Bots in Jade Quarry
The bots in Jade Quarry seem to be getting quite prolific, at least on the Luxon side. Most days you expect to have one or two useless monk bots, mostly Mo/P's spamming Fallback at useless times (like 20 seconds before the counter hits 0), trying to RoJ moving targets and missing terribly and then running straight to the back of a hostile mine and getting WTF PWNED in seconds... respawn and repeat...
Lately the teams seem to be 3-5 bot monks every time during the hours I've been playing, every single time... I take the time to report them using the in-game report feature, both for botting and leeching... but they're still here. I've been reporting one very obvious bot most days for well over a month, and it's still there.
I'm guessing the bot reports filed with the in-game report feature go where? Straight into support's recycle bin?
What do you guys think, is it worth filing a ticket, taking screen shots (because you can SO see a bot in a screen shot) or does that route also get ignored by Anet?
I mean, these bots aren't selling gold so I doubt Anet cares in the least. Busy working on GW2 and all that...
Lately the teams seem to be 3-5 bot monks every time during the hours I've been playing, every single time... I take the time to report them using the in-game report feature, both for botting and leeching... but they're still here. I've been reporting one very obvious bot most days for well over a month, and it's still there.
I'm guessing the bot reports filed with the in-game report feature go where? Straight into support's recycle bin?
What do you guys think, is it worth filing a ticket, taking screen shots (because you can SO see a bot in a screen shot) or does that route also get ignored by Anet?
I mean, these bots aren't selling gold so I doubt Anet cares in the least. Busy working on GW2 and all that...
Report feature is stupid and ineffectual. You can't automate banning, since it will lead to abuse, but ANET must then have human beings staffing the reports.. I'd guess that they're most likely overwhelmed by all the random reporting that goes on in game.
So the solution is what? To hang out on the official wiki, especially Gaile's talk page, tell her how much I love her and then "oh, by the way... can you do something about these nasty bots, they're making me cry *sob*"
Because that route seems so effective for her sycophants... I mean 'followers'.
Because that route seems so effective for her sycophants... I mean 'followers'.
Martin Alvito
OK, so:
1) You can bot free money (faction) at low cost.
2) Said free money is the most efficient bottable farm available.
3) /report punishes those who use it unless others also independently /report.
4) Support has limited resources with which to deal with /report requests.
What follows is that anything that can be botted should be botted.
IMO, you should be grateful that 8 players join on either side in JQ, as that has been impossible for years. That said, yes the bots suck, but the present incentive system ANet has created guarantees their presence.
1) You can bot free money (faction) at low cost.
2) Said free money is the most efficient bottable farm available.
3) /report punishes those who use it unless others also independently /report.
4) Support has limited resources with which to deal with /report requests.
What follows is that anything that can be botted should be botted.
IMO, you should be grateful that 8 players join on either side in JQ, as that has been impossible for years. That said, yes the bots suck, but the present incentive system ANet has created guarantees their presence.
Dakka Dakka
hmm this thread looks promising *click*
nope it is just another QQ post, please, go ahead and cry some more it won't change anything but it might make you feel better
nope it is just another QQ post, please, go ahead and cry some more it won't change anything but it might make you feel better

Shayne Hawke
I question whether my teammates even recognize if there's a bot on either side. Would be nice if botting reports were seen publicly, similar to leeching.
So you like the bots ruining some aspects of the game, and are satisfied with doing nothing about it? Or are you just making bad posts because you like whining too?
Bob Slydell
Report feature is stupid and ineffectual. You can't automate banning, since it will lead to abuse, but ANET must then have human beings staffing the reports.. I'd guess that they're most likely overwhelmed by all the random reporting that goes on in game.
"Hey Joe, lets get a few friends and head over to RA to report this guy for a bad name even tho his name is "Bob the Mesmer" All our reports will look honest because there is more than one person reporting him!"
Joe: "Hey not a bad idea man, he messed up our precious sync by accident! It wasnt his fault, he should get banned for it tho lolol"
The next day Bob tries to log on "Sorry, Suspended 72 Hours for innapropriate name"
Crash Override
I've been playing a lot of JQ lately and frequently find at LEAST 2-3 Mo/P's on both sides. Luxon is a little more common, but it's definitely not just them doing it.
Solution? Allow teams to be formed like in AB. Not only will it promote unity and tactics (a major plus in my opinion), you'd no longer see bots getting in and ruining a potentially good JQ game.
And if you really want my 2 cents, I wish FA would go the same route, though I don't believe there are bots in FA (correct me if I'm wrong).
Solution? Allow teams to be formed like in AB. Not only will it promote unity and tactics (a major plus in my opinion), you'd no longer see bots getting in and ruining a potentially good JQ game.
And if you really want my 2 cents, I wish FA would go the same route, though I don't believe there are bots in FA (correct me if I'm wrong).
Legendary Jamie
If you can't beat them, join them.
That's what I did.
That's what I did.
that's why you got permabanned?
Legendary Jamie
Crash Override
Test Me
Solution? Allow teams to be formed like in AB. Not only will it promote unity and tactics (a major plus in my opinion), you'd no longer see bots getting in and ruining a potentially good JQ game.
Then let me tell you what happened to me this weekend during the AB event. So I'm there looking for a party and get a random invite. Wth... I accept. The party leader was a Mo/P that was inviting everything in sight crazy fast. Didn't look so suspicious in the beginning. Was just impress by *his* keyboard/mouse targeting skills.
2 other random people join us and there we go. No one said a thing, not even "hi"

