EU players having a hard time
atleast, thats what i think. whenever i see a cool guild i would be interested joining, i get the same answer if i ask them where the guildies are mostly from; USA.
now that doesnt matter much to me, but it would mean that if i want to play with the guys, id have to stay up till like 3-4 am. which i cant do cause i have a job etc.
ive been looking for a well established, EU based highend pve guild, but it seems that theyre just not there. or atleast, they dont have recruitment posts.
i would like to hear fellow europeans about this matter, and offcourse everyones elses input is welcome too
now that doesnt matter much to me, but it would mean that if i want to play with the guys, id have to stay up till like 3-4 am. which i cant do cause i have a job etc.
ive been looking for a well established, EU based highend pve guild, but it seems that theyre just not there. or atleast, they dont have recruitment posts.
i would like to hear fellow europeans about this matter, and offcourse everyones elses input is welcome too
I understand your concern and can see where you are coming from.
However I disagree that there are no european based guilds/alliances that are decent.
All but 2 of our members are EU based and we were in an alliance until recently that is also based in Europe.
The guilds you find may not do exactly what you want, all the time but that doesn't mean that they aren't good guilds. Also it's hard to find perfect guilds whether US or EU based anyway.
I'm very happy with our guild, as we play for fun and enjoy the company of friends in the guild; so it is possible to find what you're after. You just have to search a little harder
However I disagree that there are no european based guilds/alliances that are decent.
All but 2 of our members are EU based and we were in an alliance until recently that is also based in Europe.
The guilds you find may not do exactly what you want, all the time but that doesn't mean that they aren't good guilds. Also it's hard to find perfect guilds whether US or EU based anyway.
I'm very happy with our guild, as we play for fun and enjoy the company of friends in the guild; so it is possible to find what you're after. You just have to search a little harder
atleast, thats what i think. whenever i see a cool guild i would be interested joining, i get the same answer if i ask them where the guildies are mostly from; USA.
now that doesnt matter much to me, but it would mean that if i want to play with the guys, id have to stay up till like 3-4 am. which i cant do cause i have a job etc. ive been looking for a well established, EU based highend pve guild, but it seems that theyre just not there. or atleast, they dont have recruitment posts. i would like to hear fellow europeans about this matter, and offcourse everyones elses input is welcome too |
Alot of the really good guilds are more internationally based though as they attract a wider range of people.
Eddie Frenzy Spam
All you have to do is take a look at the top 100 GvG ladder to see how wrong you are. The majority of it is European.
Not everyone is into PvP. The OP specifically mentioned PvE guilds in his post.
Better than that, the chances of your average Guild Wars player getting into a top 100 guild that is European is probably not that great.
I think he has a pretty valid point to be honest.
Better than that, the chances of your average Guild Wars player getting into a top 100 guild that is European is probably not that great.
I think he has a pretty valid point to be honest.
Hyru Jin
Yes, same concern here. At the moment I´m in a Luxon FFF MQSC guild to max luxon, but when I have done that I will have to look for a decent HM PvE Title/hunting guild again.
Not looking forward to it.
EDIT: If anyone has found a decent PvE HM Guild you can always PM me.
Not looking forward to it.
EDIT: If anyone has found a decent PvE HM Guild you can always PM me.
savage vapor 33
Guild Ladder
See the percentage of Euro guilds vs. everyone else...
And you think they are having a hard time? QQ more please.
Guild Ladder
See the percentage of Euro guilds vs. everyone else...
And you think they are having a hard time? QQ more please.
Hyru Jin
Not everyone is into PvP. The OP specifically mentioned PvE guilds in his post.
Better than that, the chances of your average Guild Wars player getting into a top 100 guild that is European is probably not that great. I think he has a pretty valid point to be honest. |
im talking about pve and not about pvp
Way to completely miss the point.. do you honestly think that the percentages aren't going to be similar for pve guilds? Do a little thinking..
I know how you feel. What makes this worse is most of them sit in the US districts now as well which makes them harder to find. Alot of the really good guilds are more internationally based though as they attract a wider range of people. |
Using statistics from a PvP ladder hardly helps here. Also bare in mind that just because the guild was created in Europe it doesn't necessarily mean it is still under European control either.
atleast, thats what i think. whenever i see a cool guild i would be interested joining, i get the same answer if i ask them where the guildies are mostly from; USA. now that doesnt matter much to me, but it would mean that if i want to play with the guys, id have to stay up till like 3-4 am. which i cant do cause i have a job etc. ive been looking for a well established, EU based highend pve guild, but it seems that theyre just not there. or atleast, they dont have recruitment posts. i would like to hear fellow europeans about this matter, and offcourse everyones elses input is welcome too |
Yes I do. This is from experience, not from thinking. I have already stated my reasons why. Maybe if you read what I posted already you would have seen this.
