Your bad Guild Wars habits
Refusing to use meta builds and scrubism.
Having GW open all the time minimized, cause my taskbar looks funny without it. Ignoring people who message me only to respond like 3 hours later. Uhhmm... Making people carry me through pve only to buy armor on impulses.
Eliz Genevieve
.N G H club
.Space Bar multiple hitter
.Buying Mini Kirins, they are the cutest things that I've ever seeeeeen x_x
./taunt /sit /bored /pout /wave emote lover.
.Circling and circling and circling and circling around someone that's static, when I'm bored.
.I tend to use too much sarcasm in chatting, and it goes unnoticed most of the times, whyy?
.When in pugs/teams I allways use the 'all' chat instead of the 'team' chat.
And I probably have a thousand more...
.N G H club

.Space Bar multiple hitter
.Buying Mini Kirins, they are the cutest things that I've ever seeeeeen x_x
./taunt /sit /bored /pout /wave emote lover.
.Circling and circling and circling and circling around someone that's static, when I'm bored.
.I tend to use too much sarcasm in chatting, and it goes unnoticed most of the times, whyy?
.When in pugs/teams I allways use the 'all' chat instead of the 'team' chat.
And I probably have a thousand more...
Not playing some characters for weeks because they are stuck at some God forsaken mission.
Then asking my 12 year old to do the mission I'm stuck at because he PUG's with success and I just H/H.
Buying dye just to try it on.
Then asking my 12 year old to do the mission I'm stuck at because he PUG's with success and I just H/H.
Buying dye just to try it on.
Teysar kitait
N & G get pressed as soon as i come online, even if i'm just switching chars.
I stand around in outposts even when i have something to do, complaining of boredom.
procrastination of missions that i've done once and therefore think the repeat will be boring
adjusting the camera every few seconds... my right mouse button is practically always held down.
oh and i used to be really bad at buying 15k armour (including buying materials) and then selling it a week later cuz i got bored... i'm getting better now ^.^
i think that's all for me...
I stand around in outposts even when i have something to do, complaining of boredom.
procrastination of missions that i've done once and therefore think the repeat will be boring
adjusting the camera every few seconds... my right mouse button is practically always held down.
oh and i used to be really bad at buying 15k armour (including buying materials) and then selling it a week later cuz i got bored... i'm getting better now ^.^
i think that's all for me...
Icy The Mage
Another bad habit I have is saving every dye drop I get, then when I actually need to dye something, I buy it straight from the dye trader :/
that is too funny. did I see you during the AB weekend? was that you singing Starstruck? I know I saw somebody singing Miley in a match but nobody got it I think lol.
Going on over and over again trying to cap that one mine while I know that I'll be interrupted, stabbed, poisoned and burned to death in the process.
Note to self: Go attack something else if it's well-defended.
Note to self: Go attack something else if it's well-defended.
Oh, so many to list ...
- pressing G and N all the time (the funny part is, from over 40+ friends maybe 2-3 are online at most and 75+% have quitted, guild is almost dead as well)
- refusing to use any build from pvx or participating in any meta-based team build
- refusing to use any pve-only skill, including but not limited to Ursan
- replying back with 'shut up you ugly mother******' every time someone calls me a noob for no apparent reason
- actually caring for the bots in the game, since Anet doesn't seem to care
- reporting people for foul language and names breaking the rules, even if this gets be banned since I was the only one to report
- playing only on English, German and French districts, I can't stand the idiocy of Polish players, especially in Kamadan Pol-1
- refusing to refer to any in-game location, skill or quest in any language other than English
- refusing to use any other game language besides English
- getting into heated flaming fest every single time some 10 y. old think he is funny getting his character naked and repeating /beg in front of some1's d***
- favouring PUGs over H/H whenever possible
- never going alone to vanquish, always going with at least one another player
- not caring too much about the titles
- not farming at all, it's job for botters and no-lifers
- pressing G and N all the time (the funny part is, from over 40+ friends maybe 2-3 are online at most and 75+% have quitted, guild is almost dead as well)
- refusing to use any build from pvx or participating in any meta-based team build
- refusing to use any pve-only skill, including but not limited to Ursan
- replying back with 'shut up you ugly mother******' every time someone calls me a noob for no apparent reason
- actually caring for the bots in the game, since Anet doesn't seem to care
- reporting people for foul language and names breaking the rules, even if this gets be banned since I was the only one to report
- playing only on English, German and French districts, I can't stand the idiocy of Polish players, especially in Kamadan Pol-1
- refusing to refer to any in-game location, skill or quest in any language other than English
- refusing to use any other game language besides English
- getting into heated flaming fest every single time some 10 y. old think he is funny getting his character naked and repeating /beg in front of some1's d***
- favouring PUGs over H/H whenever possible
- never going alone to vanquish, always going with at least one another player
- not caring too much about the titles
- not farming at all, it's job for botters and no-lifers
ll Jamie ll
- I ping stuff convinced that the more ping it, the more heroes will listen
![]() |

I also have a bad habbit in PvP.. /sit, ESC, /sit, ESC, /sit, ESC etc when i kill someone that's very annoying to kill (and D shotters)...
