PC Gloom Shield str 9, AL +10 vs slashing, -2 enchanting oldschool
Van Couver
can anybody tells me something about this shield:
Gloom Shield str 9, AL +10 vs slashing, -2 enchanting oldschool
ty & cheers
ty all
in any case somebody is interessted in this:
can anybody tells me something about this shield:
Gloom Shield str 9, AL +10 vs slashing, -2 enchanting oldschool
ty & cheers
ty all
in any case somebody is interessted in this:
Van Couver
bump ... anyone ?
I'd say 15-25k but hard PC though.
Total Lockdown
I agree with Slabby....hard to PC so yea IMO 15-25k as well
You give a 9% shield a pc of 25k then give this the same?
Personally have sold a few 10/-2 slashing shields for 50k+, would go for that.
Personally have sold a few 10/-2 slashing shields for 50k+, would go for that.
Total Lockdown
on that post ur talking about I said 15-20k not 15-25K and yes 10-2 can sell for 50k ez
So I reedit MI
So I reedit MI
Matrix Arcade
Total, ur PC's r kinda random >_> 15-20, 20-25k, kind of a small diffirence when 1 is worthless and the other is worth more. DESE PPL WILL GET TEH WRONG IDEA'S 
'bout the shield.. I'd agree with Stuey.. sold a couple +10vs slash/-2 for 50kish aswell, gloom is bad skin tho so might be a slightly harder sale.

'bout the shield.. I'd agree with Stuey.. sold a couple +10vs slash/-2 for 50kish aswell, gloom is bad skin tho so might be a slightly harder sale.
IMO 30 -40k because gloom is an ugly skin but If u really wanna sell for 50kot may take longer
Van Couver
ty all
in any case somebody is interessted in this:
in any case somebody is interessted in this:
I stay with 15-25k.
I own a few +10/-2 shields myself with rarer skins like Emblazoned and GotH which I got for less than 25k. The market for these is small and asking 50k is silly, nobody buys them for that much.
I own a few +10/-2 shields myself with rarer skins like Emblazoned and GotH which I got for less than 25k. The market for these is small and asking 50k is silly, nobody buys them for that much.
As stated I also sold 10 or more of those 10/2 shields for 50k+, some over 100k. I sold my r9 emblazoned for 60k and it was not hard. Just because you found deals, does not mean it is "silly" to ask for 50k. There are buyers out there, and most I did not have a hard time selling either. You cannot mod a shield like that, and some prefer -2 over 30hp. I did not post saying your "opinion" was "silly", and I was stating based on many I have sold, and others I have seen as well as Arc also has sold some for the same price. I can go into a long list of things I have seen people selling just to get rid of for cheap, does not mean that is their value.
My comment above was about a shield that Total PC'd that was 9/2 and he said 20k on it, and honestly those never sell, and then agrees on this price at 5k more.....
My comment above was about a shield that Total PC'd that was 9/2 and he said 20k on it, and honestly those never sell, and then agrees on this price at 5k more.....