Now, please show me where all these well established high end PvE guilds are that are mostly European. I would like to see this high percentage. Note, European high end PvE guilds, not top 100 PvP guilds. There is a significant difference there in what the OP is looking for. Using statistics from a PvP ladder hardly helps here. Also bare in mind that just because the guild was created in Europe it doesn't necessarily mean it is still under European control either. |
fact is however, that most if not all, highend pve guild are american based
Achrr The Archer
fact is however, that most if not all, highend pve guild are american based
Quote for the truth, but there's still going to be all these pvp people saying "Look at, just think about it". Anyways like I said before my post got deleted, try to find happy medium with people from EU and America.
Maria Moon
Since the change so that you can jump servers easily and as many times as you want, many European guilds have either started advertising in American districts due to the lack of players in European English district or have gone for the mix of American/European guild member approach.
If you really, really want to have a European only guild perhaps try the PvE Looking for Section.
If you really, really want to have a European only guild perhaps try the PvE Looking for Section.
Jecht Scye
I'm an American in a guild almost completely composed of Europeans.
Way to completely miss the point.. do you honestly think that the percentages aren't going to be similar for pve guilds? Do a little thinking..
PvE and PvP are largely different parts of the game. It's very possible, especially at this point in GW's lifetime, that the vast majority of guilds would be PvP based after beating campaigns and such, and/or that the PvE guilds have enough members to meet their goals and aren't actively recruiting.
The PvP ladders only show that the European guilds tend to do better in PvP. It's not an accurate way of showing the number of PvE guilds or total European guilds in general.
I'm American, so I'm going to take the OP's word on the fact that he/she can't find what he's/she's looking for. All I can argue is that the PvP ladder isn't a helpful tool in finding a PvE guild.
Copenhagen Master
I am actually in LaZy guild and we have alot of players that are from Europe that play with us all the time, even my old guild was mainly European and a couple from Asia area
No, I think you're still missing the point. He's not saying that he should join a pvp guild. 70% of the guild ladder (top 1000) is european while 25% is american. He's saying that those numbers would roughly represent the number of euro and american pve guilds.
Also, this:
I'm an American in a guild almost completely composed of Europeans.
Also, I'd like to know what exactly "highend PvE guild" means. Does that mean 'hardcore?' As in: guild has voice comm, most players are on many hours a day, frequently doing SC's, dungeons, and elite areas? Or, does it just mean a guild that is of a medium to large size, active, and plays often in high end PvE? If the latter, [As] is definitely that, although some of us can be considered of the former ilk.
This is no offense to my fellow Americans, but I would much rather play with people in other countries. Not for any unpatriotic reasons, I'm just usually playing at off-hours, and the conversation is much more fun instead of just regurgitating popular media. I get enough of that with RL friends.
I disagree that a guild that the OP is looking for exists, but yes finding the right Guild is hard. Part of this is because people looking for Guilds often don't know what they're looking for, and also because its pretty hard to sum up the nature of a Guild in a block of text that people won't get bored reading. But yes, those guilds do exist. Post a Looking for Guild message on Guru.
This is something I often wonder about when trying advertise or when approaching people looking for a guild. Is regular HM missions, vanquishes, dungeons enough to count as High End? Or is that title only reserved for those that clear out UW, Fow, DoA, the Deep and Urgoz 3 times a night?
In all honesty I think that the term means different things to different people and just saying "lf high end pve" is going to get you in a number of "wrong" guilds. If you're looking, ask questions about Guilds you're interested in, make sure you know what you want and that what they're saying matches what you want quite closely. There's always the option to make your own if you really can't find what you want, but its never an easy thing to do.
Also, I'd like to know what exactly "highend PvE guild" means. Does that mean 'hardcore?' As in: guild has voice comm, most players are on many hours a day, frequently doing SC's, dungeons, and elite areas? Or, does it just mean a guild that is of a medium to large size, active, and plays often in high end PvE?
In all honesty I think that the term means different things to different people and just saying "lf high end pve" is going to get you in a number of "wrong" guilds. If you're looking, ask questions about Guilds you're interested in, make sure you know what you want and that what they're saying matches what you want quite closely. There's always the option to make your own if you really can't find what you want, but its never an easy thing to do.
I disagree that a guild that the OP is looking for exists, but yes finding the right Guild is hard. Part of this is because people looking for Guilds often don't know what they're looking for, and also because its pretty hard to sum up the nature of a Guild in a block of text that people won't get bored reading. But yes, those guilds do exist. Post a Looking for Guild message on Guru.
No one is saying the European high end guilds don't exist, only that there seems to be a small number of the good ones in existance due to most high end PvE guilds going with more international playerbases.