[Used to play CoD4 way too much]

Legendary Jamie
Allowing RA scrubs too annoy me.
Salvaging FoW armor occasionally.
Not checking prices before buying stuff.
Red Barring in HA when I'm really tired (subsequently leading to me getting angry because we are dying.)
Dying armor black then changing it.
Deleting char names and forgetting to remake them (an example of this is "Il Jamie Il" the post above me, his name used to be mine in game but he took it because I forgot to remake it, I don't blame him though)
Sold 40e to merchant once, not a big deal of ecto but still annoying.
I could go on lol...
Salvaging FoW armor occasionally.
Not checking prices before buying stuff.
Red Barring in HA when I'm really tired (subsequently leading to me getting angry because we are dying.)
Dying armor black then changing it.
Deleting char names and forgetting to remake them (an example of this is "Il Jamie Il" the post above me, his name used to be mine in game but he took it because I forgot to remake it, I don't blame him though)
Sold 40e to merchant once, not a big deal of ecto but still annoying.
I could go on lol...
I can't tell you how many times I start chatting away and forget to hit the Enter key first. I end up with a screen full of pannels, even some I didn't know existed! LOL
ll Jamie ll
Deleting char names and forgetting to remake them (an example of this is "Il Jamie Il" the post above me, his name used to be mine in game but he took it because I forgot to remake it, I don't blame him though)

But yeah: on topic, i need to add two more habits of mine that i forgot to mention...
Putting "lel" instead of "lol" i mean.. where did i get that from..?
And lastly, putting ":P" way to much, even though i may not do it on here often, i do it quite alot ingame :P
M @ T
Cursing the last group/patrol left when VQing.
Hoarding low end weapons to sell later, only to merch in order to make space for more low end weapons >.>
Trying to infuse myself when spiked in HA(I suck at monking
, so I don't monk much).
And the classic N clicker, Spacebar bomber.
Hoarding low end weapons to sell later, only to merch in order to make space for more low end weapons >.>
Trying to infuse myself when spiked in HA(I suck at monking

And the classic N clicker, Spacebar bomber.
Bad habbits, huh?
On numerous occasions, I've left a town or outpost, or gone into a mission with no [or wrongly set] skills and/or attributes.
I space out alot, sometimes taking several hours to do a simple quest or mission. [Personal record. 3 hours 25 minutes on Nahpui. xD]
I wiki things randomly.
When I PuG, I don't come to the rescue of people that charge off by themselves, even when I play healer.
I avidly refuse to run builds that people think are better than my own.
I randomly spam my alliance, but they find me funny, so it's all good. :]
I usually am blasted and blame my lack of reaction time on my fuzzy screen. [Stupid firewater...]
I spam with the control key, hoping Talon and Devona won't go hit something I'm not, but they won't listen to me.
Edit: Oh yeah. And naming the striders I death level off of in pre. xD
Last night was Tim.
On numerous occasions, I've left a town or outpost, or gone into a mission with no [or wrongly set] skills and/or attributes.
I space out alot, sometimes taking several hours to do a simple quest or mission. [Personal record. 3 hours 25 minutes on Nahpui. xD]
I wiki things randomly.
When I PuG, I don't come to the rescue of people that charge off by themselves, even when I play healer.
I avidly refuse to run builds that people think are better than my own.
I randomly spam my alliance, but they find me funny, so it's all good. :]
I usually am blasted and blame my lack of reaction time on my fuzzy screen. [Stupid firewater...]
I spam with the control key, hoping Talon and Devona won't go hit something I'm not, but they won't listen to me.
Edit: Oh yeah. And naming the striders I death level off of in pre. xD
Last night was Tim.
I'm another control-key spammer. I'm terrible in PvE, I've managed to tone it down for AB - but you can tell when I'm cheesed off by people not attacking the easier target by the number of times I spam.
I've fallen asleep on vanquishes and wake up only when I hear the first trace of battle music. (No, there were no wipes.)
When I get bored during a mission I make up silly lyrics.
