Does anyone know this area?
A Sad Snowman
I've seen an area on the map of vabbi on the official wiki of an area that is just a little bit north of the halls of chokhin. I thought i heard somewhere that there was a way to get to it, but i could be wrong. it looks like there might be some sort of a large temple or pyramid there. anyone know what its called or if/how you can get there?
That area was where the Ahmtur Arena was meant to be, but for some reason Arenanet chose not to implement it into the Random/Team Arenas map rotation.
And no, you can't get there.
Bob Slydell
There is a lot of cool content in the Guildwars.DAT file that was never implemented but left over and easily found if someone goes off and uses some kind of private server emulation or extracts info from the GW.DAT. I think its pretty cool to find this stuff out tbh.