This is something I often wonder about when trying advertise or when approaching people looking for a guild. Is regular HM missions, vanquishes, dungeons enough to count as High End? Or is that title only reserved for those that clear out UW, Fow, DoA, the Deep and Urgoz 3 times a night? |
In all honesty I think that the term means different things to different people and just saying "lf high end pve" is going to get you in a number of "wrong" guilds. If you're looking, ask questions about Guilds you're interested in, make sure you know what you want and that what they're saying matches what you want quite closely. |
There's always the option to make your own if you really can't find what you want, but its never an easy thing to do. |
I would say Europe in general went into 'underground' i.e. less and less international guilds and more and more nation-oriented small (15-20 people) professional guilds, centred mainly around friends of friends who know friends etc. if you get what I mean. There are not many 'laid-back' and 'pve-oriented' guilds who do really anything besides chit-chatting and occasional AB with member count over 50 if you ask me (and that's again my own experience).
Eddie Frenzy Spam
PvE and PvP are largely different parts of the game. It's very possible, especially at this point in GW's lifetime, that the vast majority of guilds would be PvP based after beating campaigns and such, and/or that the PvE guilds have enough members to meet their goals and aren't actively recruiting. The PvP ladders only show that the European guilds tend to do better in PvP. It's not an accurate way of showing the number of PvE guilds or total European guilds in general. I'm American, so I'm going to take the OP's word on the fact that he/she can't find what he's/she's looking for. All I can argue is that the PvP ladder isn't a helpful tool in finding a PvE guild. |
Now, here's how I see it. Let's say 75% of the players are PvE'ers and 25% are PvP'ers (Not exact figures but all that matters is that there is more PvE than PvP), if we have a large population of players then it's safe to assume there will be more of both PvE'ers and PvP'ers but the ratio of PvE:PvP will stay ROUGHLY the same.
So using the logic it's pretty safe to assume that if we have a large amount of PvP'ers dominating in a certain area, then extrapolating backwards on our previous ratio, it would be reasonably safe to say that there is more PvE'ers also in this region.
In our case, the majority of the Guild Wars ladder is european, by quite a long shot, so using the logic that there is more PvE'ers than PvP'ers, I would say that there is also more PvE'ers in Europe than in America.
I do realise there are other factors to consider, Europeans may be more competitive, they may simply be better players or some other wierd factors but I think the overwhelming amount of European guilds on the ladder compared to american would suggest to me it's a much bigger factor, something like population.
Now unless your guild is extremely big, it will be hard to get very noticed in the PvE community, so I find it very, very hard to believe that there are no big European guilds out there, they're just not so big that they are noticed. I think you just have to look a bit more.
Personally, especially when looking for European guilds, using Guru isn't as great a tool as you think it is. Nowadays you won't even see that many European guilds advertise on Guru anymore except some of the ones that generally have diminishing player bases, whether due to inactivity, or lack of commitment by players, officers, and leaders to do stuff.
(I'll get it in the open here that I am NOT advertising my Guild as a suitable candidate for a high end Guild. Yes we're primarily Euro and we do the "high end" content, but we're far too unorganised to constitute advertising ourselves as a high end guild. People just do and organise stuff as they want to - works for us, not for many people)
You're right. I generally avoid guilds that advertise they do "insert elite area, dungeons here" then just allow anyone who asks for an invite into their guild without even asking a few questions about what they can do, etc.
Yup totally agree with you there.
Well what I was getting at was the simple fact that there are a vast majority more PvE players than PvP players. I don't think anyone will dispute that.
Now, here's how I see it. Let's say 75% of the players are PvE'ers and 25% are PvP'ers (Not exact figures but all that matters is that there is more PvE than PvP), if we have a large population of players then it's safe to assume there will be more of both PvE'ers and PvP'ers but the ratio of PvE:PvP will stay ROUGHLY the same. So using the logic it's pretty safe to assume that if we have a large amount of PvP'ers dominating in a certain area, then extrapolating backwards on our previous ratio, it would be reasonably safe to say that there is more PvE'ers also in this region. In our case, the majority of the Guild Wars ladder is european, by quite a long shot, so using the logic that there is more PvE'ers than PvP'ers, I would say that there is also more PvE'ers in Europe than in America. I do realise there are other factors to consider, Europeans may be more competitive, they may simply be better players or some other wierd factors but I think the overwhelming amount of European guilds on the ladder compared to american would suggest to me it's a much bigger factor, something like population. |
Now bare in mind there is also language barriers to break down in the European communitiy to consider. You'll find a good percentage of European guilds may be Dutch, German, etc and generally they stick together which forms a kind of segregation.