I'm another control-key spammer. I'm terrible in PvE, I've managed to tone it down for AB - but you can tell when I'm cheesed off by people not attacking the easier target by the number of times I spam.
I've fallen asleep on vanquishes and wake up only when I hear the first trace of battle music. (No, there were no wipes.)
When I get bored during a mission I make up silly lyrics.
My bad habit is not healing people (especially in PuGs) who run headfirst into a mob without backup or protection spells. Instead I'll sit back and laugh at their stupidity while they wait to be resurrected by an ally.
I swear at h/h a lot lol.
Also if I'm playing I tend to ignore people around me in the house and get frustrated if I'm asked to do something. Was a lot worse the when the game first came out and up until a year ago.
Trying to conrtol it now and especially if I'm with a h/h team then I can stop playing and leave the game and come back to it. If with people then I let the person know that I will be there as soon as possible.
Probably that is the why these days I just h/h since with a baby it is hard to go with people and then ask them to wait for half hour or so. Sometimes something comes up as well and I need to leave the house.
Also if I'm playing I tend to ignore people around me in the house and get frustrated if I'm asked to do something. Was a lot worse the when the game first came out and up until a year ago.
Trying to conrtol it now and especially if I'm with a h/h team then I can stop playing and leave the game and come back to it. If with people then I let the person know that I will be there as soon as possible.
Probably that is the why these days I just h/h since with a baby it is hard to go with people and then ask them to wait for half hour or so. Sometimes something comes up as well and I need to leave the house.
Buying too many lockpicks makes me poor too often.
Xyon the Greatest
-Caps Spamming (Yes annoying, but fun!)
-Even though i type like over 100 words per minute, my hands cant keep up with my brain, cause my brain wants me to be typing as fast as I talk (I will get there soon :P)
-Talking to myself what I and other people say.
-/zaishening everyone I kill in RA
-Space Spamming on my warrior
-Canceling attacks way too much cause it makes me look pro (Helps me when empathy comes up)
-Raging at noobs in RA who get lucky and get monks while the pro ppl get some nooby XOXO Naruto Sins that run in there and die in 2 seconds.
-Humping a good RA Monk that is leading me to 10 wins with godly comments
-On the other hand, Humping bad RA Monks that make us lose with horrible comments
-Accidently using empathy on a monk due to overexcitement
-Using PowerBlock randomly, cause my reflexes suck to time it on a anything less than 1 second
-Spamming interupts on recharge cause my reflexes suck to time it on anything less than 1 second
-Using Frenzy in the beginning of the match to attack with my spear to gain andrenal, resulting in Eles nailing me with high damage spells, and no way to cancel my frenzy
-Charging in the beginning of the match when I have a monk, then realizing hes afk or a whole aggro away
-Spamming emotes in the middle of matches when I have a monk and were owning the other team to show my ownage
-Torturing the last guy in RA by bringing him down to 100 health and spamming my spear with frenzy on him (If he doesnt cooperate and heals himself somehow then I end up finishing him)
-Getting awesome weapons and putting them on my pvp chars and then accidently loading equipment and deleting my 100k weapon
-Using Faintheartedness on the monk (GO GO -3 Degen!)
-Deleting a pvp char that has z keys on them (I have fixed that problem now)
-Even though i type like over 100 words per minute, my hands cant keep up with my brain, cause my brain wants me to be typing as fast as I talk (I will get there soon :P)
-Talking to myself what I and other people say.
-/zaishening everyone I kill in RA
-Space Spamming on my warrior
-Canceling attacks way too much cause it makes me look pro (Helps me when empathy comes up)
-Raging at noobs in RA who get lucky and get monks while the pro ppl get some nooby XOXO Naruto Sins that run in there and die in 2 seconds.
-Humping a good RA Monk that is leading me to 10 wins with godly comments
-On the other hand, Humping bad RA Monks that make us lose with horrible comments
-Accidently using empathy on a monk due to overexcitement
-Using PowerBlock randomly, cause my reflexes suck to time it on a anything less than 1 second
-Spamming interupts on recharge cause my reflexes suck to time it on anything less than 1 second
-Using Frenzy in the beginning of the match to attack with my spear to gain andrenal, resulting in Eles nailing me with high damage spells, and no way to cancel my frenzy
-Charging in the beginning of the match when I have a monk, then realizing hes afk or a whole aggro away
-Spamming emotes in the middle of matches when I have a monk and were owning the other team to show my ownage
-Torturing the last guy in RA by bringing him down to 100 health and spamming my spear with frenzy on him (If he doesnt cooperate and heals himself somehow then I end up finishing him)
-Getting awesome weapons and putting them on my pvp chars and then accidently loading equipment and deleting my 100k weapon
-Using Faintheartedness on the monk (GO GO -3 Degen!)
