I woul like full runs of the Propheces and Nightfall campaign in HM. Post prices here and the time you are available and I will pm you in game.
(the prices for the runs should be considered with me afk)
Looking for HM Mission Runs
Occisor Phasma
Great Northern Wall - 3k
Fort Ranik - 5k
Ruins of Surmia - 5k
Nolani Academy - 5k
Borlis Pass - 7k
Frost Gate - 8k
Gates of Kryta - 8k
D'Alessio Seaboard - 10k
Divinity Coast - 12k *
The Wilds - 12k
Riverside Province - 15k
Sanctum Cay - 12k
Thirsty River 14k
Dragon's Lair - 20k *
Ice Caves of Sorrow - 13k
Iron Mines of Moladune - 15k
Ring of Fire - 20k *
Abaddon's Mouth - 20k *
Hell's Precipice 23k *
Missions marked with a "*" only with consumables.
Fort Ranik - 5k
Ruins of Surmia - 5k
Nolani Academy - 5k
Borlis Pass - 7k
Frost Gate - 8k
Gates of Kryta - 8k
D'Alessio Seaboard - 10k
Divinity Coast - 12k *
The Wilds - 12k
Riverside Province - 15k
Sanctum Cay - 12k
Thirsty River 14k
Dragon's Lair - 20k *
Ice Caves of Sorrow - 13k
Iron Mines of Moladune - 15k
Ring of Fire - 20k *
Abaddon's Mouth - 20k *
Hell's Precipice 23k *
Missions marked with a "*" only with consumables.
Occisor Phasma
bring up my post