
But yeah, I migh be wrong, huh?
Naive hope is all we have left. In the meentime, I'll keep lurking the forums, and keep myself busy with something else.
Taking the above in consideration, I don't expect any GW2 info in the next 6 months (whether or not they said so or not), and I even less expect a GW2 beta or release within the next 18months. Sad but true.
But yeah, I migh be wrong, huh?
Naive hope is all we have left. In the meentime, I'll keep lurking the forums, and keep myself busy with something else.
Dakka Dakka
I myself, as have many others, were die-hard GuildWars and ANET fans that truly loved the game and had great hopes for the future of the company and the franchise. Now not so much, as much as I hate to say it I hardly ever even get on GW anymore and when I do it just doesn't seem fun.
I have lost faith in the company because of bonehead mistakes, which include the complete silence about GW2 (Heck, there were TRAILERS AND SCREENS of Duke Nukem Forever and look where it ended up), the bad balancing issues and lack of true content updates, zquests were fun until you realize you are doing the exact same thing you always did!
My point in this QQ whine post is that ANET is shooting itself in the foot by not saying anything at all, in annoys and unnerves the playerbase with the complete silence. Regina has said they have the game in a playable state and play it every Wednesday, great now can you please show us something, you don't even have to show us just TALK about the game. GW2 has a twitter page that sits empty; what a waste of resources.
they say they will have information about GW2 later this year... I cry BS on that because they said the exact thing last year and we got nothing except to hear the Beta wasn't going to be in 2008.
I know something will come out eventually but I can't say if I would care enough to even take a look. I know my feeling are shared by many others out there as well.
sorry for my stupid rant I just had to get that out of my system
I have lost faith in the company because of bonehead mistakes, which include the complete silence about GW2 (Heck, there were TRAILERS AND SCREENS of Duke Nukem Forever and look where it ended up), the bad balancing issues and lack of true content updates, zquests were fun until you realize you are doing the exact same thing you always did!
My point in this QQ whine post is that ANET is shooting itself in the foot by not saying anything at all, in annoys and unnerves the playerbase with the complete silence. Regina has said they have the game in a playable state and play it every Wednesday, great now can you please show us something, you don't even have to show us just TALK about the game. GW2 has a twitter page that sits empty; what a waste of resources.
they say they will have information about GW2 later this year... I cry BS on that because they said the exact thing last year and we got nothing except to hear the Beta wasn't going to be in 2008.
I know something will come out eventually but I can't say if I would care enough to even take a look. I know my feeling are shared by many others out there as well.
sorry for my stupid rant I just had to get that out of my system
Why even bother going if they aren't showing Guild Wars 2. Ok, it is a fun event to go to I am sure but if you aren't offering anything new to the fans then they will not care. This whole strategy to let NCsoft promote their games first is ridiculous. Guild Wars is an awesome game that has won tons of awards and millions have played it. Guild Wars should not take a backseat to anyone. I don't know,, I'm just really disappointed how us fans have been left out in the dark in this whole developement stage for Guild Wars 2. Sorry for the rant but hey i'm Guild Wars fan being concerned!
Dakka Dakka
Why even bother going if they aren't showing Guild Wars 2. Ok, it is a fun event to go to I am sure but if you aren't offering anything new to the fans then they will not care. This whole strategy to let NCsoft promote their games first is ridiculous. Guild Wars is an awesome game that has won tons of awards and millions have played it. Guild Wars should not take a backseat to anyone. I don't know,, I'm just really disappointed how us fans have been left out in the dark in this whole developement stage for Guild Wars 2. Sorry for the rant but hey i'm Guild Wars fan being concerned!
Test Me
I thought we already decided GW2 doesn't exist.
Well I would rather have nothing to do with GW2 if all it is going to be is nerf this and nurf that before I even get a chance to get in on the killing stuff. Paragon is useless now more than ever.. I should just delete mine.
So lets get gw2 right the FIRST time. Do lots of bata testing by actual players of gw1 and separate the pvp from the pve altogether.