-Deleting a pvp char that has z keys on them (I have fixed that problem now)
I swear at h/h a lot lol.
Also if I'm playing I tend to ignore people around me in the house and get frustrated if I'm asked to do something. Was a lot worse the when the game first came out and up until a year ago. Trying to conrtol it now and especially if I'm with a h/h team then I can stop playing and leave the game and come back to it. If with people then I let the person know that I will be there as soon as possible. Probably that is the why these days I just h/h since with a baby it is hard to go with people and then ask them to wait for half hour or so. Sometimes something comes up as well and I need to leave the house. |
Sometimes you just want five minutes peace to just do what you want to do, lol.
Miss Puddles
I have a bad habit of leaving pointless threads open....
Let's see
-Redoing characters and forgetting to remove rare items of them (opps, I deleted a silverwing a while back, or this morning when I accidently deleted a 40/40 torm fire set, high en set, and staff)
-zranking everybody I feel like, and if nobody is there I'll do it to the merchant.
-giving advise on builts and totally reworking them on other people's characters
-talking to myself while i type as if the person is right next to me
-going through the two team missions then leaving at the very end, leaving the other team to deal with 27 minions and the enimies (i gives me great joy)
-tbagging people who die in uw
-dropping around a stack of useless quest items around the fow or uw end chest
-going "OH MAN WHAT A BULL STRIKE" on vent when i nail somebody got 100+ damage
-zranking people I just kill
-hunting certain people down in ab or jq just cuz they either have a stupid built (ex. shadowform) or are wearing more than 2 superior runes and see them get nailed for a large portion of thier health bars
-merching things I want to to merchant then swearing outload (ex. a stack of ectos)
-sitting in the monestary in yeti form and spamming the /sit /stand command
-getting every mission i've ever done ran for me
-getting people to do the simplest quest for me
-waiting for the guru community to find the traveler
-rushing people with my guild as rabits and pretending to hump thier leg
-going afk for rediculously long amounts of time and making people think i'm ignoring them
-playing the game rather eating
-Redoing characters and forgetting to remove rare items of them (opps, I deleted a silverwing a while back, or this morning when I accidently deleted a 40/40 torm fire set, high en set, and staff)
-zranking everybody I feel like, and if nobody is there I'll do it to the merchant.
-giving advise on builts and totally reworking them on other people's characters
-talking to myself while i type as if the person is right next to me
-going through the two team missions then leaving at the very end, leaving the other team to deal with 27 minions and the enimies (i gives me great joy)
-tbagging people who die in uw
-dropping around a stack of useless quest items around the fow or uw end chest
-going "OH MAN WHAT A BULL STRIKE" on vent when i nail somebody got 100+ damage
-zranking people I just kill
-hunting certain people down in ab or jq just cuz they either have a stupid built (ex. shadowform) or are wearing more than 2 superior runes and see them get nailed for a large portion of thier health bars
-merching things I want to to merchant then swearing outload (ex. a stack of ectos)
-sitting in the monestary in yeti form and spamming the /sit /stand command
-getting every mission i've ever done ran for me
-getting people to do the simplest quest for me
-waiting for the guru community to find the traveler
-rushing people with my guild as rabits and pretending to hump thier leg
-going afk for rediculously long amounts of time and making people think i'm ignoring them
-playing the game rather eating
wind fire and ice
N,N,N,G,N,N,G,G,G,H,N,G,N,/bowhead,N,G,H,N-get the point?
Going on over and over again trying to cap that one mine while I know that I'll be interrupted, stabbed, poisoned and burned to death in the process.
Note to self: Go attack something else if it's well-defended. |
I can't tell you how many times I start chatting away and forget to hit the Enter key first. I end up with a screen full of pannels, even some I didn't know existed! LOL
Oh, and I swear at H/H a lot, and will call targets a billion times over in an attempt to get them to listen.
And I accidentally ping things a lot, since I tend to go around with my finger on the Ctrl key so I can see what is where. Which means when I'm doing JQ, everyone knows exactly what I'm using and when half the time.
Rhamia Darigaz
I still use this site as my that-site-that-you-keep-open-in-a-different-tab-while-looking-at-porn-when-your-roommate-is-in-the-room-so-if-he-walks-over-and-looks-at-your-screen-you-can-switch-away-from-the-porn-really-fast, and I don't even play guild wars anymore!
