28 Jul 2009 at 02:29 - 1
Krazy Kat's Commissions!
Welcome to my commission thread! I will be making animated gifs of any situation in Guild Wars that you request. I also can remove the background off any number of characters you want. You may also visit my deviantART page and gallery if you'd like to see more examples.

Fill out the appropriate request form below and post it in this thread. Animated gifs: I will meet you in game and will record a video of the situation described in your posting.
Background removal: I will meet you in game (preferably in an unpopulated district of Random Arenas by the gray tent) to take a picture of the character(s) you wish to have background removal done on. I will then remove the background and put the character(s) in a new background of your choosing (make sure you honor any copyrights). If you would like the pictures with the background removed, I will send them to you via e-mail.

Simple GIFs: 10K per
Advanced GIFs: 5K and up extra
Background Removal: 10K per character
*Advanced GIFs require extra effort to make, such as traveling time to area requested, combining videos, syncing characters, etc. (An example of an advanced gif is clearing Hell's Precipice to record a video of whacking the Lich Lord.)
Animated GIF Request Form

In-game name:
Description of GIF: (Your character doing an emote, attacking enemy, performing a skill, etc)
Size: 100x100, 150x150, etc. If size is not provided then I will create a GIF at a size of my discretion.
Special Requests for GIFs (Optional): Banner Text (Include Colours), and Slow-Down/Speed Up (Specify if you want the entire GIF slowed down/sped up or just a certain part), Combining Videos
Timezone and Availability:
Background Removal Request Form

In-game name:
How many characters?:
Size: 1920x1080, 150x150, etc. If size is not provided then I will create an image at a size of my discretion.
New Background:
Timezone and Availability:
If you want the pictures with the background removed, please PM me your e-mail address.
Contacting Me

You may reach me in game by whispering my main account Krazy Katherine. You may also reach me on my second account Joyous Jasmine but it is highly preferred that you contact me on my main account as I watch it the most. You may also PM here on Guru or post in this thread if you'd like. I live in New York City (Eastern Standard Time or GMT -5) and am generally online in the afternoons and evenings. Sometimes on rare occasions you can find me online in the mornings too

Keep in mind that I also provide a dungeon running service as well and at times may have delays getting your requests fulfilled.
Completed Requests for Animated GIFs

Icy The Mage (
#1, #2 v1, #2 v2, #3, #4)
Lumin Solia (#1, #2)
Tender Wolf (#1)
Mara Darkstrike (#1, #2)
Alacrity Deathpixie (#1, #2 v1, #2 v2, #3, #4 pt1, #4 pt2, Freebie #1, Freebie #2, Freebie #3, Freebie #4)
Konig Des Todes (#1)
Luna Lynn (#1)
Completed Requests for Background Removal
The Lirin Namer (#1, #2)
Luna Lynn (#1)
Miss Temptress (#1, #2)
Waiting List