We get in, party leader goes to some random door, game starts... and there we go. My Mo/P party leader starts running around like a headless chicken. Yeah, he was a bot in AB able to form parties, apparently.
Heck as far as I can see they could probably form 4 bot teams and get into AB...
Blame it on the design.
There was no incentive for botting when no char titles were tied to faction and playing there.
There was no incentive for botting when no char titles were tied to faction and playing there.
I report every bot I see and never get hex, even with less than 1/3 lol. The hex loves you instead! Oh and if you don't like when people don't report, just start leeching too.
Thanks for the tip!
hmm this thread looks promising *click*
whine,whine,whine nope it is just another QQ post, please, go ahead and cry some more it won't change anything but it might make you feel better ![]() |

But @ OP;
Why are you playing JQ in the first place. And if you hate all the bots being arround I assume you don't like it anymore so just go play something else. Perhabs thats the best solution there is, cause Anet is not really about to change it I think. So just stop crying about the fact there are some bots in JQ, go play something different, and live happily after.
ll Jamie ll
Well this thread has already turned into a flaming session, QQ threads tend to turn out like this anyway...
P.S OP; If your really that concerned then send something to support, (although i doubt anything will happen
) putting it on guru forums won't change a thing.
P.S OP; If your really that concerned then send something to support, (although i doubt anything will happen

Legendary Jamie
Well this thread has already turned into a flaming session, QQ threads tend to turn out like this anyway...
/close? P.S OP; If your really that concerned then send something to support, (although i doubt anything will happen ![]() |
There will always be people willing to break the rules and people who don't care if they are ruining the game for other people, on the flip side there will always be people willing to make forum threads about the people ruining the game even though absolutely nothing good is going to come from it.
Zodiac Meteor
Thank you captain hindsight.
Woops, sorry, captain troll. I'm sure as soon as I post this the thread will be closed, if not I'll send a report.
Edit: Nope
P.S "Hackers" was a terrible film and is a horrible misrepresentation of real hackers. |
Nope, never been banned for botting. |
If you can't beat them, join them. That's what I did. |
Edit: Nope
Mo/p is a reasonable choice for jq so you can't assume every mo/p is a bot. I personally don't bother to report . My thinking is if you want the title that badly and it still means something to you knowing how you got it then enjoy. I do think there are more bots on Luxon, just based on a 3 week period where I played a few matches every day and never won. Even assuming I am the worst player ever and drag my team down, I should get a win every now and then by blind chance. During AB wewkend however I was able to get a nice number of wins. I assume the bottites switched to ab for the double faction.
Problem with people trying to scam the system i that the scammers are always a couple steps ahead of the people regulating them.
Problem with people trying to scam the system i that the scammers are always a couple steps ahead of the people regulating them.
Xanthe Dashka
Blame the rewards for winning/losing.
Nerf the rewards and you will see many bots dissapear.
Ofcourse people will leave as well because this game is all about ranks, stats and nobody cares about playing that map for fun.
Nerf the rewards and you will see many bots dissapear.
Ofcourse people will leave as well because this game is all about ranks, stats and nobody cares about playing that map for fun.
I'm in the side of the's a shame that these bots exist, as I won't come close to Jade Quarry on the Luxon side any more.
It seems that the Luxons lose about 75%+ of the time due to 3-4 Mo/P bots charging headfirst into shrines or sitting at the back of an already captured shrine for no apparent reason. It's extremely frustrating and sad for such a fun map.
It seems that the Luxons lose about 75%+ of the time due to 3-4 Mo/P bots charging headfirst into shrines or sitting at the back of an already captured shrine for no apparent reason. It's extremely frustrating and sad for such a fun map.
Xanthe Dashka
Anet should make JQ and FA random. You enter at any outpost but you won't know what map you'll play on. More different builds and less bots. And LESS WAITING!
Rewards are good for everything. They don't have to be titles or faction.
Karate Jesus
I don't know if this has been mentioned yet or not, but Gaile has a botwatch page on GWW:
I don't know how much that page actually helps, but at least it's an option other than /report or submitting a support ticket (both of which seem to go ignored as far as bots are concerned).
I don't know how much that page actually helps, but at least it's an option other than /report or submitting a support ticket (both of which seem to go ignored as far as bots are concerned).