- N-G-H club
- Almost every message I type ends in "
- AFK a lot even when I have no reason to be online I wont log off.
- I adjust camera ever 2 sec. I play with my right mouse button pressed all the time. My mouse doesn't have a mouse skate anymore under my right button.
- Moving to LA AD1 trying to sell something... i wait 30 sec and sell to merch
In GW i often forget to press Enter twice, but now I press Enter twice in msn or xfire
own age myname
- N, G, H. Even though only one of my friends still plays, but rarely. But atleast my guild is active.
- Putting ":P" after I talk
- Making characters for some awesome 15k armor, but deleting that character a month later because I never use them. I only have 5 real characters, the rest usually sit there lol.
- Getting stuck at Command Post on all my nightfall character, except for my dervish, because I'm too lazy to get Sunspear rank.
- Not sticking to one farming build, I usually waste more money buying skills for the build.
I probably a bunch more habits, but I can't think of them.
- Putting ":P" after I talk
- Making characters for some awesome 15k armor, but deleting that character a month later because I never use them. I only have 5 real characters, the rest usually sit there lol.
- Getting stuck at Command Post on all my nightfall character, except for my dervish, because I'm too lazy to get Sunspear rank.
- Not sticking to one farming build, I usually waste more money buying skills for the build.
I probably a bunch more habits, but I can't think of them.
We should have titles. 
These would be mine:
Packrat - Have more than 15 storage Toons
R-Runner - Run more than 1000 miles with auto run
"We Get the idea!" - Call the same target 5 times while in a group of all humans (side effect of H/Hing)
Jerk - Drive at least 3 hyper-language sensitive dipwads from your guild/alliance vent

These would be mine:
Packrat - Have more than 15 storage Toons
R-Runner - Run more than 1000 miles with auto run
"We Get the idea!" - Call the same target 5 times while in a group of all humans (side effect of H/Hing)
Jerk - Drive at least 3 hyper-language sensitive dipwads from your guild/alliance vent
Nanu Li
Many of the above plus during combat I tend to concentrate exclusively to the red dots on the compass which makes me miss a lot of nice graphics of the game, plus I move in a 2 dimension world and I get nervous when someone says "behind the hill" or "up the stairs"... but I'm really working on getting rid of this.
Mine would be:
Packrat - way too many mules and they're all full
Get money ... spend money - if I have over 100p in my storage, I'm gonna be looking to buy something (new set of armor, minis, etc). I just can't seem to hold onto platinum.
Packrat - way too many mules and they're all full
Get money ... spend money - if I have over 100p in my storage, I'm gonna be looking to buy something (new set of armor, minis, etc). I just can't seem to hold onto platinum.
I also just realised that I am part of the N-G-H club too QQ
N-H-G Club...
I tend to store important things and then keep them there.
I still have 27 Snowman Summoners, my Wintersday Summoning Stones, Fireworks/Sparklers/Champaign Poppers, Runes/Insignias etc. I can't/won't use, lots of sugar-high giving foods and alchohol, useless dyes, and the 176k I tend not to spend on much of anything. There's a ton of other festival hats/weapons/items in there, too. The only things that seem to move in and out of storage often lately are Z keys. I've recently gotten into the business of selling them.
I tend to store important things and then keep them there.
I still have 27 Snowman Summoners, my Wintersday Summoning Stones, Fireworks/Sparklers/Champaign Poppers, Runes/Insignias etc. I can't/won't use, lots of sugar-high giving foods and alchohol, useless dyes, and the 176k I tend not to spend on much of anything. There's a ton of other festival hats/weapons/items in there, too. The only things that seem to move in and out of storage often lately are Z keys. I've recently gotten into the business of selling them.
Xyon the Greatest
We should have titles.
![]() These would be mine: Packrat - Have more than 15 storage Toons R-Runner - Run more than 1000 miles with auto run "We Get the idea!" - Call the same target 5 times while in a group of all humans (side effect of H/Hing) Jerk - Drive at least 3 hyper-language sensitive dipwads from your guild/alliance vent |
Saborath Gilgalad
I spam space bar all the time, and then get mad when the game tells me I only have to do it once.
Try to back up slowly from a nasty aggro, just to see "ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss" in my chat bar.
Fighting for 20 min. to get to that boss that I HAVE to have the elite from...only to realize I didn't equip a Signet. One of the worse for me.
Fighting for 20 min. to get to that boss that I HAVE to have the elite from...only to realize I didn't equip a Signet. One of the worse for me.
Rikku Fae
After playing RA too much, I'll go into PvE, and if I die, I'll automatically type "Good game" in All Chat.