Also let's think about high level GvG for a second. Most teams will stick to one region where they can, because it makes it easier for them to plan, play etc. It doesn't really work like that in PvE because there is no competition in PvE. People can play as and when they choose and do stuff at will. This is not to say that some GvG guilds are not internationally based, but you can see my point when it comes down to core teams.
The problem here, and the main point I'm trying to make, is that you are trying to use maths based off a PvP ladder to garner rough estimates on PvE and there's way too many factors to consider for the player to even be able to do that with any relative accuracy.
Now unless your guild is extremely big, it will be hard to get very noticed in the PvE community, so I find it very, very hard to believe that there are no big European guilds out there, they're just not so big that they are noticed. I think you just have to look a bit more. |
You could probably name several good European PvE guilds off the top of your head for PvP (assuming you follow it) but can you say the same about European high end PvE guilds?
As someone who's on the running side and not on the looking side of the divide I'll tentatively agree. I don't often look at what other Guilds are doing in terms of recruitment, but I have noticed the trend of diminishing player bases both in the quantity of guilds recruiting and the activity in our guild and alliance. I could get into a debate about why etc but thats really a subject for another thread or private PM. Problem is, how do you reach people outside the game other than using fan forums, of which Guru arguably gets the most traffic. Please, if you know another way, let me know.
I have always found the really good guilds have been born out of small groups of friends who have wanted to grow their core groups.
(I'll get it in the open here that I am NOT advertising my Guild as a suitable candidate for a high end Guild. Yes we're primarily Euro and we do the "high end" content, but we're far too unorganised to constitute advertising ourselves as a high end guild. People just do and organise stuff as they want to - works for us, not for many people) |
I've been in a few US guilds even though I'm GMT
It caused probelms sometimes ( as in when I converted the times wrong and it turns out they activly GvG at 4am i nthe morning my time-.-)
But the High end PvE ones I was were pretty good, Joined with an American freind and it worked well. The leader and officers left to persue pvp though, left soon after that.
BTw silly question but are you sure your asking guilds in the Euro districts and not the US?
made a similair mistake when I returned fro ma long break.
It caused probelms sometimes ( as in when I converted the times wrong and it turns out they activly GvG at 4am i nthe morning my time-.-)
But the High end PvE ones I was were pretty good, Joined with an American freind and it worked well. The leader and officers left to persue pvp though, left soon after that.
BTw silly question but are you sure your asking guilds in the Euro districts and not the US?
made a similair mistake when I returned fro ma long break.
Think you have it tough as a European? Try being from the Asia Pacific region; especially Australia and New Zealand.
My guild is full of european people. the only people we have outside the EU is 2 aussie members, 1 aussie officer and the leader is aussie!
rest of us are from europe so were all on at the same times.
it just takes time to find the right guild for you.
rest of us are from europe so were all on at the same times.
it just takes time to find the right guild for you.
I'm in the US and had exactly the opposite problem. All of the guilds that I could find who were high end PVE were in the UK.
own age myname
Probably about 50% of the guilds I've been in are Euro. Actually, the longest guild I was ever in was Euro. They weren't hardcore, but they were fun to play with.
It was TIGE alliance, I'm pretty sure it's still around. It was Guild of the Week (or month? I forget) a long time ago.
It was TIGE alliance, I'm pretty sure it's still around. It was Guild of the Week (or month? I forget) a long time ago.
Devastating Flames
most the guilds that are good have to cater to many different wants and needs they cant focus on one persons remember ur 1 in 100 in that guild. and theirs lots of euro guilds and alot of good euro players
Nereyda Shoaal
I'm an American in a guild almost completely composed of Europeans.
Sometimes I'm the only person online in the 50+ active members guild. It changed few weeks ago - holidays etc. More than half of the people don't know me and vice versa
That's why are alliances... you can build one to cover all timezones. It's not impossible, my previous alliance had that
Anyway, seriously post on the forums to find a guild. And the top 1000 guilds are on the ladder. You need a rating of 998 to be on ladder, you start out with 1000 and will get a rank after you do one gvg match. The ladder does not show that euros are more focused at high end pvp or better at it, it just shows the majority of guilds.
pumpkin pie
atleast, thats what i think. whenever i see a cool guild i would be interested joining, i get the same answer if i ask them where the guildies are mostly from; USA.
now that doesnt matter much to me, but it would mean that if i want to play with the guys, id have to stay up till like 3-4 am. which i cant do cause i have a job etc. ive been looking for a well established, EU based highend pve guild, but it seems that theyre just not there. or atleast, they dont have recruitment posts. i would like to hear fellow europeans about this matter, and offcourse everyones elses input is welcome too |
Fril Estelin
Think you have it tough as a European? Try being from the Asia Pacific region; especially Australia and New Zealand. |
OP: Seriously, I sympathise; if you've got friends around who play the game it might be better to stick with them if you really can't find a guild.
In either case, good luck.