And while they are at it, subdivide the trade menu into WTB and WTS so that everything is not all jumbled together like it is now
So lets get gw2 right the FIRST time. Do lots of bata testing by actual players of gw1 and separate the pvp from the pve altogether.
And while they are at it, subdivide the trade menu into WTB and WTS so that everything is not all jumbled together like it is now
Martin Kerstein
Regina has said they have the game in a playable state and play it every Wednesday, great now can you please show us something, you don't even have to show us just TALK about the game.
I call your BS and raise it by a "yes there will be" - if there is no information about GW2 before the end of the year, you can personally yell at me, point a finger and say "Martin said there will be information"
Ghost Omel
By "WE" you mean all the nay sayers correct? -_-... trollathron activate 0_-
Regardless No info about GW2 on Pax as stated above Aion will be taking a HUGE portion of booth =) but you also must remember there are degrees of information we might see something as it was said by Regina that we will recieve information about GW2 later this year
Regarding the decade post...Deffinetly this decade means 2000-2010 so yes you are indeed correct we WONT see anything this decade regarding game play fottage and a plyable demo and possibly screenies.. But how far is 2010 away... 5 month?.. long time eh -_-.
Instead of arguing and nay-saying about a project undersonstruction lets enjoy what is offered by other developer or maybe Gasp gossip about life on one of the moons around that big planet with 20 somethgin moons -_-
Plus read the Above that Martin has posted.. Putting his reputation on the line on a forum =) must mean something.. Ofcourse people lately are hubngry caveman that cannot think logicaly and think with their 'GW2 is vaperwure cuz ther iz ni ofoz aboutz it"
Regardless No info about GW2 on Pax as stated above Aion will be taking a HUGE portion of booth =) but you also must remember there are degrees of information we might see something as it was said by Regina that we will recieve information about GW2 later this year
Regarding the decade post...Deffinetly this decade means 2000-2010 so yes you are indeed correct we WONT see anything this decade regarding game play fottage and a plyable demo and possibly screenies.. But how far is 2010 away... 5 month?.. long time eh -_-.
Instead of arguing and nay-saying about a project undersonstruction lets enjoy what is offered by other developer or maybe Gasp gossip about life on one of the moons around that big planet with 20 somethgin moons -_-
Plus read the Above that Martin has posted.. Putting his reputation on the line on a forum =) must mean something.. Ofcourse people lately are hubngry caveman that cannot think logicaly and think with their 'GW2 is vaperwure cuz ther iz ni ofoz aboutz it"
I'm at the point where I'm not really caring about GW2 now, i suppose the lack of information is a killer. I though Anet was going to be a total different company and really cared about its player base, but it seams that i was total wrong, they are just like every other company.
As for what Martin Kerstein said, i'll take his word on it, but most likely if the information isn't total mind blowing, which i expect it not to be, I'll be very disappointed. But then again with Anet, that isn't hard to do.
As for what Martin Kerstein said, i'll take his word on it, but most likely if the information isn't total mind blowing, which i expect it not to be, I'll be very disappointed. But then again with Anet, that isn't hard to do.
Okay, but don't forget - saying stuff like "No beta this year, or in 2010" or "No further updates for at least 3-6 months planned, because we're busy with GW2" doesn't count as informations about GW2.
I call your BS and raise it by a "yes there will be" - if there is no information about GW2 before the end of the year, you can personally yell at me, point a finger and say "Martin said there will be information"
Man, anet, you guys are such a tease. Is this the forecast of the big wave? XD
Though, whether or not I'm right, I guess it'll come when it comes.
But ya' gotta cyber pinky swear!
I just hope that guild wars 2 keeps the same traditions GW1 had: Hot, skimpy, female characters and fattass warriors slapping each other with penis shaped longswords XD
Martin Kerstein
Regina Buenaobra
Beware the pinky swear. It's serious business.
"Cyber pinky swear" should be added to this list (
Ok,if you are not going to give "GW2" information at PAX,that just confirms my theory of you having an other project?
Because "GW" wont be getting new content anymore?
Because "GW" wont be getting new content anymore?
Martin Kerstein