So I'm sort of lazy, but not too much so! I've been scouring the internet for solutions, unsuccessfully, but I don't want to pay $99.99 for a 2 minute reply from a condescending twat.
So, I'm asking you guru!
I have a web-based email for my school. You go to the Microsoft Outlook Webmail website, type in your username (we'll use sbunny here), your school password, and voila, you have your email.
I want to be able to access this email from outlook 2007, which will hopefully log me in automatically so I can just leave it up without the fairly annoying log-in which is required every time I want to check my mail.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Microsoft Exchange (Outlook Web Access) with Outlook 2007 HOW 2???
Snow Bunny
Bob Slydell
Not exactly sure how to on Outlook, but I used my Outlook Webaccess account from my college email on Mozilla Thunderbird. Had something to do with getting the mail service and the suffix of your email address correct when you set it up.
Lemme use an example here... well say [email protected] was the email address. When i set it up it was either pop3 or IMAP or something like that. But the server name had to be
Lemme use an example here... well say [email protected] was the email address. When i set it up it was either pop3 or IMAP or something like that. But the server name had to be